Photometric Module
- class tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.phot(paramFile='/home/docs/checkouts/', directParam=None)[source]
- add_filenames_to_header(hdu)[source]
Uses fits header cards to list the files This clutters up the header, so I have now moved the fileName list to a separate structure
- adjust_apertures(ind)[source]
Adjust apertures, if scaling by FWHM
- Parameters:
ind (int) – the index of self.fileList.
- do_phot(useMultiprocessing=False)[source]
Does photometry using the centroids found in get_allimg_cen
- fix_centroids(diagnostics=False, nsigma=10.0)[source]
Fix the centroids for outlier positions for stars
- get_allimg_cen(recenter=False, useMultiprocessing=False)[source]
Get all image centroids If self.param[‘doCentering’] is False, it will just use the input aperture positions :param recenter: Recenter the apertures again? Especially after changing the sources in photometry parameters :type recenter: bool :param useMultiprocessing: Use multiprocessing for faster computation?s :type useMultiprocessing: bool
- get_ap_area(aperture)[source]
A function go get the area of apertures This accommodates different versions of photutils
- get_centroid(img, xGuess, yGuess)[source]
Get the centroid of a source given an x and y guess Takes the self.param[‘boxFindSize’] to define the search box
- get_default_cen(custPos=None, ind=0)[source]
Get the default centroids for postage stamps or star identification maps
- Parameters:
custPos (numpy array) – Array of custom positions for the apertures. Otherwise it uses the guess position
ind (int) – Image index. This is used to guess the position if a drift file is given
- get_default_im(img=None, head=None)[source]
Get the default image for postage stamps or star identification maps
- get_refSeries(excludeSrc=None)[source]
Get the reference-corrected time series
- Parameters:
excludeSrc (list or None) – Numbers of the reference stars to exclude
- Returns:
t (numpy array) – time (JD - reference)
yCorr (numpy array) – Reference-corrected time series
yCorr_err (numpy array) – Reference-corrected time series error
- get_tSeries()[source]
Get a simple table of the photometry after extraction
- Returns:
t1 (astropy.table object) – A table of fluxes and time
t2 (astropy.table object) – A table of flux errors and time
- interactive_refSeries(excludeSrc=None, refCorrect=True, srcInd=0)[source]
Plot a bokeh interactive plot of the photometry This lets you see which images are outliers
- Parameters:
refCorrect (bool) – Reference correct the time series?
excludeSrc (list or None) – Which sources to exclude from reference series
srcInd (int) – Which source index to plot if refCorrect is False
- make_drift_file(srcInd=0, refIndex=0)[source]
Use the centroids in photometry to generate a drift file of X/Y offsets
- Parameters:
srcInd (int) – The source index used for drifts
refIndex (int) – Which file index corresponds to 0.0 drift
- phot_for_one_file(ind)[source]
Calculate aperture photometry using photutils
- Parameters:
ind (int) – index of the file list on which to read in and do photometry
- plot_flux_vs_pos(refCorrect=True)[source]
Plot flux versus centroid to look for flat fielding effects
- plot_phot(offset=0.0, refCorrect=False, ax=None, fig=None, showLegend=True, normReg=None, doBin=None, doNorm=True, yLim=[None, None], excludeSrc=None, errBar=None, showPlot=False)[source]
Plots previously calculated photometry
- Parameters:
offset (float) – y displacement for overlaying time series
refCorrect (bool) – Use reference star-corrected photometry?
ax (matplotlib axis object) – If the axis was created separately, use the input axis object
fig (matplotlib figure object) – If the figure was created separately, use the input axis object
showLegend (bool) – Show a legend?
normReg (list with two items or None) – Relative region over which to fit a baseline and re-normalize. This only works on reference-corrected photometry for now
doBin (float or None) – The bin size if showing binned data.
doNorm (bool) – Normalize the individual time series?
yLim (List) – List of Y limit to show
errBar (string or None) – Describes how error bars will be displayed. None=none, ‘all’=every point,’one’=representative
excludeSrc (List or None) – Custom sources to exclude in the averaging (to exclude specific sources in the reference time series). For example, for 5 sources, excludeSrc = [2] will use [1,3,4] for the reference
showPlot (bool) – Show the plot? Otherwise, it saves it to a file
- poly_sub_phot(img, head, err, ind, showEach=False, saveFits=False)[source]
Do a polynomial background subtraction use robust polynomials
This is instead of using the mean or another statistic of the background aperture
- print_phot_statistics(refCorrect=True, excludeSrc=None, shorten=False, returnOnly=False, removeLinear=True, startInd=0, endInd=15)[source]
Print the calculated and theoretical noise as a table
- Parameters:
refCorrect (bool) – Use reference stars to correct target? If True, there is only one row in the table for the target. If False, there is a row for each star’s absolute noise
excludeSrc (list, or None) – A list of sources (or None) to exclude as reference stars Given by index number
shorten (bool) – Shorten the number of points used the time series? Useful if analyzing the baseline befor transit, for example.
returnOnly (bool) – If True, a table is returned. If False, a table is printed and another is returned
removeLinear (bool) – Remove a linear trend from the data first?
startInd (int) – If shorten is True, only uses a subset of the data starting with StartInd
endInd (int) – If shorten is True, only uses a subset of the data ending with endInd
- refSeries(photArr, errPhot, reNorm=False, excludeSrc=None, sigRej=5.0)[source]
Average together the reference stars
- Parameters:
reNorm (bool) – Re-normalize all stars before averaging? If set all stars have equal weight. Otherwise, the stars are summed together, which weights by flux
excludeSrc (arr) – Custom sources to use in the averaging (to exclude specific sources in the reference time series. For example, for 5 sources, excludeSrc = [2] will use [1,3,4] for the reference
sigRej (int) – Sigma rejection threshold
- reset_phot()[source]
Reset the photometry
A reminder to myself to write a script to clear the positions. Sometimes, if you get bad positions from a previous file, they will wind up being used again. Need to reset the srcAperture.positions!
- rowamp_sub_phot(img, head, err, ind)[source]
Do a row-by-row, amplifier-by-amplifier background subtraction
This is instead of using the mean or another statistic of the background aperture
- save_centroids(cenArr, fwhmArr, fixesApplied=True, origCen=None, origFWHM=None)[source]
Saves the image centroid data :param cenArr: 3d array of centroids (nImg x nsrc x 2 for x/y) :type cenArr: numpy array :param fwhmArr: 3d array of fwhm (nImg x nsrc x 2 for x/y) :type fwhmArr: numpy array :param fixesApplied: Are fixes applied to the centroids? :type fixesApplied: bool :param origCen: Original array of centroids :type origCen: None or numpy array :param origFWHM: Original array of FWHMs :type origFWHM: None or numpy array
- shift_centroids_from_other_file(refPhotFile, SWLW=True)[source]
Creates a centroid array where shifts are applied from another file. For example, Imaging data from another camera can be used to provide shifts to the apertures for grism data
- showCustSet(index=None, ptype='Stamps', defaultCen=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, boxsize=None, showPlot=False)[source]
Show a custom stamp or star identification plot for a given image index
- Parameters:
index (int) – Index of the image/centroid to show
ptype (str) –
- Plot type - ‘Stamps’ for postage stamps
’Map’ for star identification map
defaultCen (bool) –
- Use the default centroid? If True, it will use the guess centroids to
show the guess before centering.
boxsize (int or None) – The size of the box to cut out for plotting postage stamps. If None, will use defaults. Only use when ptype is ‘Stamps’
showPlot (bool) – Show the plot in notebook or iPython session? If True, it will show the plot. If False, it will save the plot in the default directory.
- showStamps(img=None, head=None, custPos=None, custFWHM=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, showPlot=False, boxsize=None, index=None)[source]
Shows the fixed apertures on the image with postage stamps surrounding sources
- Parameters:
index (int) – Index of the file list. This is needed if scaling apertures
- showStarChoices(img=None, head=None, custPos=None, showAps=False, srcLabel=None, figSize=None, showPlot=False, allLabels=None, apColor='black', backColor='black', vmin=None, vmax=None, index=None, labelColor='white', xLim=None, yLim=None, txtOffset=20, diffImgIndex=None)[source]
Show the star choices for photometry
- Parameters:
img (numpy 2D array, optional) – An image to plot
head (astropy FITS header, optional) – header for image
custPos (numpy 2D array or list of tuple coordinates, optional) – Custom positions
showAps (bool, optional) – Show apertures rather than circle stars
srcLabel (str or None, optional) – What should the source label be? The default is “src”
allLabels (list of str) – Names for all aperture labels. Must be the same length as the number of sources
figSize (list or None, optional) – Specify the size of the plot. This is useful for looking at high/lower resolution
showPlot (bool) – Show the plot? If True, it will show, otherwise it is saved as a file
apColor (str) – The color for the source apertures
backColor (str) – The color for the background apertures
vmin (float or None) – A value for the
vmin parametervmax (float or None) – A value for the
vmax parameterindex (int or None) – The index of the file name. If None, it uses the default
labelColor (str) – Color for the text label for sources
xLim (None or two element list) – Specify the minimum and maximum X for the plot. For example xLim=[40,60]
yLim (None or two element list) – Specify the minimum and maximum Y for the plot. For example yLim=[40,60]
txtOffset (float) – The X and Y offset to place the text label for a source
diffImgIndex (int) – Choose a file index from which to subtract a reference image
- tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.allTser(refCorrect=False, showBestFit=False)[source]
Plot all time series for KIC 1255
- Parameters:
refCorrect (bool) – Do the reference correction?
showBestFit (bool) – Show the best fit? If true, shows the best fit. If false, it shows the average Kepler light curve. This only works after the best fits have been previously calculated.
- tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.allan_variance(x, y, yerr=None, removeLinear=False, yLim=[None, None], binMin=50, binMax=2000, customShortName=None, logPlot=True, clip=False, xUnit='min', yUnit='ppm', showPlot=False, custTitle=None, nBinSequence=20, sequenceLabels=None, skipLegend=False)[source]
Make an Allan Variance plot for a time series to see if it bins as sqrt(N) statistics
- Parameters:
x (numpy array) – Independent variable
y (numpy array or list of numpy arrays.) – Dependent variable like flux. If y is a list, loop through the y for comparison
keywords) ((optional)
yerr (numpy array or list of numpy arrays) – Theoretical error
customShortName (str) – Name for file
yLim (2 element list) – Specify custom Y values for the plot
binMin (int) – Bin size for the smallest # of bins
binMax (int) – Bin size for the largest # of bins
nBinSequence (int) – Number of bins to cycle through in sequence
removeLinear (bool) – Remove a linear trend from the time series first?
clip (bool) – Clip the first few points?
xUnit (str) – Name of units for X axis of input series
yUnit (str) – Name of units for Y axis to be binned
custTitle (str or None) – Custom title name. If None, will generate one automatically
showPlot (bool) – Render the plot with matplotlib? If False, it is saved instead.
sequenceLabels (list of strings) – If y is a list of different data sets, they can be labeled with sequenceLabels
skipLegend (bool) – Skip the Legend?
- class tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.batchPhot(batchFile='parameters/phot_params/example_batch_phot.yaml')[source]
Create several photometry objects and run phot over all of them
- batch_run(method, **kwargs)[source]
Run any method of the photometry class by name. This will cycle through all parameter lists and run the method
- Parameters:
method (str) – Photometry method to run in batch mode
**kwargs (keywords or dict) – Arguments to be passed to this method
- Returns:
batch_result – A list of results from the photometry method. If all results are None, then batch_run returns None
- Return type:
list or None
- tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.do_binning(x, y, nBin=20, yerr=None, returnXwidth=False)[source]
A function that uses scipy binned_statistic to bin data
It also calculates the standard error in each bin, which can be used as an error estimate
- Parameters:
x (numpy array) – Independent variable for use in assigning data to bins
y (numpy array) – Dependent variable to be binned
yerr (numpy array (optional)) – The error on the y points
nBin (int or numpy array) – The number of bins or else the bin array
returnXwidth (bool) – Return the X widths?
- Returns:
3 item tuple
xBin, yBin, yStd
xBin (numpy array) – Middles of the bins
yBin (numpy array) – mean value in bin
yStd (numpy array) – If yerr supplied,standard error of each bin If yerr not supplied, the standard deviation of each bin
xWidth (numpy array) – The x widths? If returnXwidth is True
- tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.ensure_coordinates_are_within_bounds(xCoord, yCoord, img)[source]
Check if x and y coordinates are inside an image If they are are, spit them back. Otherwise, give the coordinates at the closest x/y edge
- tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.ensure_directories_are_in_place(filePath)[source]
Takes a name of a file and makes sure the directories are there to save the file
- tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.get_tshirt_example_data()[source]
Download all example tshirt data. This is needed to run tests and the default parameter files
- class tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.prevPhot(photFile='tser_data/phot/phot_kic1255_UT2016_06_12.fits')[source]
Loads in previous photometry from FITS data. Inherits functions from the phot class
- Parameters:
photFile (str) – Directory of the photometry file
- tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.run_multiprocessing_phot(photObj, fileIndices, method='phot_for_one_file')[source]
Run photometry/spectroscopy methods on all files using multiprocessing Awkward workaround because multiprocessing doesn’t work on object methods
- Parameters:
photObj (Photometry object) – A photometry Object instance
fileIndices (list) – List of file indices
method (str) – Method on which to apply multiprocessing
- tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline.run_one_phot_method(allInput)[source]
Do a photometry/spectroscopy method on one file For example, do aperture photometry on one file This is a slightly awkward workaround because multiprocessing doesn’t work on object methods So it’s a separate function that takes an object and runs the method
- Parameters:
allInput (3 part tuple (object, int, string)) – This contains the object, file index to run (0-based) and name of the method to run
Spectroscopic Module
- class tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.spec(paramFile='/home/docs/checkouts/', directParam=None)[source]
- adjacent_bin_ratio(nbins=10, bin1=2, bin2=3, binMin=10, binMax=250, srcInd=0)[source]
Examine the time series for adjacent bins
- Parameters:
nbins (int) – Number of bins
bin1 (int) – Index of the first bin
bin2 (int) – Index of the second bin
binMin (int) – start bin for allan variance
binMax (int) – end bin for allan variance
srcInd (int) – Index for the source. For a single source, the index is 0.
- align_dynamic_spectra(alignStars=True, starAlignDiagnostics=False, skipIndividualDynamic=False, **kwargs)[source]
Align the dynamic spectra for multi-object spectroscopy? This method uses the mosOffsets to get the gross alignments of the dynamic spectra.
- Parameters:
alignStars (bool) – Cross-correlate to find the individual star’s offsets?
starAlignDiagnostics (bool) – Show the diagnostics for aligning average aspectra
skipIndividualDynamic (bool) –
- Skip the individual dynamic spectra. Use this when trying to run
quickly many times and use the saved versions only.
- backsub_oneDir(img, head, oneDirection, saveFits=False, showEach=False, ind=None, custPrefix=None)[source]
Do the background subtraction in a specified direction Either row-by-row or column-by-column
- Parameters:
img (np.array) – 2D image to be subtracted
head (astropy fits header) – Header of file
oneDirection (str) – ‘X’ does row-by-row subtraction ‘Y’ does column-by-column subtraction
saveFits (bool) – Save a fits file of the subtraction model?
showEach (bool) – Show each polynomial fit?
ind (int or None) – The ind in the fileL. This is mainly used for naming files, if files are being saved.
custPrefix (str or None) – A custom prefix for saved file names of the subtraction. If None and ind is None, it saves the prefix as unnamed If None and ind is an int, it uses the original file name
- Returns:
imgSub, model, head – ‘imgSub’ is a background-subtracted image ‘model’ is a background model image ‘head’ is a header for the background-subtracted image
- Return type:
tuple of (numpy array, numpy array,
from tshirt.pipeline import spec_pipeline spec_pipeline.spec() img, head = spec.get_default_im() img2, bkmodel2, head2 = spec.backsub_oneDir(img,head,'X')
- do_backsub(img, head, ind=None, saveFits=False, directions=['Y', 'X'], custPrefix=None)[source]
Do all background subtractions
- Parameters:
img (numpy array) – The image do to background subtraction on
head (astropy.fits.header object) – The header of the image
ind (int, or NOne) – The index of the file list. This is used to name diagnostic images, if requested
saveFits (bool) – Save diagnostic FITS images of the background subtracted steps?
directions (list of str) – The directions to extract, such as [‘Y’,’X’] to subtract along Y and then X
custPrefix (str or None) – A prefix for the output file name if saving diagnostic files
- Returns:
subImg (numpy array) – Background subtracted image
bkgModelTotal (numpy array) – The background model
subHead (astropy.fits.header object) – A header for the background-subtracted image
- eval_trace(dispArray, src=0)[source]
Evaluate the trace function
- Parameters:
dispArray (numpy array) – Dispersion array in pixels
- find_profile(img, head, ind=None, saveFits=False, showEach=False, masterProfile=False)[source]
Find the spectroscopic profile using splines along the spectrum This assumes an inherently smooth continuum (like a stellar source)
- img: numpy array
The 2D Science image
- head: header object
Header from the science file
- ind: int
Index of the file list (which image is begin analyzed)
- saveFits: bool (optional)
Save the profile to a fits file?
- showEach: bool
Show each step of the profile fitting
- masterProfile: bool
Is this a master profile fit?
- find_px_bins_from_waves(waveMid, waveWidth)[source]
Given a set of wavelengths centers and widths, find the pixels that will approximately give you those wavelengths, but with no pixels repeated or skipped.
- find_trace(recalculateTrace=False, recalculateTraceData=False, showPlot=False)[source]
Find the trace either from saved file or trace data
- Parameters:
recalculateTrace (bool) – Recalculate the trace?
recalculateTraceData (bool) – Recalculate the trace data?
showPlot (bool) – Show plot of fitting the trace?
- fit_trace(img, head, showEach=False, fitMethod='astropy')[source]
Use Gaussian to fit trace and FWHM
- Parameters:
img (numpy array) – 2D image to fit trace for
head (astropy header) – FITS header to do fitting on
showEach (bool) – Show each line fit?
fitMethod (str) – ‘astropy’ : will use models Gaussian2D + linear ‘sckpyQuick’ : will fit w/ scipy.stats.norm
- get_avg_spec(src=0, redoDynamic=True, align=False)[source]
Get the average spectrum across all of the time series
- Parameters:
src (int) – The index number for the source (0 for the first source’s spectrum)
redoDynamic (bool) – Re-run the
method to save the average spectrumalign (bool) – Pass this to the
- Returns:
x (numpy array) – the Wavelength dispersion values (in pixels)
y (numpy array) – The Flux values of the average spectrum
yerr (numpy array) – The error in the average flux
- get_median_img(nImg)[source]
Calculate the median image fron n images
- Parameters:
nImg (int) – Number of images to use for the profile
- get_spec(specType='Optimal', ind=None, src=0)[source]
Get a spectrum from the saved FITS file
- Parameters:
specType (str) – The type of spectrum ‘Optimal” for optimal extraction. ‘Sum’ for sum extraction
ind (int or None) – The index from the file list. If None, it will use the default.
src (int) – The source index
- Returns:
x (numpy array) – The spectral pixel numbers
y (numpy array) – the extracted flux
yerr (numpy array) – the error in the extracted flux
- get_wavebin_series(nbins=10, recalculate=False, specType='Optimal', srcInd=0, binStarts=None, binEnds=None)[source]
Get a table of the the wavelength-binned time series
- Parameters:
nbins (int) – The number of wavelength bins
recalculate (bool, optional) – Recalculate the dynamic spectrum? This is good to set as True when there is an update to the parameter file.
specType (str, optional) – The type of spectral extraction routine Eg. “Sum” for sum extraction, “Optimal” for optimal extraction This will be skipped over if recalculate=False and a file already exists
srcInd (int, optional) – The index of the source. For single objects it is 0.
binStarts (int, optional or None) – Pixel starting positions (or None). If None, it will be calculated as a linear spacing
binEnds (int, optional) – Pixel ending positions (or None). If None, it will be calculated as a linear spacing
- Returns:
t1 (astropy table) – A table of wavelength-binned flux values
t2 (astropy table) – A table of wavelength-binned error values
>>> from tshirt.pipeline import spec_pipeline >>> spec = spec_pipeline.spec() >>> t1, t2 = spec.get_wavebin_series()
- inverse_wavecal(waveArr)[source]
Calculate the pixel location for a given wavelength Uses 1D interpolation of wavelength vs pixel
- make_constant_Rgrid(wStart=None, wEnd=None, Rfixed=100, plotBins=True)[source]
Make an approximately constant R grid rounded to whole pixels
- Parameters:
wStart (float) – The wavelength start for bin edges
wEnd (float) – The wavelength end for bin edges
Rfixed (float) – The spectral resolution
plotBins (bool) – Plot the bins over a stellar spectrum?
- make_native_px_grid(dispPixels=None, doublePx=False, halfpx_correction=True)[source]
Make a wavelength grid at native resolution
- Parameters:
dispPixels (2 element list or None) – Start and end pixels. If None, it will use the file from the parameters “dispPixels”
doublePx (bool) – Double up pixels?
halfpx_correction (bool) – Correct for the fact that the wavelengths are mid-px so the wavelength start should be the left pixel edge
- make_wavebin_series(specType='Optimal', src=0, nbins=10, dispIndices=None, recalculate=False, align=False, refCorrect=False, binStarts=None, binEnds=None)[source]
Bin wavelengths together and generate a time series from the dynamic spectrum
- Parameters:
specType (str) – Type of extraction ‘Optimal’ vs ‘Sum’
src (int) – Which source index is this for
nbins (int) – Number of wavelength bins
dispIndices (list of ints) – The detector pixel indices over which to create the wavelength bins
recalculate (bool) – Re-caalculate the dynamic spectrum?
align (bool) – Automatically align all the spectra? This is passed to plot_dynamic_spec
refCorrect (bool) – Use the reference corrected photometry?
binStarts (numpy array or None) – Specify starting points for the bins. If None, binStarts are calculated automatically
binEnds (numpy array or None) – Specify starting points for the bins w/ Python, so the last point is binEnds - 1. If None, binEnds are calculated automatically.
- periodogram(src=0, ind=None, specType='Optimal', showPlot=True, transform=None, trim=False, logY=True, align=False)[source]
Plot a periodogram of the spectrum to search for periodicities
- Parameters:
showPlot (bool) – If True, a plot is rendered in matplotlib widget If False, a plot is saved to file
- plot_dynamic_spec(src=0, saveFits=True, specAtTop=True, align=False, alignDiagnostics=False, extraFF=False, specType='Optimal', showPlot=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, flipX=False, waveCal=False, topYlabel='', interpolation=None, smooth2D=None)[source]
Plots a dynamic spectrum of the data
- Parameters:
showPlot (bool) – Show the plot in addition to saving?
saveFits (bool) – Save a FITS file of the dynamic spectrum?
specAtTop (bool) – Plot the average spectrum at the top of the dynamic spectrum?
align (bool) – Automatically align all the spectra?
alignDiagnostics (bool) – Show diagnostics of the alignment process?
extraFF (bool) – Apply an extra flattening step?
specType (str) – Spectrum type - ‘Optimal’ or ‘Sum’
showPlot – Show a plot with the spectrum?
vmin (float or None) – Value minimum for dynamic spectrum image
vmax (float or None) – Value maximum for dynamic spectrum image
flipX (bool) – Flip the X axis?
interpolation (None or str) – plot interpolation to use for matplotlib imshow()
topYlabel (str) – The label for the top Y axis
waveCal (bool) – Calibrate the dispersion to wavelength?
smooth2D (None or 2 element list) – If None, no smoothing. If a 2 element list [x_std,y_std], astropy convolve with 2D Gaussian kernel
- plot_noise_spectrum(src=0, showPlot=True, yLim=None, startInd=0, endInd=None, waveCal=False, waveBin=False, nbins=10, returnNoiseSpec=False)[source]
Plot the Noise Spectrum from the Dynamic Spectrum
- Parameters:
src (int) – Index number for the source
showPlot (bool) – Show a plot in backend?
yLim (list or None) – Specify the y limits
startInd (int) – Starting time index to use
endInd (int or None) – Ending index to use. None will use all
waveCal (bool) – Wavelength calibrate the dispersion pixel
waveBin (bool) – Bin the wavelengths ?
nbins (int) – How many wavelength bins should be used?
returnNoiseSpec (bool) – Return the noise spectrum? If True, an astropy table is returned
- plot_one_spec(src=0, ind=None, specTypes=['Sum', 'Optimal'], normalize=False, numSplineKnots=None, showPlot=True, waveCal=False)[source]
Plot one example spectrum after extraction has been run
- Parameters:
src (int, optional) – The number of the source to plot
ind (int or None, optional) – An index number to pass to get_spec(). It tells which spectrum to plot. Defaults to number of images //2
specTypes (list of strings, optional) – List of which spectra to show ‘Sum’ for sum extraction ‘Optimal’ for optimal extraction
normalize (bool, optional) – Normalize and/or flatten spectrum using self.norm_spec
numSplitKnots (int or None, optional) – Number of spline knots to pass to self.norm_spec for flattening
showPlot (bool) – Show the plot in widget? If True, it renders the image with If False, saves an image
waveCal (bool) – Wavelength calibrate the X axis? If False, gives dispersion pixels
- plot_wavebin_series(nbins=10, offset=0.005, showPlot=False, yLim=None, xLim=None, recalculate=False, dispIndices=None, differential=False, interactive=False, unit='fraction', align=False, specType='Optimal', src=0, refCorrect=False, binStarts=None, binEnds=None, timeBin=False, nTimeBin=150, waveLabels=False)[source]
Plot a normalized lightcurve for wavelength-binned data one wavelength at a time with an offset between the lightcurves.
- Parameters:
nbins (int) – The number of wavelength bins to use
offset (float) – The normalized flux offset between wavelengths
showPlot (bool) – Show the plot widget? The result also depends on the interactive keyword. If interactive is True, showPlot is ignored and it saves an html file in plots/spectra/interactive/. If False (and interactive is False), it is saved in plots/spectra/wavebin_tseries/. If True (and interactive is False), no plot is saved and instead the plot is displayed in the matplotlib framework.
yLim (list of 2 elements or None) – If None, it will automatically set the Y axis. If a list [y_min,y_max], it will make the Y axis limits y_min to y_max
xLim (list of 2 elements or None) – If None, it will automatically set the X axis. If a list [x_min,x_max], it will make the X axis limits x_min to x_max
recalculate (bool) – If True, it will calculate the values from the dynamic spectrum. If False, it will used cached results from a previous set of lightcurves.
dispIndices (list of 2 elements or None) – If None, it will use the dispIndices from the parameter file. If a 2 element list of [disp_min,disp_max], it will use those coordinates
differential (bool) – If True, it will first divide each wavelength’s lightcurve by the lightcurve average of all wavelengths. This means that it shows the differential time series from average. If False, no division is applied (other than normalization)
interactive (bool) – If True, it will use
to create an interactive HTML javascript plot where you can hover over data points to find out the file name for them. It saves the html plot in plots/spectra/interactive/. If False, it will create a regular matplotlib plot.unit (str) – Flux unit. ‘fraction’ or ‘ppm’
specType (str) – Type of extraction ‘Optimal’ vs ‘Sum’
align (bool) – Automatically align all the spectra? This is passed to plot_dynamic_spec
src (int) – Index number for which spectrum to look at (used for Multi-object spectroscopy)
refCorrect (bool) – Correct by reference stars for MOS?
timeBin (bool) – Bin the points in time?
nTimeBin – Number of points to bin in time
- print_noise_wavebin(nbins=10, shorten=False, recalculate=False, align=False, specType='Optimal', npoints=15, srcInd=0, startInd=0, endInd=None)[source]
Get a table of noise measurements for all wavelength bins
- Parameters:
nbins (int) – The number of wavelength bins
shorten (bool) – Use a short segment of the full time series? This could be useful for avoiding bad data or a deep transit. This overrides startInd and endInd so choose either shorten or specify the start and end indices
npoints (int) – Number of points to include in the calculation (only if shorten is True) This will only use the first npoints.
startInd (int) – Starting time index to use (for specifying a time interval via indices) Shorten will supercede this so keep it False to use startInd.
endInd (int) – Ending time index to use (for specifying a time interval via indices). Shorten will supercede this so keep it False to use endInd.
recalculate (bool) – Recalculate the wavebin series and dynamic spectrum?
specType (str) – Type of extraction ‘Optimal’ vs ‘Sum’
align (bool) – Automatically align all the spectra? This is passed to plot_dynamic_spec
srcInd (int) – Index for the source. For a single object, the index is 0.
- Returns:
t – A table of wavelength bins, with theoretical noise and measured standard deviation across time
- Return type:
an astropy.table object
- profile_normalize(img, method='sum')[source]
Renormalize a profile along the spatial direction
- Parameters:
img (numpy array) – The input profile image to be normalized
- read_cov_weights(src=0)[source]
Read the covariance-weights for a fixed profile through the time series
- read_profiles()[source]
Read in the master profile for each source if using a single profile for all images
- refcorrect_dynamic_spectra(mainSrcIndex=0)[source]
Divide the (aligned) dynamic spectra of one source by another for MOS
- Parameters:
mainSrcIndex (int) – The main source that will be divided by references
- showStarChoices(img=None, head=None, showBack=True, srcLabel=None, figSize=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, showPlot=False)[source]
Show the star choices for spectroscopy
- Parameters:
img (numpy 2D array, optional) – An image to plot
head (astropy FITS header, optional) – header for image
showBack (bool, optional) – Show the background subtraction regions?
srcLabel (str or None, optional) – What should the source label be? The default is “src”
vmin (float, optional) – Minimum value for imshow
vmax (float) – (optional) Maximum value for imshow
figSize (2 element list) – (optional) Specify the size of the plot This is useful for looking at high/lower resolution
xlim (list or None) – (optional) Set the x limit of plot
ylim (list or None) – (optional) Set the y limit of plot
showPlot (bool) – Make the plot visible?
- spec_for_one_file(ind, saveFits=False, diagnoseCovariance=False)[source]
Get spectroscopy for one file Calculate the optimal and sum extractions
If saveRefRow is True, the reference pixel row will be saved
- Parameters:
ind (int) – File index
saveFits (bool) – Save the background subtraction and profile fits?
diagnoseCovariance (bool) – Diagnostic information for the covariance profile weighting
- wavebin_specFile(nbins=10, srcInd=0)[source]
The name of the wavelength-binned time series file
- Parameters:
nbins (int) – The number of wavelength bins
srcInd (int) – The index for the source. For a single source the index is 0.
- wavecal(dispIndicesInput, waveCalMethod=None, head=None, dispShift=None, **kwargs)[source]
Wavelength calibration to turn the dispersion pixels into wavelengths
- Parameters:
dispIndices (numpy array) – Dispersion Middle X-axis values
waveCalMethod (str, optional) – Corresponds to instrumentation used. Use ‘NIRCamTS’ for the NIRCam time series mode (
). Use ‘wfc3Dispersion’ for the HST WFC3 grism (ts_wavecal
).head (astropy FITS header, optional) – header for image
dispShift (None or float) – Value by which to shift the disp indices before evaluating the wavelengths (for example a star is shifted). If None, it will use the value from the parameter ‘waveCalPxOffset’
- tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.BB(wave, Temp)[source]
Evaluate a blackbody
- Parameters:
wave (numpy array) – Wavelength
Temp (quantity) – Temperature (with units)
- tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.TB(wave, intens)[source]
Calculate the Brightness temperature from intensity
- Parameters:
wave (numpy array) – Wavelength with units of length
intens (numpy array) – Intensity, must be in itensity units per wavelength
- tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.TB_err(wave, intens, dI)[source]
Calculate the Brightness temperature error from intensity and intensity error
- Parameters:
wave (numpy array) – Wavelength with units of length
intens (numpy array) – Intensity, must be in itensity units per wavelength
dI (numpy array) – Intensity erorr, must be in itensity units per wavelength
- tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.TB_from_fp(wave, fp, istar, k)[source]
Calculate the Brightness temperature from Fp/F*
- Parameters:
wave (numpy array) – Wavelength with units of length
fp (numpy array) – Unitless Fp/F*
istar (numpy array) – Stellar intensity, must be in itensity units per wavelength
k (float) – Planet to star radius ratio
- tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.TB_from_fp_err(wave, fp, fp_err, istar, k)[source]
Calculate the Brightness temperature error from Fp/F* and Fp/F* err
- Parameters:
wave (numpy array) – Wavelength with units of length
fp (numpy array) – Unitless Fp/F*
fp_err (numpy array) – Unitless Fp/F* error
istar (numpy array) – Stellar intensity, must be in itensity units per wavelength
k (float) – Planet to star radius ratio
- class tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.batch_spec(batchFile='parameters/spec_params/example_batch_spec_parameters.yaml')[source]
- make_pipe_obj(directParam)[source]
Make a spectroscopy pipeline object that will be executed in batch
- tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.bin_spec(xorig, yorig, xout, dxout, yerr=None)[source]
Bin a spectrum with a for loop (slow)
- Parameters:
xorig (numpy array) – wavelength of input
yorig (numpy array) – flux/intensity of input
xout (numpy array) – bin centers of output
dxout (numpy array) – bin widths of output
yerr (None or numpy array)
ybin (numpy array) – Binned values
ybin_err (numpy array) – Bin error. If yerr is supplied, weighted avg in the mean If no yerr is supplied, it’s stdev/sqrt(N)
- tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.compare_spectra(fileNames=[], specType='Optimal', showPlot=False, normalize=False)[source]
Compare multiple spectra
- Parameters:
specType (str) – Which spectrum extension to read? (eg. ‘Optimal’ vs ‘Sum’)
showPlot (bool) – Render the matplotlib plot? If True, it is rendered as a matplotlib widget, not saved. If False, the plot is saved to file only
normalize (bool) – Normalize all the spectra by dividing by the median first?
- tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.make_const_R_grid(wStart=2.45, wEnd=3.96, Rfixed=100)[source]
Make a constant-resolution grid
for F444W NIRCam at R=100, I used wStart=3.911238, wEnd=5.0,Rfixed=100
- Parameters:
wStart (float) – The wavelength start for bin edges
wEnd (float) – The wavelength end for bin edges
Rfixed (float) – The spectral resolution
Instrument-Specific Modules
- tshirt.pipeline.instrument_specific.hst_inst_funcs.hstwfc3_wavecal(dispIndices, xc0=75.0, yc0=75.0, DirIm_x_appeture=522, DirIm_y_appeture=522, SpecIm_x_appeture=410, SpecIm_y_appeture=522, subarray=128)[source]
Wavelength calibration to turn the dispersion pixels into wavelengths
- Parameters:
dispIndices (numpy array) – Dispersion Middle X-axis values
xc0 (float) – Initial X coordinate of direct image centroid
yc0 (float) – Initial Y coordinate of direct image centroid
DirIm_x_appeture (float) – Chip Reference X-Pixel dependent upon direct image centroid apeture
DirIm_y_appeture (float) – Chip Reference Y-Pixel dependent upon direct image centroid apeture
SpecIm_x_appeture (float) – Chip Reference X-Pixel dependent upon spectral image centroid apeture
SpecIm_y_appeture (float) – Chip Reference Y-Pixel dependent upon spectral image centroid apeture
subarray – Length of detector array
Note that direct image and spectral image should be taken with the same aperture. If not, please adjust the centroid measurement according to table in:
- tshirt.pipeline.instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.flight_poly_grismr_nc(pixels, obsFilter='F322W2', detectorPixels=False)[source]
Flight polynomials for NIRCam GRISMR grism time series
- Parameters:
obsFilter (str) – NIRCam Observation filter: F322W2 or F444W
detectorPixels (bool) – Are the pixels in detector pixels from raw fitswriter output? This should be False for the MAST products in DMS format
- tshirt.pipeline.instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.miri_lrs(pixels)[source]
Polynomial fit to transformed Y coordinate
## See this file /Users/~/Documents/jwst/flight_data/proc/01185/wasp69b_proc/miri_lrs_rate/lrs_wavecal.ipynb I ran wcs_step = assign_wcs.AssignWcsStep() Then calculated wavelengths with: xcor,ycor,wavearr = wcs_res.meta.wcs(37 * np.ones(NY),y_array)
- tshirt.pipeline.instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.quick_nirspec_prism(pixels)[source]
Simple Polynomial fit to the NIRSpec prism Uses the jwst pipeline evaluated at Y=16 on 2022-07-15
- tshirt.pipeline.instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.ts_grismc_sim(pixels)[source]
Simple analytic wavelength calibration for Simulated GRISMC data
- tshirt.pipeline.instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.ts_wavecal(pixels, tserSim=False, obsFilter='F444W', subarray='SUBGRISM64', grism='GRISM0')[source]
Simple analytic wavelength calibration for NIRCam grism time series
- tshirt.pipeline.instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.ts_wavecal_quick_nonlin(pixels, obsFilter='F322W2')[source]
Simple inefficient polynomial
- tshirt.pipeline.instrument_specific.rowamp_sub.col_by_col(thisAmp)[source]
Do a column-by-column slow read correction instead of an even/odd correction
- tshirt.pipeline.instrument_specific.rowamp_sub.do_backsub(img, photObj=None, amplifiers=4, saveDiagnostics=False, evenOdd=True, activePixMask=None, backgMask=None, grismr=False, returnFastSlow=False, colByCol=False, smoothSlowDir=None, badRowsAllowed=0, GROEBA=False, GPnsmoothKern=None, showGP1D=False)[source]
Do background subtraction amplifier-by-amplifier, row-by-row around the sources
- Parameters:
img (numpy 2D array) – The input uncorrected image
photObj ((optional) a tshirt photometry pipeline object) – If supplied, it will use the background apertures to mask out sources
amplifiers (int) – How many outputamplifiers are used? 4 for NIRCam stripe mode and 1 is for 1 output amplifier
evenOdd (bool) – Remove the even and odd offsets before doing row-by-row medians?
colByCol (bool) – Do column-by-column subtraction. This will supercede the even/odd correction.
saveDiagnostics (bool) – Save diagnostic files?
activePixMask (numpy 2D array or None) –
- Mask of reference pixels to ignore (optionally). Pixels that are False
will be ignored in the background estimation, and pixels that are true will be kept in the background estimation. If refpixMask is None no extra points will be masked
badRowsAllowed (int) –
- Number of bad rows to accept and still do fast-read correction
(ie. if not enough background and/or ref pixels, no fast-read correction can be done)
backgMask (numpy 2D array or None) –
- Mask for the background. Pixels that are False will be ignored in
row-by-row background estimation. Pixels that are true will be kept for the background estimation.
grismr (bool) –
- Is this NIRCam GRISMR data? Special treatment is needed for NIRCam
GRISMR, where the spectra run through multiple amplifiers
returnFastSlow (bool) – Return both the fast and slow read models?
smoothSlowDir (None or float) – Length of the smoothing kernel to apply along the fast read direction If None, no smoothing is applied
GROEBA (bool) – Use Gaussian-Process row-by-row, odd/even by amplifier subtraction? This will use a Gaussian process to do 1/f noise interpolation
GPnsmoothKern (int or None) – (only if GROEBA==True). Specify the window length for a Savgol smoothing filter for the GP. Otherwise it is chosen automatically
showGP1D (bool) – (only if GROEBA==True). Plot the GP prediction in 1D
- tshirt.pipeline.instrument_specific.rowamp_sub.do_even_odd(thisAmp)[source]
Do an even-odd correction for a given amplifier If only one amplifier is used, it can be the whole image
Image Preparation Module
- tshirt.pipeline.prep_images.lbt_luci2_lincor(img, dataUnit=Unit('adu'), ndit=1.0, k2=2.767e-06)[source]
LUCI2 linearity correction from
Input image should be in ADU
- Parameters:
img (numpy array) – An input image to do linearity correction on
dataUnit (astropy unit) – Unit of the image, such as
ndit (float) – The number of the detection integration time in LUCI2’s readout system This has to be updated for the science observations in question
k2 (float) – Quadratic coefficient in non-linearity correction
- Returns:
ADUlin * ndit – A new image that has been linearity-corrected
- Return type:
numpy array
- class tshirt.pipeline.prep_images.prep(paramFile='parameters/reduction_parameters/example_reduction_parameters.yaml', testMode=False, rawIndex=0)[source]
Class for reducing images Parameters are located in parameters/reduction_parameters
- getData(fileName, normalize=False)[source]
Gets the data and converts to CCDData type
- Parameters:
normalize (bool) – Normalize by the median? Useful for sky flats
Pipeline Utilities
- tshirt.pipeline.utils.crosscor_offset(x, y1, y2, Noffset=150, diagnostics=False, flatteningMethod='filter', polyOrd=2, highPassFreq=0.01, lowPassFreq=None, subPixel=False)[source]
Cross correlate two arrays to find the offset
First, a filter is applied to each array to remove low frequency stuff
- Parameters:
x (numpy array) – Array for the x values
y1 (numpy array) – The first signal assumed to be the reference
y2 (numpy array) – The second signal where the shift is desired to the reference
Noffset (int) – number of offset points to explore
diagnostics (bool) – Show diagnostic plots?
flatteningMethod (str) –
- What kind of flattening method should be used on the arrays?
’filter’ will apply a filter ‘polynomial’ will divide by a polynomial
polyOrd (int) – Order of polynomial to use for flattening, passed to
highpassFreq (float) – The frequency (on a scale from Nyquist to 1) to pass information
subPixel (bool) – Fit the cross-correlation at the subpixel level?
- tshirt.pipeline.utils.flatten(x, y, flatteningMethod='filter', polyOrd=2, highPassFreq=0.01, normalize=True, lowPassFreq=None)[source]
Flatten a time series/array
- tshirt.pipeline.utils.robust_poly(x, y, polyord, sigreject=3.0, iteration=3, useSpline=False, knots=None, preScreen=False, plotEachStep=False)[source]
Fit a function (with sigma rejection) to a curve
- Parameters:
x (numpy array) – Independent variable
y (numpy array) – Dependent variable
polyord (int) – order of the fit (number of terms). polyord=1 is a linear fit, 2 is a quadratic, etc.
sigreject (float) – The ‘sigma’ rejection level in terms of median absolute deviations
useSpline (bool) – Do a spline fit?
knots (int or None) – How many knots to use if doing a spline fit
preScreen (bool) – Pre-screen by removing outliers from the median (which might fail for large slopes)
plotEachStep (bool) – Plot each step of the fitting?
import numpy as np from tshirt.pipeline import phot_pipeline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.arange(30) y = np.random.randn(30) + x y[2] = 80 ## an outlier polyfit = phot_pipeline.robust_poly(x,y,1) ymodel = np.polyval(polyfit,x) plt.plot(x,y,'o',label='input') plt.plot(x,ymodel,label='fit')
- tshirt.pipeline.utils.roll_pad(y, pixShift, pad_value=nan, order=1)[source]
Similar as numpy roll (shifting) but make sure the wrap-arounds are NaN Converts to floating point since the Nans are weird for integer arrays
If pixShift is an integer, it does whole-pixel shifts Otherwise, it will do linear interpolation to do the subpixel shift
Pipeline Analysis Module
- tshirt.pipeline.analysis.adjust_aperture_set(phot_obj, param, srcSize, backStart, backEnd, showPlot=False, plotHeight=None)[source]
Takes a photometry or spectroscopy object and sets the aperture parameters
- Parameters:
phot_obj (a tshirt phot or spec object) – Input object to be adjusted
param (dictionary) – A parameter dictionary for a phot or spec object
showPlot (bool) – Show a plot of the aperture set?
plotHeight (float) – A size of the photometry plot (only works for photometry)
- Returns:
new_phot – Spec or phot object w/ modified parameters
- Return type:
a tshirt phot or spec object
- tshirt.pipeline.analysis.aperture_size_sweep(phot_obj, stepSize=5, srcRange=[5, 20], backRange=[5, 28], minBackground=2, stepSizeSrc=None, stepSizeBack=None, shorten=False)[source]
Calculate the Noise Statistics for a “Sweep” of Aperture Sizes Loops through a series of source sizes and background sizes in a grid search
- Parameters:
stepSize (float) – The step size. It will be superseded by stepSize_bck or stepSizeSrc if used.
srcRange (two element list) – The minimum and maximum src radii to explore
backRange (two element list) – The minimum and maximum aperture radii to explore (both for the inner & outer)
minBackground (float) – The minimum thickness for the background annulus or rectangle width
stepSizeSrc (float) – (optional) Specify the step size for the source that will supersed the general stepSize
stepSizeBack (float) – (optional) Specify the step size for the background that will supersed the general stepSize
shorten (bool) – Shorten the time series? (This is passed to print_phot_statistics)
- tshirt.pipeline.analysis.backsub_list(specObj, outDirectory='tmp')[source]
Save all the background-subtracted images
- Parameters:
specObj (a any::tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline.spec object)
- tshirt.pipeline.analysis.plot_apsizes(apertureSweepFile, showPlot=True)[source]
Plot the aperture sizes calculated from
- Parameters:
apertureSweepFile (str) – A .csv file created by aperture_size_sweep
showPlot (bool) – Show the plot w/ matplotlib? otherwise, it saves to file