Example Photometric Pipeline Parameters

The spectroscopic pipeline creates a phot object from a parameter file. The example below shows some example parameters. A library of parameter files is available at https://github.com/eas342/tshirt/tree/master/tshirt/parameters/spec_params

procFiles: /Users/everettschlawin/Documents/single_systems/kic1255/kuiperUT2016_06_12/allimg/proc/k1255*.fits ## files on which to do Phot
excludeList: null
srcName: KIC 12557548
srcNameShort: kic1255test
nightName: UT2016_06_12
refStarPos: ## positions of the stars in [x,y]. The first one is the target
   - [750.7, 682.4]
   - [843.3, 681.8]
   - [918.5, 731.6]
   - [877.4, 589.8]
   - [483.3, 580.6]
   - [552.8, 421.8]
   - [193.87, 499.77]
refPhotCentering: null ## photometry fits file where to obtain centroid shifts to apply from 1 star/source
copyCentroidFile: null ## photometry or centroid fits file where to obtain centroids to avoid re-calculating
srcGeometry: Circular ## Source aperture geometry, Circular or Rectangular
bkgSub: True ## Do background subtraction?
bkgGeometry: CircularAnnulus ## Background geometry, Circular Annulus or Rectangular
bkgMethod: mean ## Method for background estimate (mean, median, robust mean, colrow)
apRadius: 9. ## Source aperture radius
#apHeight: 40 ## Source aperture height (only for rectangular aperture)
#apWidth: 1502 ## Source aperture width (only for rectangular aperture)
#nanTreatment: 'zero' ## How to treat NaNs in image? 'zero' will set to 0. 'value' will set to nanReplaceValue
backStart: 9. ## Background annulus start radius
backEnd: 12. ## Background annulus end radius
#backHeight: 40 ## background aperture height (for rectangular background)
#backWidth: 1502 ## background aperture width (only for rectangular aperture)
backOffset: [0.,0.] ## Background offset (from source centroid)
boxFindSize: 18 ## the half-width of the box used for source centroiding
jdRef: 2457551 ## JD reference offset to subtract
#timingMethod: JWSTint ## how to assign integration times? None, 'JWSTint' will add int time
scaleAperture: False ## Scale the aperture with the FWHM?
apScale: 2.5 ## number of times the FWHM for aperture-scaling
apRange: [2,17] ## min/max range of allowed FHWM, when scaling
isCube: False ## Is the data a cube (3D)?
cubePlane: 0 ## The plane to choose if data is in cubes
doCentering: False ## Center the aperturess with Gaussian?
FITSextension: 0 ## FITS extension of science frames
HEADextension: 0 ## FITS extension of the header info (for exposure and timing)
isSlope: False ## Is the FITS image a slope image that should be multiplied by the int time?
subpixelMethod: exact ## Method for subpixel positions in aperture photometry. "exact" will calculate exactly while "center" will use whole pixels (faster to run)
readNoise: null ## Read noise in electrons
detectorGain: null ## Optionally specify the detector gain e-/DN
dateFormat: Two Part ## Format of date. "Two Part" is split over DATE-OBS and TIME-OBS, whereas "One Part" is all in DATE-OBS
diagnosticMode: False ## diagnostic mode where you will show intermediate steps like row-by-row fits?
bkgOrderX: 1 ## polynomial order for row-by-row background subtraction (if bkgMethod is 'colrow')
bkgOrderY: 1 ## polynomial order for col-by-col background subtraction (if bkgMethod is 'colrow')
backsub_directions: ['Y', 'X'] ## directions and order in which to do polynomial colrow subtraction
saturationVal: null ## put in a value so that if the source aperture has more than satNPix points, it's counted as NaN. If None, ignored.
satNPix: 5 ## number of pixels above saturation to declare as Nan
nanReplaceValue: 22e3 ## replacement value for NaNs if nanTreatment is set at "value"