Source code for tshirt.pipeline.spec_pipeline

import photutils
from import fits, ascii
import matplotlib as mpl
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import os
import pkg_resources
if 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob
import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const
import pdb
from copy import deepcopy
import yaml
import warnings
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import astropy
from astropy.table import Table
    from astropy.stats import LombScargle
except ImportError as errLS:
    from astropy.timeseries import LombScargle
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
import tqdm
    import bokeh.plotting
    from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool
    from bokeh.models import Range1d
    from bokeh.models import WheelZoomTool
    from bokeh.palettes import Dark2_5 as palette
    # itertools handles the cycling
    import itertools
except ImportError as err2:
    print("Could not import bokeh plotting. Interactive plotting may not work")

    from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
except ImportError as err3:
    print("Could not import astropy modeling for spatial profiles")

from astropy.convolution import Gaussian2DKernel, convolve, convolve_fft
from . import phot_pipeline
from . import utils
from . import instrument_specific

path_to_example = "parameters/spec_params/example_spec_parameters.yaml"
exampleParamPath = pkg_resources.resource_filename('tshirt',path_to_example)

path_to_defaults = "parameters/spec_params/default_params.yaml"
defaultParamPath = pkg_resources.resource_filename('tshirt',path_to_defaults)

import traceback
import sys

def warn_with_traceback(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):

    log = file if hasattr(file,'write') else sys.stderr
    log.write(warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line))

#warnings.showwarning = warn_with_traceback

[docs] class spec(phot_pipeline.phot): def __init__(self,paramFile=exampleParamPath, directParam=None): """ Spectroscopy class Parameters ------ paramFile: str Location of the YAML file that contains the photometry parameters as long as directParam is None. Otherwise, it uses directParam Properties ------- paramFile: str Same as paramFile above param: dict The photometry parameters like file names, aperture sizes, guess locations fileL: list The files on which photometry will be performed nImg: int Number of images in the sequence directParam: dict Parameter dictionary rather than YAML file (useful for batch processing) """ self.pipeType = 'spectroscopy' self.get_parameters(paramFile=paramFile,directParam=directParam) defaultParams = phot_pipeline.read_yaml(defaultParamPath) for oneKey in defaultParams.keys(): if oneKey not in self.param: self.param[oneKey] = defaultParams[oneKey] # Get the file list self.check_file_structure() self.photFile = 'none' self.fileL = self.get_fileList() self.nImg = len(self.fileL) self.nsrc = len(self.param['starPositions']) self.srcNames = np.array(np.arange(self.nsrc),dtype=str) self.srcNames[0] = 'src' ## Set up file names for output self.dataFileDescrip = self.param['srcNameShort'] + '_'+ self.param['nightName'] specFile_name = 'spec_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.fits' self.specFile = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'tser_data','spec',specFile_name) dyn_specFileName_prefix = 'dyn_spec_{}'.format(self.dataFileDescrip) self.dyn_specFile_prefix = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'tser_data','dynamic_spec', dyn_specFileName_prefix) wavebin_fileName_prefix = 'wavebin_spec_{}'.format(self.dataFileDescrip) self.wavebin_file_prefix = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'tser_data','wavebin_spec', wavebin_fileName_prefix) self.profile_dir = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'tser_data','saved_profiles') self.weight_dir = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'tser_data','saved_weights') self.traceReference = self.param['traceReference'] if self.traceReference is None: self.traceFile = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'traces','trace_functions', 'trace_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.ecsv') self.traceDataFile = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'traces','trace_data', 'trace_data_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.ecsv') else: self.traceDataFile = None self.traceFile = self.traceReference self.check_trace_requirements() self.master_profile_prefix = 'master_{}'.format(self.dataFileDescrip) #self.centroidFile = 'centroids/cen_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.fits' #self.refCorPhotFile = 'tser_data/refcor_phot/refcor_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.fits' self.get_summation_direction() ## a little delta to add to add to profile so that you don't get log(negative) if self.param['splineFloor'] is None: self.floor_delta = self.param['readNoise'] * 2. else: self.floor_delta = self.param['splineFloor'] ## minimum number of pixels to do self.minPixForCovarianceWeights = 3 ## set up the dispersion offsets (if any) self.set_up_disp_offsets() self.check_parameters() def check_parameters(self): if ('bkgSubY' in self.param) | ('bkgSubY' in self.param): bkgSubDirections = [] if ('bkgSubY' in self.param): if self.param['bkgSubY'] == True: bkgSubDirections.append('Y') else: bkgSubDirections.append('Y') if ('bkgSubX' in self.param): if self.param['bkgSubX'] == True: bkgSubDirections.append('X') else: bkgSubDirections.append('X') warnings.warn('Deprecated parameter bkgSubY used in parameter file. Setting bkgSubDirections to [{}]'.format(' '.join(bkgSubDirections))) self.param['bkgSubDirections'] = bkgSubDirections dispCheck = (self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x') | (self.param['dispDirection'] == 'y') assert dispCheck, 'Dispersion direction parameter not valid' if self.param['readNoiseCorrelation'] == True: assertText = 'Ap width not big enough to use read noise covariance estimates' assert (self.param['apWidth'] > self.minPixForCovarianceWeights),assertText if self.param['dispOffsets'] is not None: assert len(self.param['dispOffsets']) == self.nsrc,'Dispersion offsets needs to match number of sources' if self.param['mosBacksub'] == True: assertText = 'MOS Backsub currently only allows one subtraction direction' assert len(self.param['bkgSubDirections']) <= 1,assertText if len(self.param['bkgSubDirections']) == 1: assertText = 'MOS Backsub currently only allows cross-dispersion subtraction' assert self.param['dispDirection'].lower() != self.param['bkgSubDirections'][0].lower(),assertText def set_up_disp_offsets(self): if self.param['dispOffsets'] is None: self.dispOffsets = np.zeros(self.nsrc) else: self.dispOffsets = self.param['dispOffsets'] def get_summation_direction(self): if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': self.spatialAx = 0 ## summation axis along Y (spatial axis) self.dispAx = 1 ## dispersion axis is X else: self.spatialAx = 1 ## summation axis along X (spatial axis) self.dispAx = 0 ## dispersion axis is 0 def add_parameters_to_header(self,header=None): if header is None: header = fits.Header() ## max depth to dig in lists of lists of lists... maxDepth = 3 keyList = np.sort(list(self.param.keys())) for oneKey in keyList: if len(oneKey) > 8: keyName = oneKey[0:8] else: keyName = oneKey metaDatum = self.param[oneKey] if type(metaDatum) == list: for ind1, item1 in enumerate(metaDatum): if type(item1) == list: for ind2,item2 in enumerate(item1): if type(item2) == list: warnings.warn("3-Deep lists not saved to output FITS header") else: if len(keyName) > 6: keyName = keyName[0:6] useKey = "{}{}{}".format(keyName,ind1,ind2) header[useKey] = (item2, "{}: item: {} sub-item {}".format(oneKey,ind1,ind2)) else: if len(keyName) > 7: keyName = keyName[0:7] useKey = "{}{}".format(keyName,ind1) header[useKey] = (item1, "{}: item {}".format(oneKey,ind1)) else: header[keyName] = (metaDatum, oneKey) # if value != None: # ## dig as far as the depth number to check for a list # for oneDepth in np.arange(depth): # value = value[0] # if type(value) == list: # self.paramLists.append(oneKey) # self.counts.append(len(self.batchParam[oneKey])) return header
[docs] def get_median_img(self,nImg): """ Calculate the median image fron n images Parameters ---------- nImg: int Number of images to use for the profile """ nSpacing = self.nImg // nImg indToUse = np.arange(0,self.nImg,nSpacing) nUsed = len(indToUse) img, head = self.get_default_im() all_img = np.zeros([nUsed,img.shape[0],img.shape[1]]) for count,oneInd in enumerate(indToUse): oneImgName = self.fileL[oneInd] img2, head2 = self.getImg(oneImgName) all_img[count,:,:] = img2 medImg = np.median(all_img,axis=0) return medImg, head
[docs] def do_extraction(self,useMultiprocessing=False): """ Extract all spectroscopy """ from ..__init__ import __version__ fileCountArray = np.arange(self.nImg) if self.param['fixedProfile'] == True: if (self.nImg > self.param['nImgForProfile']) & (self.param['nImgForProfile'] > 1): img, head = self.get_median_img(self.param['nImgForProfile']) else: img, head = self.get_default_im() imgSub, bkgModel, subHead = self.do_backsub(img,head,saveFits=False, directions=self.param['bkgSubDirections']) profileList, smooth_img_list = self.find_profile(imgSub,subHead,saveFits=True,masterProfile=True) if (self.param['readNoiseCorrelation'] == True): ## Only run the read noise inverse covariance matrix scheme once for fixed profile readNoise = self.get_read_noise(head) ## Background and read noise only. ## Smoothed source flux added below varImg = readNoise**2 + bkgModel ## in electrons because it should be gain-corrected for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): ## use the smoothed flux for the variance estimate varImg = varImg + np.abs(smooth_img_list[oneSrc]) ## negative flux is approximated as photon noise dispAx = self.dispAx ## dispersion indices in pixels (before wavelength calibration) nDisp = img.shape[dispAx] for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): profile_img = profileList[oneSrc] self.find_cov_weights(nDisp,varImg,profile_img,readNoise, src=oneSrc,saveWeights=True,diagnoseCovariance=False) if useMultiprocessing == True: outputSpec = phot_pipeline.run_multiprocessing_phot(self,fileCountArray,method='spec_for_one_file') else: outputSpec = [] for ind in tqdm.tqdm(fileCountArray): outputSpec.append(self.spec_for_one_file(ind)) timeArr = [] airmass = [] dispPixelArr = outputSpec[0]['disp indices'] nDisp = len(dispPixelArr) optSpec = np.zeros([self.nsrc,self.nImg,nDisp]) optSpec_err = np.zeros_like(optSpec) sumSpec = np.zeros_like(optSpec) sumSpec_err = np.zeros_like(optSpec) backSpec = np.zeros_like(optSpec) refRows = np.zeros([self.nImg,nDisp]) * np.nan cenArr = np.zeros([self.nsrc,self.nImg]) * np.nan fwhmArr = np.zeros([self.nsrc,self.nImg]) * np.nan for ind in fileCountArray: specDict = outputSpec[ind] timeArr.append(specDict['t0'].jd) optSpec[:,ind,:] = specDict['opt spec'] optSpec_err[:,ind,:] = specDict['opt spec err'] sumSpec[:,ind,:] = specDict['sum spec'] sumSpec_err[:,ind,:] = specDict['sum spec err'] backSpec[:,ind,:] = specDict['back spec'] if 'ref row' in specDict: refRows[ind,:] = specDict['ref row'] airmass.append(specDict['airmass']) if 'cen' in specDict: cenArr[:,ind] = specDict['cen'] if 'fwhm' in specDict: fwhmArr[:,ind] = specDict['fwhm'] hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(optSpec) hdu.header['NSOURCE'] = (self.nsrc,'Number of sources with spectroscopy') hdu.header['NIMG'] = (self.nImg,'Number of images') hdu.header['AXIS1'] = ('disp','dispersion axis') hdu.header['AXIS2'] = ('image','image axis') hdu.header['AXIS3'] = ('src','source axis') hdu.header['SRCNAME'] = (self.param['srcName'], 'Source name') hdu.header['NIGHT'] = (self.param['nightName'], 'Night Name') hdu.header['TSHIRTV'] = (__version__,'tshirt version number') = 'Optimal Spec' hdu.header = self.add_parameters_to_header(hdu.header) hduOptErr = fits.ImageHDU(optSpec_err,hdu.header) = 'Opt Spec Err' hduSum = fits.ImageHDU(sumSpec,hdu.header) = 'Sum Spec' hduSumErr = fits.ImageHDU(sumSpec_err,hdu.header) = 'Sum Spec Err' hduBack = fits.ImageHDU(backSpec,hdu.header) = 'Background Spec' hduDispIndices = fits.ImageHDU(dispPixelArr) hduDispIndices.header['AXIS1'] = ('disp index', 'dispersion index (pixels)') = 'Disp Indices' hduFileNames = self.make_filename_hdu(airmass=airmass) ## Get an example original header exImg, exHeader = self.get_default_im() hduOrigHeader = fits.ImageHDU(None,exHeader) = 'Orig Header' ## Save the times hduTime = fits.ImageHDU(np.array(timeArr)) hduTime.header['AXIS1'] = ('time', 'time in Julian Day (JD)') = 'TIME' ## Save the mean refence pixel rows hduRef = fits.ImageHDU(refRows) hduRef.header['AXIS1'] = ('X','Image X axis') hduRef.header['AXIS2'] = ('image', 'image axis, ie. which integration') hduRef.header['BUNIT'] = ('counts', 'should be e- if gain has been applied') hduRef.header['VAL'] = ('Mean','Each pixel is the mean of the 4 bottom reference pixels') = 'REFPIX' ## Save the wavelength array hduWave = fits.ImageHDU(self.wavecal(dispPixelArr,head=exHeader)) hduWave.header['AXIS1'] = ('wavelength','wavelength (microns)') hduWave.header['BUNIT'] = ('microns','wavelength unit') = 'WAVELENGTH' ## Save the spatial centroid hduCen = fits.ImageHDU(cenArr) hduCen.header['AXIS1'] = ('image','spatial / time axis') hduCen.header['AXIS2'] = ('src','source axis for multiple sources') hduCen.header['BUNITS'] = ('px', 'pixels in spatial direction') = 'CENTROID' hduFWHM = fits.ImageHDU(fwhmArr) hduFWHM.header['AXIS1'] = ('image','spatial / time axis') hduFWHM.header['AXIS2'] = ('src','source axis for multiple sources') hduFWHM.header['BUNITS'] = ('px', 'pixels in spatial direction') = 'FWHM' HDUList = fits.HDUList([hdu,hduOptErr,hduSum,hduSumErr, hduBack,hduDispIndices, hduTime,hduFileNames,hduOrigHeader, hduRef,hduWave,hduCen,hduFWHM]) HDUList.writeto(self.specFile,overwrite=True)
[docs] def backsub_oneDir(self,img,head,oneDirection,saveFits=False, showEach=False,ind=None,custPrefix=None): """ Do the background subtraction in a specified direction Either row-by-row or column-by-column Parameters ----------- img: np.array 2D image to be subtracted head: astropy fits header Header of file oneDirection: str 'X' does row-by-row subtraction 'Y' does column-by-column subtraction saveFits: bool Save a fits file of the subtraction model? showEach: bool Show each polynomial fit? ind: int or None The ind in the fileL. This is mainly used for naming files, if files are being saved. custPrefix: str or None A custom prefix for saved file names of the subtraction. If None and ind is None, it saves the prefix as unnamed If None and ind is an int, it uses the original file name Returns -------- imgSub, model, head: tuple of (numpy array, numpy array, :code:`astropy.fits.header`) 'imgSub' is a background-subtracted image 'model' is a background model image 'head' is a header for the background-subtracted image Example -------- .. code-block:: python from tshirt.pipeline import spec_pipeline spec_pipeline.spec() img, head = spec.get_default_im() img2, bkmodel2, head2 = spec.backsub_oneDir(img,head,'X') """ pts_threshold = 3 ## number of points required for a background subtraction ## otherwise, it returns 0 if oneDirection == 'X': subtractionIndexArrayLength = img.shape[1] cross_subtractionIndexArrayLength = img.shape[0] elif oneDirection == 'Y': subtractionIndexArrayLength = img.shape[0] cross_subtractionIndexArrayLength = img.shape[1] else: raise Exception("Unrecognized subtraction direction") if self.param['mosBacksub'] == True: n_subtractions = self.nsrc ## separate backsub for each source else: n_subtractions = 1 ## one backsub for the whole image fitOrder = self.param['bkgOrder{}'.format(oneDirection)] ## make a background model bkgModel = np.zeros_like(img) if self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True: apTables = [] for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): apTables.append(self.calculate_apertures(src=oneSrc)) ## loop through the number of subtractions for sub_counter in np.arange(n_subtractions): if self.param['mosBacksub'] == True: srcInd = sub_counter ## source index ## Here it's assumed that the subtraction is in the cross-dispersion direction cross_subtractionIndexArray = np.arange(self.param['dispPixels'][0], self.param['dispPixels'][1]) cross_subtractionIndexArray = cross_subtractionIndexArray + self.param['dispOffsets'][srcInd] subtractionIndexArray = np.arange(subtractionIndexArrayLength) ## only subtract points near the source absoluteRegions = (np.array(self.param['bkgRegions{}'.format(oneDirection)]) + self.param['starPositions'][srcInd]) lowestPoint = np.min(absoluteRegions) highestPoint = np.max(absoluteRegions) ptsToSubtract = ((subtractionIndexArray >= lowestPoint) & (subtractionIndexArray <= highestPoint)) else: cross_subtractionIndexArray = np.arange(cross_subtractionIndexArrayLength) subtractionIndexArray = np.arange(subtractionIndexArrayLength) ## subtract the whole row/column ptsToSubtract = np.ones(len(subtractionIndexArray),dtype=bool) ## set up which points to do background fitting for ptsAll = np.zeros(len(subtractionIndexArray),dtype=bool) for oneRegion in self.param['bkgRegions{}'.format(oneDirection)]: if self.param['mosBacksub'] == True: startSub = int(self.param['starPositions'][srcInd] + oneRegion[0]) endSub = int(self.param['starPositions'][srcInd] + oneRegion[1]) else: startSub, endSub = int(oneRegion[0]),int(oneRegion[1]) ptsAll[startSub:endSub] = True for cross_Ind in cross_subtractionIndexArray: ind_var = subtractionIndexArray ## independent variable if oneDirection == 'X': dep_var = img[cross_Ind,:] else: dep_var = img[:,cross_Ind] if self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True: pts = deepcopy(ptsAll) for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): oneTable = apTables[oneSrc] disp_pts_match = (cross_Ind == oneTable['dispersion_px']) if np.sum(disp_pts_match) > 0: spatialStart = oneTable['bkgEnd 0'][disp_pts_match][0] spatialEnd = oneTable['bkgStart 1'][disp_pts_match][0] pts[spatialStart:spatialEnd] = False else: pts = ptsAll if np.sum(np.isfinite(dep_var[pts])) < pts_threshold: dep_var_model = np.zeros_like(ind_var) else: polyFit = phot_pipeline.robust_poly(ind_var[pts],dep_var[pts],fitOrder, preScreen=self.param['backPreScreen']) dep_var_model = np.polyval(polyFit,ind_var) if oneDirection == 'X': bkgModel[cross_Ind,ind_var[ptsToSubtract]] = dep_var_model[ptsToSubtract] else: bkgModel[ind_var[ptsToSubtract],cross_Ind] = dep_var_model[ptsToSubtract] if showEach == True: plt.plot(ind_var,dep_var,label='data') plt.plot(ind_var[pts],dep_var[pts],'o',color='red',label='pts fit') plt.plot(ind_var,dep_var_model,label='model') pdb.set_trace() outHead = deepcopy(head) if oneDirection == 'X': outHead['ROWSUB'] = (True, "Is row-by-row subtraction performed?") else: outHead['COLSUB'] = (True, "Is col-by-col subtraction performed?") if saveFits == True: primHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(img,head) if custPrefix is not None: prefixName = custPrefix elif ind == None: prefixName = 'unnamed' else: prefixName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.fileL[ind]))[0] origName = '{}_for_backsub_{}.fits'.format(prefixName,oneDirection) origPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'diagnostics','spec_backsub',origName) primHDU.writeto(origPath,overwrite=True) primHDU_mod = fits.PrimaryHDU(bkgModel) subModelName = '{}_backsub_model_{}.fits'.format(prefixName,oneDirection) subModelPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'diagnostics','spec_backsub',subModelName) primHDU_mod.writeto(subModelPath,overwrite=True) subName = '{}_subtracted_{}.fits'.format(prefixName,oneDirection) subPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'diagnostics','spec_backsub',subName) subHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(img - bkgModel,outHead) subHDU.writeto(subPath,overwrite=True) return img - bkgModel, bkgModel, outHead
[docs] def do_backsub(self,img,head,ind=None,saveFits=False,directions=['Y','X'], custPrefix=None): """ Do all background subtractions Parameters ---------- img: numpy array The image do to background subtraction on head: astropy.fits.header object The header of the image ind: int, or NOne The index of the file list. This is used to name diagnostic images, if requested saveFits: bool Save diagnostic FITS images of the background subtracted steps? directions: list of str The directions to extract, such as ['Y','X'] to subtract along Y and then X custPrefix: str or None A prefix for the output file name if saving diagnostic files Returns ------- subImg: numpy array Background subtracted image bkgModelTotal: numpy array The background model subHead: astropy.fits.header object A header for the background-subtracted image """ subImg = img subHead = head bkgModelTotal = np.zeros_like(subImg) for oneDirection in directions: subImg, bkgModel, subHead = self.backsub_oneDir(subImg,subHead,oneDirection, ind=ind,saveFits=saveFits, custPrefix=custPrefix) bkgModelTotal = bkgModelTotal + bkgModel return subImg, bkgModelTotal, subHead
[docs] def save_one_backsub(self,ind): """ Save a background-subtracted """ if np.mod(ind,15) == 0: print("On {} of {}".format(ind,len(self.fileL))) oneImgName = self.fileL[ind] img, head = self.getImg(oneImgName) imgSub, bkgModel, subHead = self.do_backsub(img,head,saveFits=False, directions=self.param['bkgSubDirections']) outHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(imgSub,subHead) baseName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(oneImgName))[0] outName = os.path.join(self.backsubDir,baseName+'.fits') outHDU.writeto(outName)
[docs] def check_trace_requirements(self): """ Some requirements for the trace code to work """ if self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True: numSubtractions = len(self.param['bkgSubDirections']) assert numSubtractions <= 1,'<=1 background subtraction allowed currently' if numSubtractions == 1: if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': assert (self.param['bkgSubDirections'][0] == 'Y'),'x dispersion must have Y backsub' assert (len(self.param['bkgRegionsY']) == 1),'Must have 1 subtraction only' else: assert (self.param['bkgSubDirections'][0] == 'X'),'y dispersion must have X backsub' assert (len(self.param['bkgRegionsX']) == 1),'Must have 1 subtraction only' if self.traceReference is None: pass else: assert os.path.exists(self.traceReference), 'Trace Reference not found'
[docs] def eval_trace(self,dispArray,src=0): """ Evaluate the trace function Parameters ------------ dispArray: numpy array Dispersion array in pixels """ if self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True: self.find_trace() poly1 = self.traceInfo['poly {}'.format(src)] spatial_position = np.polyval(poly1,np.array(dispArray)) else: spatial_position = self.param['starPositions'][src] * np.ones_like(dispArray,dtype=int) return spatial_position
[docs] def find_trace(self,recalculateTrace=False, recalculateTraceData=False, showPlot=False): """ Find the trace either from saved file or trace data Parameters ----------- recalculateTrace: bool Recalculate the trace? recalculateTraceData: bool Recalculate the trace data? showPlot: bool Show plot of fitting the trace? """ if (os.path.exists(self.traceFile) == True) & (recalculateTrace == False): pass else: if (os.path.exists(self.traceDataFile) == True) & (recalculateTraceData == False): pass else: img, head = self.get_default_im() res = self.fit_trace(img,head) res.write(self.traceDataFile,overwrite=True) traceData = tpoly = Table() traceOrder = self.param['traceOrder'] tpoly['order'] = np.flip(np.arange(traceOrder+1)) for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): tracePoly = phot_pipeline.robust_poly(traceData['x'], traceData['cen {}'.format(oneSrc)], traceOrder) tpoly['poly {}'.format(oneSrc)] = tracePoly tpoly.write(self.traceFile,overwrite=True) self.traceInfo = if showPlot == True: traceData = for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): plt.plot(traceData['x'],traceData['cen {}'.format(oneSrc)],'o') y_eval = self.eval_trace(traceData['x'],src=oneSrc) plt.plot(traceData['x'],y_eval)
[docs] def fit_trace(self,img,head,showEach=False, fitMethod='astropy'): """ Use Gaussian to fit trace and FWHM Parameters ---------- img: numpy array 2D image to fit trace for head: astropy header FITS header to do fitting on showEach: bool Show each line fit? fitMethod: str 'astropy' : will use models Gaussian2D + linear 'sckpyQuick' : will fit w/ scipy.stats.norm """ dispDirection = self.param['dispDirection'].upper() if dispDirection == 'Y': spatialIndexArrayLength = img.shape[1] # dispersionIndexArrayLength = img.shape[0] elif dispDirection == 'X': spatialIndexArrayLength = img.shape[0] # dispersionIndexArrayLength = img.shape[1] else: raise Exception("Unrecognized spatial direction") ## eventually use self.param['dispOffsets'][srcInd] dispStart, dispEnd = self.param['dispPixels'] dispersionIndexArrayLength = int(dispEnd - dispStart) if self.param['mosBacksub'] == True: n_spatials = self.nsrc ## separate backsub for each source else: n_spatials = 1 ## one backsub for the whole image fitOrder = self.param['traceOrder'] ## make a source model srcModel = np.zeros_like(img) ## save the FWHM and centroid fwhmArr = np.zeros([dispersionIndexArrayLength,self.nsrc]) cenArr = np.zeros([dispersionIndexArrayLength,self.nsrc]) ## loop through the number of spatials for srcInd in np.arange(n_spatials): if self.param['mosBacksub'] == True: raise NotImplementedError else: dispersionIndexArray = np.arange(dispStart,dispEnd) spatialIndexArray = np.arange(spatialIndexArrayLength) ## fit the whole row/column ptsTofit = np.ones(len(spatialIndexArray),dtype=bool) dispersionCounterArray = np.arange(dispersionIndexArrayLength) ## set up which points to do source fitting for pts = np.zeros(len(spatialIndexArray),dtype=bool) srcMid = self.param['starPositions'][srcInd] boxSize = self.param['traceFitBoxSize'] startsrc = np.max([0,int(srcMid - boxSize)]) endsrc = np.min([np.max(spatialIndexArray),int(srcMid + boxSize)]) pts[startsrc:endsrc] = True for dispersion_counter in tqdm.tqdm(dispersionCounterArray): dispersion_Ind = dispersionIndexArray[dispersion_counter] ind_var = spatialIndexArray ## independent variable if dispDirection == 'Y': dep_var = img[dispersion_Ind,:] else: dep_var = img[:,dispersion_Ind] good_pts = np.isfinite(dep_var) & pts spatial_profile = dep_var[good_pts] if np.sum(good_pts) < 5: cenArr[dispersion_counter,srcInd] = np.nan fwhmArr[dispersion_counter,srcInd] = np.nan dep_var_model = np.ones_like(dep_var) * np.nan elif fitMethod == 'astropy': fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() ampGuess = np.percentile(spatial_profile,90) meanGuess = spatialIndexArray[good_pts][np.argmax(spatial_profile)] #meanGuess = np.sum(spatial_profile * spatialIndexArray[good_pts])/np.sum(spatial_profile) gauss1d = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=ampGuess, mean=meanGuess, stddev=self.param['traceFWHMguess']/2.35) line_orig = models.Linear1D(slope=0.0, intercept=np.min(spatial_profile)) comb_gauss = line_orig + gauss1d try: fitted_model = fitter(comb_gauss, ind_var[good_pts],spatial_profile, maxiter=111) except Exception as e: pdb.set_trace() cen_found = fitted_model.mean_1.value cenGrace = 5 if (cen_found > (np.min(ind_var) - cenGrace)) & (cen_found < (np.max(ind_var) + cenGrace)): thisCen = cen_found else: thisCen = np.nan cenArr[dispersion_counter,srcInd] = thisCen fwhmArr[dispersion_counter,srcInd] = fitted_model.stddev_1.value * 2.35 dep_var_model = fitted_model elif fitMethod == 'scipyQuick': mean,std =,spatial_profile) cenArr[dispersion_counter,srcInd] = mean fwhmArr[dispersion_counter,srcInd] = std * 2.35 else: raise Exception("No fit method {}".format(fitMethod)) # polyFit = phot_pipeline.robust_poly(ind_var[pts],dep_var[pts],fitOrder, # preScreen=self.param['backPreScreen']) # dep_var_model = np.polyval(polyFit,ind_var) # if dispDirection == 'Y': # bkgModel[dispersion_Ind,ind_var[ptsTofit]] = dep_var_model[ptsTofit] # else: # bkgModel[ind_var[ptsTofit],dispersion_Ind] = dep_var_model[ptsTofit] if showEach == True: plt.plot(ind_var,dep_var,label='data') plt.plot(ind_var[good_pts],dep_var[good_pts],'o',color='red',label='pts fit') plt.plot(ind_var,dep_var_model(ind_var),label='model') pdb.set_trace() disperion_counter = dispersion_counter + 1 t = Table() t['x'] = dispersionIndexArray for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): t['cen {}'.format(oneSrc)] = cenArr[:,oneSrc] t['fwhm {}'.format(oneSrc)] = fwhmArr[:,oneSrc] return t
[docs] def save_all_backsub(self,useMultiprocessing=False): """ Save all background-subtracted images """ fileCountArray = np.arange(self.nImg) oneImgPath = self.fileL[0] self.backsubDir = os.path.join(os.path.split(oneImgPath)[0],'backsub_img') if os.path.exists(self.backsubDir) == False: os.mkdir(self.backsubDir) if useMultiprocessing == True: outputSpec = phot_pipeline.run_multiprocessing_phot(self,fileCountArray,method='save_one_backsub') else: outputSpec = [] for ind in fileCountArray: outputSpec.append(self.save_one_backsub(ind))
[docs] def profile_normalize(self,img,method='sum'): """ Renormalize a profile along the spatial direction Parameters ----------- img: numpy array The input profile image to be normalized """ if method == 'sum': normArr = np.nansum(img,self.spatialAx) elif method == 'peak': normArr = np.nanmax(img,self.spatialAx) else: raise Exception("Unrecognized normalization method") if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': norm2D = np.tile(normArr,[img.shape[0],1]) else: norm2D = np.tile(normArr,[img.shape[1],1]).transpose() norm_profile = np.zeros_like(img) nonZero = img != 0 norm_profile[nonZero] = img[nonZero]/norm2D[nonZero] return norm_profile
[docs] def find_profile(self,img,head,ind=None,saveFits=False,showEach=False,masterProfile=False): """ Find the spectroscopic profile using splines along the spectrum This assumes an inherently smooth continuum (like a stellar source) img: numpy array The 2D Science image head: header object Header from the science file ind: int Index of the file list (which image is begin analyzed) saveFits: bool (optional) Save the profile to a fits file? showEach: bool Show each step of the profile fitting masterProfile: bool Is this a master profile fit? """ profile_img_list = [] smooth_img_list = [] ## save the smooth version if running diagnostics for srcInd,oneSourcePos in enumerate(self.param['starPositions']): dispStart = int(self.param['dispPixels'][0] + self.dispOffsets[srcInd]) dispEnd = int(self.param['dispPixels'][1] + self.dispOffsets[srcInd]) ind_var = np.arange(dispStart,dispEnd) ## independent variable knots = np.linspace(dispStart,dispEnd,self.param['numSplineKnots'])[1:-1] profile_img = np.zeros_like(img) if (self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True): t = self.calculate_apertures() startSpatial = np.min(t['srcStart']) endSpatial = np.max(t['srcEnd']) else: startSpatial = int(oneSourcePos - self.param['apWidth'] / 2.) endSpatial = int(oneSourcePos + self.param['apWidth'] / 2.) for oneSpatialInd in np.arange(startSpatial,endSpatial + 1): if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': try: dep_var = img[oneSpatialInd,dispStart:dispEnd] except IndexError: print("indexing problem. Entering pdb to help diagnose it") pdb.set_trace() else: dep_var = img[dispStart:dispEnd,oneSpatialInd] ## this is a very long way to calculate a log that avoids runtime warnings fitY = np.zeros_like(dep_var) * np.nan positivep = np.zeros_like(dep_var,dtype=bool) finitep = np.isfinite(dep_var) positivep[finitep] = (dep_var[finitep] > 0. - self.floor_delta) fitY[positivep] = np.log10(dep_var[positivep] + self.floor_delta) spline1 = phot_pipeline.robust_poly(ind_var,fitY,self.param['splineSpecFitOrder'], knots=knots,useSpline=True,sigreject=self.param['splineSigRej'], plotEachStep=False,preScreen=self.param['splinePreScreen']) modelF = 10**spline1(ind_var) - self.floor_delta if showEach == True: plt.plot(ind_var,dep_var,'o',label='data') plt.plot(ind_var,modelF,label='model') yKnots = np.nanmedian(dep_var) * np.ones_like(knots) plt.plot(knots,yKnots,'o',label='knots') plt.legend() pdb.set_trace() if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': profile_img[oneSpatialInd,dispStart:dispEnd] = modelF else: profile_img[dispStart:dispEnd,oneSpatialInd] = modelF smooth_img = deepcopy(profile_img) if (self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True): ## set the pixels below and above the curved trace to be 0 in profile oneTable = self.calculate_apertures(src=srcInd) for oneDispPx in np.arange(dispStart,dispEnd): disp_pts_match = (oneDispPx == oneTable['dispersion_px']) if np.sum(disp_pts_match) > 0: local_spatialStart = oneTable['srcStart'][disp_pts_match][0] local_spatialEnd = oneTable['srcEnd'][disp_pts_match][0] if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': profile_img[startSpatial:local_spatialStart,oneDispPx] = 0 profile_img[local_spatialEnd:(endSpatial+1),oneDispPx] = 0 profile_img[local_spatialStart:(local_spatialEnd+1),oneDispPx] += self.floor_delta else: profile_img[oneDispPx,startSpatial:local_spatialStart] = 0 profile_img[oneDispPx,(local_spatialEnd+1):endSpatial] = 0 profile_img[oneDispPx,local_spatialStart:(local_spatialEnd+1)] += self.floor_delta else: if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': profile_img[startSpatial:endSpatial+1,dispStart:dispEnd] += self.floor_delta else: profile_img[dispStart:dispEnd,startSpatial:endSpatial+1] += self.floor_delta ## Renormalize norm_profile = self.profile_normalize(profile_img) profile_img_list.append(norm_profile) ## save the smoothed image smooth_img_list.append(smooth_img) if saveFits == True: primHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(img,head) if masterProfile == True: prefixName = self.master_profile_prefix elif ind == None: prefixName = 'unnamed' else: prefixName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.fileL[ind]))[0] origName = '{}_for_profile_fit.fits'.format(prefixName) origPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'diagnostics','profile_fit',origName) primHDU.writeto(origPath,overwrite=True) for ind,profile_img in enumerate(profile_img_list): ## Saved the smoothed model primHDU_smooth = fits.PrimaryHDU(smooth_img_list[ind]) smoothModelName = '{}/{}_smoothed_src_{}.fits'.format(self.profile_dir,prefixName,ind) primHDU_smooth.writeto(smoothModelName,overwrite=True) ## Save the profile primHDU_mod = fits.PrimaryHDU(profile_img) profModelName = '{}/{}_profile_model_src_{}.fits'.format(self.profile_dir,prefixName,ind) primHDU_mod.writeto(profModelName,overwrite=True) return profile_img_list, smooth_img_list
[docs] def read_profiles(self): """ Read in the master profile for each source if using a single profile for all images """ profile_img_list, smooth_img_list = [], [] prefixName = self.master_profile_prefix for ind in np.arange(self.nsrc): ## Get the profile profModelName = '{}/{}_profile_model_src_{}.fits'.format(self.profile_dir,prefixName,ind) profile_img_list.append(fits.getdata(profModelName)) ## Get the smoothed model smoothModelName = '{}/{}_smoothed_src_{}.fits'.format(self.profile_dir,prefixName,ind) smooth_img_list.append(fits.getdata(smoothModelName)) return profile_img_list, smooth_img_list
def find_cov_weights(self,nDisp,varImg,profile_img,readNoise, src=0,saveWeights=False,diagnoseCovariance=False): ## This will be slow at first because I'm starting with a for loop. ## Eventually do fancy 3D matrices to make it fast #optflux = np.zeros(nDisp) * np.nan #varFlux = np.zeros_like(optflux) * np.nan varPure = varImg - readNoise**2 ## remove the read noise because we'll put it in covariance matrix weight2D = np.zeros_like(profile_img) if self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True: apTable = self.calculate_apertures(src=src) else: oneSourcePos = self.param['starPositions'][src] startSpatial = int(oneSourcePos - self.param['apWidth'] / 2.) endSpatial = int(oneSourcePos + self.param['apWidth'] / 2.) nSpatial = (endSpatial - startSpatial) + 1 for oneInd in np.arange(nDisp): if self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True: disp_pts_match = (oneInd == apTable['dispersion_px']) if np.sum(disp_pts_match) > 0: startSpatial = apTable['srcStart'][disp_pts_match][0] endSpatial = apTable['srcEnd'][disp_pts_match][0] nSpatial = (endSpatial - startSpatial) + 1 else: startSpatial = 1 endSpatial = 0 ##make it have zero points nSpatial = 0 if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': prof = profile_img[startSpatial:endSpatial+1,oneInd] varPhotons = varPure[startSpatial:endSpatial+1,oneInd] #correction = correctionFactor[oneInd] #data = imgSub[startSpatial:endSpatial+1,oneInd] else: prof = profile_img[oneInd,startSpatial:endSpatial+1] varPhotons = varPure[oneInd,startSpatial:endSpatial+1] #correction = correctionFactor[oneInd] #data = imgSub[oneInd,startSpatial:endSpatial] minP = self.minPixForCovarianceWeights if (np.nansum(prof > 0) > minP) & (np.sum(np.isfinite(varPhotons)) > minP): ## only try to do the matrix math if points are finite ## assuming the read noise is correlated but photon noise is not rho = self.param['readNoiseCorrVal'] ## fill everything w/ off-diagonal cov_read = np.ones([nSpatial,nSpatial]) * rho * readNoise**2 if self.param['dispNoiseCorrelation'] == True: dispPixels = 100 ## fill diagonal w/ spatial correlation np.fill_diagonal(cov_read,self.param['readNoiseCorrDispVal'] * readNoise**2) cov_read = np.repeat(cov_read,dispPixels,axis=0) cov_read = np.repeat(cov_read,dispPixels,axis=1) ## fill diagonal of spatial-spectral w/ read noise np.fill_diagonal(cov_read,readNoise**2) prof = np.repeat(prof,dispPixels) ## renormalize prof = prof / np.sum(prof) varPhotons = np.repeat(varPhotons,dispPixels) else: ## fill diagonal w/ read noise np.fill_diagonal(cov_read,readNoise**2) if self.param['ignorePhotNoiseInCovariance'] == True: ## A diagnostic mode to experiment with simulated data w/ no photon noise cov_matrix = cov_read ## temporarily ignoring phot noise as in simulation else: cov_matrix = np.diag(varPhotons) + cov_read cov_matrix_norm = np.outer(1./prof,1./prof) * cov_matrix inv_cov = np.linalg.inv(cov_matrix_norm) weights =,inv_cov) #optflux[oneInd] = np.nansum(weights * data * correction / prof) / np.sum(weights) #varFlux[oneInd] = np.nansum(correction) / np.sum(weights) if self.param['dispNoiseCorrelation'] == True: x = np.arange(len(weights)) sumSpatial, edges, binnum = binned_statistic(x,weights,statistic='sum',bins=nSpatial) weights = sumSpatial * nSpatial ## diagnostic stuff # prof = profile_img[startSpatial:endSpatial+1,oneInd] # var = varImg[startSpatial:endSpatial+1,oneInd] # weights_var = (prof**2 / var) # print('Weights var: ') # print(weights_var) # print("Weights cov:") # print(weights) # photons = np.sum(varPhotons) # err_var = np.sqrt(1./np.sum(prof**2/var)) # print("Err var (e-, %):") # print(err_var,err_var/photons * 100.) # print("Err cov:") # err_cov = np.sqrt(1./np.sum(weights)) # print(err_cov, err_cov/photons * 100.) # pdb.set_trace() if (diagnoseCovariance == True) & (oneInd > 900): var = varImg[startSpatial:endSpatial+1,oneInd] weights_var = (prof / var) / np.sum(prof**2/var) if self.param['dispNoiseCorrelation'] == True: prof = profile_img[startSpatial:endSpatial+1,oneInd] weights_cov = (weights / prof) / np.sum(weights) print('Weights var:') print(weights_var) print('Weights covar:') print(weights_cov) pdb.set_trace() if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': weight2D[startSpatial:endSpatial+1,oneInd] = weights else: weight2D[oneInd,startSpatial:endSpatial+1] = weights if saveWeights == True: primHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(weight2D) outName = '{}_weight2D_src_{}.fits'.format(self.dataFileDescrip,src) outPath = os.path.join(self.weight_dir,outName) primHDU.writeto(outPath,overwrite=True) return weight2D
[docs] def read_cov_weights(self,src=0): """ Read the covariance-weights for a fixed profile through the time series """ weightName = '{}_weight2D_src_{}.fits'.format(self.dataFileDescrip,src) weightPath = os.path.join(self.weight_dir,weightName) weight2D = fits.getdata(weightPath) return weight2D
[docs] def spec_for_one_file(self,ind,saveFits=False,diagnoseCovariance=False): """ Get spectroscopy for one file Calculate the optimal and sum extractions If `saveRefRow` is True, the reference pixel row will be saved Parameters ---------- ind: int File index saveFits: bool Save the background subtraction and profile fits? diagnoseCovariance: bool Diagnostic information for the covariance profile weighting """ oneImgName = self.fileL[ind] img, head = self.getImg(oneImgName) t0 = self.get_date(head) if 'AIRMASS' in head: airmass = head['AIRMASS'] else: airmass = 'none' imgSub, bkgModel, subHead = self.do_backsub(img,head,ind,saveFits=saveFits, directions=self.param['bkgSubDirections']) readNoise = self.get_read_noise(head) ## Background and read noise only. ## Smoothed source flux added below varImg = readNoise**2 + np.abs(bkgModel) ## in electrons because it should be gain-corrected if self.param['fixedProfile'] == True: profile_img_list, smooth_img_list = self.read_profiles() else: profile_img_list, smooth_img_list = self.find_profile(imgSub,subHead,ind,saveFits=saveFits) for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): ## use the smoothed flux for the variance estimate varImg = varImg + np.abs(smooth_img_list[oneSrc]) ## negative flux is approximated as photon noise if saveFits == True: prefixName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(oneImgName))[0] varName = '{}_variance.fits'.format(prefixName) varPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'diagnostics','variance_img',varName) primHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(varImg) primHDU.writeto(varPath,overwrite=True) spatialAx = self.spatialAx dispAx = self.dispAx ## dispersion indices in pixels (before wavelength calibration) nDisp = img.shape[dispAx] dispIndices = np.arange(nDisp) optSpectra = np.zeros([self.nsrc,nDisp]) optSpectra_err = np.zeros_like(optSpectra) sumSpectra = np.zeros_like(optSpectra) sumSpectra_err = np.zeros_like(optSpectra) backSpectra = np.zeros_like(optSpectra) cenInfo = np.zeros([self.nsrc]) fwhmInfo = np.zeros([self.nsrc]) for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): profile_img = profile_img_list[oneSrc] smooth_img = smooth_img_list[oneSrc] ## Find the bad pixels and their missing weights finitep = (np.isfinite(img) & np.isfinite(varImg) & np.isfinite(smooth_img)) badPx = finitep == False ## start by marking NaNs as bad pixels ## also mark large deviations from profile fit badPx[finitep] = np.abs(smooth_img[finitep] - imgSub[finitep]) > self.param['sigForBadPx'] * np.sqrt(varImg[finitep]) holey_profile = deepcopy(profile_img) holey_profile[badPx] = 0. holey_weights = np.sum(holey_profile,self.spatialAx) correctionFactor = np.ones_like(holey_weights) goodPts = holey_weights > 0. correctionFactor[goodPts] = 1./holey_weights[goodPts] ## make a 2D correction factor to weight the image around NaNs if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': correct2D = np.tile(correctionFactor,[img.shape[0],1]) else: correct2D = np.tile(correctionFactor,[img.shape[1],1]).transpose() markBad = badPx & (profile_img > 0.) correct2D[markBad] = 0. if saveFits == True: primHDU_prof2Dh = fits.PrimaryHDU(holey_profile) holey_profile_name = '{}_holey_profile_{}.fits'.format(prefixName,oneSrc) holey_profile_path = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'diagnostics','profile_fit',holey_profile_name) primHDU_prof2Dh.writeto(holey_profile_path,overwrite=True) corrHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(correct2D) correction2DName = '{}_correct_2D_{}.fits'.format(prefixName,oneSrc) correction2DPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'diagnostics','profile_fit',correction2DName) corrHDU.writeto(correction2DPath,overwrite=True) srcMask = profile_img > 0. ## Replaced the old lines to avoid runtime warnings if self.param['readNoiseCorrelation'] == True: #if self.param['fixedProfile'] == True: fixedProfImplemented = True if (self.param['fixedProfile'] == True) & (fixedProfImplemented == True): weight2D = self.read_cov_weights(src=oneSrc) else: weight2D = self.find_cov_weights(nDisp,varImg,profile_img,readNoise, src=oneSrc,saveWeights=False, diagnoseCovariance=diagnoseCovariance) inverse_prof = np.zeros_like(profile_img) * np.nan nonz = (profile_img != 0.) & (np.isfinite(profile_img)) inverse_prof[nonz] = 1./profile_img[nonz] # avoid div by 0 issues optNumerator = np.nansum(imgSub * weight2D * correct2D * inverse_prof,spatialAx) denom = np.nansum(weight2D,spatialAx) varNumerator = correctionFactor denom_v = denom elif self.param['superWeights'] == True: expConst = 10. weight2D = profile_img * np.exp(profile_img * expConst)/ varImg #weight2D = self.profile_normalize(weight2D,method='peak') #normprof2 = self.profile_normalize(profile_img,method='peak') * np.median(np.nanmax(profile_img,spatialAx)) optNumerator = np.nansum(imgSub * weight2D,spatialAx) denom = np.nansum(profile_img * weight2D,spatialAx) varNumerator = np.nansum(profile_img * correct2D,spatialAx) denom_v = np.nansum(profile_img**2/varImg,spatialAx) else: # optflux = (np.nansum(imgSub * profile_img * correct2D/ varImg,spatialAx) / # np.nansum(profile_img**2/varImg,spatialAx)) # varFlux = (np.nansum(profile_img * correct2D,spatialAx) / # np.nansum(profile_img**2/varImg,spatialAx)) optNumerator = np.nansum(imgSub * profile_img * correct2D/ varImg,spatialAx) denom = np.nansum(profile_img**2/varImg,spatialAx) varNumerator = np.nansum(profile_img * correct2D,spatialAx) denom_v = denom nonz = (denom != 0.) & np.isfinite(denom) optflux = np.zeros_like(optNumerator) * np.nan optflux[nonz] = optNumerator[nonz] / denom[nonz] varFlux = np.zeros_like(varNumerator) * np.nan varFlux[nonz] = varNumerator[nonz] / denom_v[nonz] sumFlux = np.nansum(imgSub * srcMask,spatialAx) sumErr = np.sqrt(np.nansum(varImg * srcMask,spatialAx)) optSpectra[oneSrc,:] = optflux optSpectra_err[oneSrc,:] = np.sqrt(varFlux) sumSpectra[oneSrc,:] = sumFlux sumSpectra_err[oneSrc,:] = sumErr backSpectra[oneSrc,:] = np.nanmean(bkgModel * srcMask,spatialAx) if saveFits == True: prefixName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(oneImgName))[0] if self.param['readNoiseCorrelation'] == True: pass ## already using the weight2D weightName = '_rn_corr' elif self.param['superWeights'] == True: weight2D = weight2D weightName = '_super' else: ## calculate weight 2D weight2D = profile_img * correctionFactor/ varImg weightName = '' weightName = '{}_weights{}.fits'.format(prefixName,weightName) weightPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'diagnostics','variance_img',weightName) primHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(weight2D) primHDU.writeto(weightPath,overwrite=True) if self.param['saveSpatialProfileStats'] == True: ## get the centroid and FWHM info if self.param['profilePix'] == None: profDispStart_0 = self.param['dispPixels'][0] profDispEnd_0 = self.param['dispPixels'][1] else: profDispStart_0 = self.param['profilePix'][0] profDispEnd_0 = self.param['profilePix'][1] profDispStart = profDispStart_0 + self.dispOffsets[oneSrc] profDispEnd = profDispEnd_0 + self.dispOffsets[oneSrc] profilePix = ((dispIndices > profDispStart) & (dispIndices <= profDispEnd)) oneSourcePos = self.param['starPositions'][oneSrc] if self.param['profileFitWidth'] is None: spatialWidthToFit = self.param['apWidth'] else: spatialWidthToFit = self.param['profileFitWidth'] startSpatial = int(oneSourcePos - spatialWidthToFit / 2.) endSpatial = int(oneSourcePos + spatialWidthToFit / 2.) spatial_var = np.arange(startSpatial,endSpatial) ## independent variable if self.param['useSmoothProfileForStats'] == True: if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': spatial_profile = np.nanmean(profile_img[startSpatial:endSpatial,profilePix],axis=1) else: spatial_profile = np.nanmean(profile_img[profilePix,startSpatial:endSpatial],axis=0) else: if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': spatial_profile = np.nanmedian(imgSub[startSpatial:endSpatial,profilePix],axis=1) else: spatial_profile = np.nanmedian(imgSub[profilePix,startSpatial:endSpatial],axis=0) fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() ampGuess = np.max(spatial_profile) - np.min(spatial_profile) meanGuess = np.median(spatial_var) gauss1d = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=ampGuess, mean=meanGuess, stddev=3) line_orig = models.Linear1D(slope=0.0, intercept=np.min(spatial_profile)) comb_gauss = line_orig + gauss1d fitted_model = fitter(comb_gauss, spatial_var,spatial_profile, maxiter=111) cenInfo[oneSrc] = fitted_model.mean_1.value fwhmInfo[oneSrc] = fitted_model.stddev_1.value * 2.35 if saveFits == True: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(spatial_var,spatial_profile,label='data') ax.plot(spatial_var,fitted_model(spatial_var),label='Model') spat_profile_name = 'spatial_prof_{}_src_{}.pdf'.format(prefixName,oneSrc) spatial_prof_path = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'diagnostics','spatial_profile',spat_profile_name) ax.legend() ax.set_title('Cen={}, FWHM={}'.format(cenInfo[oneSrc],fwhmInfo[oneSrc])) print("Saving spatial profile to {}".format(spatial_prof_path)) fig.savefig(spatial_prof_path) plt.close(fig) extractDict = {} ## spectral extraction dictionary extractDict['t0'] = t0 extractDict['disp indices'] = dispIndices extractDict['opt spec'] = optSpectra extractDict['opt spec err'] = optSpectra_err extractDict['sum spec'] = sumSpectra extractDict['sum spec err'] = sumSpectra_err extractDict['back spec'] = backSpectra extractDict['airmass'] = airmass if self.param['saveSpatialProfileStats'] == True: extractDict['cen'] = cenInfo extractDict['fwhm'] = fwhmInfo if self.param['saveRefRow'] == True: refRow = np.mean(img[0:4,:],axis=0) extractDict['ref row'] = refRow return extractDict
[docs] def norm_spec(self,x,y,numSplineKnots=None,srcInd=0): """ Normalize spec Parameters ---------- """ dispStart = self.param['dispPixels'][0] + self.dispOffsets[srcInd] dispEnd = self.param['dispPixels'][1] + self.dispOffsets[srcInd] if numSplineKnots is None: numSplineKnots = self.param['numSplineKnots'] knots = np.linspace(dispStart,dispEnd,numSplineKnots)[1:-1] spline1 = phot_pipeline.robust_poly(x,np.log10(y),self.param['splineSpecFitOrder'], knots=knots,useSpline=True) modelF = 10**spline1(x) return y / modelF
[docs] def plot_one_spec(self,src=0,ind=None,specTypes=['Sum','Optimal'], normalize=False,numSplineKnots=None,showPlot=True,waveCal=False): """ Plot one example spectrum after extraction has been run Parameters ---------- src: int, optional The number of the source to plot ind: int or None, optional An index number to pass to get_spec(). It tells which spectrum to plot. Defaults to number of images //2 specTypes: list of strings, optional List of which spectra to show 'Sum' for sum extraction 'Optimal' for optimal extraction normalize: bool, optional Normalize and/or flatten spectrum using `self.norm_spec` numSplitKnots: int or None, optional Number of spline knots to pass to `self.norm_spec` for flattening showPlot: bool Show the plot in widget? If True, it renders the image with If False, saves an image waveCal: bool Wavelength calibrate the X axis? If False, gives dispersion pixels """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() for oneSpecType in specTypes: x, y, yerr = self.get_spec(specType=oneSpecType,ind=ind,src=src) if normalize==True: y = self.norm_spec(x,y,numSplineKnots=numSplineKnots) if waveCal == True: plot_x = self.wavecal(x) else: plot_x = x ax.plot(plot_x,y,label=oneSpecType) ax.legend() if waveCal == True: ax.set_xlabel("Wavelength ($\mu$m)") else: ax.set_xlabel("{} pixel".format(self.param['dispDirection'].upper())) ax.set_ylabel("Counts (e$^-$)") if showPlot == True: else: outName = '{}_ind_spec_{}.pdf'.format(self.param['srcNameShort'],self.param['nightName']) outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','spectra','individual_spec',outName) fig.savefig(outPath,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig)
[docs] def periodogram(self,src=0,ind=None,specType='Optimal',showPlot=True, transform=None,trim=False,logY=True,align=False): """ Plot a periodogram of the spectrum to search for periodicities Parameters ----------- showPlot: bool If True, a plot is rendered in matplotlib widget If False, a plot is saved to file """ if ind == None: x_px, y, yerr = self.get_avg_spec(src=src,align=align) else: x_px, y, yerr = self.get_spec(specType=specType,ind=ind,src=src) if trim == True: x_px = x_px[1000:1800] y = y[1000:1800] yerr = yerr[1000:1800] # x_px = x_px[1000:1200] # y = y[1000:1200] # yerr = yerr[1000:1200] if transform is None: x = x_px x_unit = 'Frequency (1/px)' elif transform == 'lam-squared': lam = self.wavecal(x_px) x = lam**2 x_unit = 'Frequency (1/$\lambda^2$)' elif transform == 'inv-lam': lam = self.wavecal(x_px) x = 1./lam x_unit = '$\lambda^2/(\Delta \lambda) (\mu$m)' else: raise Exception("Unrecognized transform {}".format(transform)) normY = self.norm_spec(x_px,y,numSplineKnots=200) yerr_Norm = yerr / y #x1, x2 = pts = np.isfinite(normY) & np.isfinite(yerr_Norm) ls = LombScargle(x[pts],normY[pts],yerr_Norm[pts]) #pdb.set_trace() frequency, power = ls.autopower() period = 1./frequency fig, ax = plt.subplots() if logY == True: ax.loglog(frequency,power) else: ax.semilogx(frequency,power) ax.set_xlabel(x_unit) ax.set_ylabel('Power') if astropy.__version__ > "3.0": maxPower = power.max() fap = ls.false_alarm_probability(power.max()) print("False alarm probability at {} is {}".format(maxPower,fap)) for onePower in [1e-3,1e-2,2e-2,2.5e-2]: fap = ls.false_alarm_probability(onePower) print("False alarm probability at {} is {}".format(onePower,fap)) else: warnings.warn('Not calculating FAP for older version of astropy') # localPts = frequency < 0.05 # argmax = np.argmax(power[localPts]) # freqAtMax = frequency[localPts][argmax] # print('Freq at local max power = {}'.format(freqAtMax)) # print('Corresponding period = {}'.format(1./freqAtMax)) # if astropy.__version__ > "3.0": # print("FAP at local max = {}".format(ls.false_alarm_probability(power[localPts][argmax]))) # else: # warnings.warn('Not calculating FAP for older versions of astropy') #ax.set_xlim(100,1e4) if showPlot == True: else: periodoName = '{}_spec_periodo_{}_{}.pdf'.format(self.param['srcNameShort'],self.param['nightName'],transform) outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','spectra','periodograms',periodoName) fig.savefig(outPath) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def get_spec(self,specType='Optimal',ind=None,src=0): """ Get a spectrum from the saved FITS file Parameters ------------ specType: str The type of spectrum 'Optimal" for optimal extraction. 'Sum' for sum extraction ind: int or None The index from the file list. If None, it will use the default. src: int The source index Returns -------- x: numpy array The spectral pixel numbers y: numpy array the extracted flux yerr: numpy array the error in the extracted flux """ if os.path.exists(self.specFile) == False: self.do_extraction() x, y, yerr = get_spectrum(self.specFile,specType=specType,ind=ind,src=src) return x, y, yerr
def align_spec(self,data2D,refInd=None,diagnostics=False,srcInd=0): align2D = np.zeros_like(data2D) nImg = data2D.shape[0] dispPix = np.array(np.array(self.param['dispPixels']) + self.dispOffsets[srcInd],dtype=int) Noffset = self.param['nOffsetCC'] if refInd == None: refInd = nImg // 2 refSpec = data2D[refInd,dispPix[0]:dispPix[1]] waveIndices = np.arange(dispPix[1] - dispPix[0]) offsetIndArr = np.zeros(nImg) for imgInd in np.arange(nImg): thisSpec = data2D[imgInd,dispPix[0]:dispPix[1]] if (imgInd > 5) & (diagnostics == True): doDiagnostics = True else: doDiagnostics = False offsetX, offsetInd = utils.crosscor_offset(waveIndices,refSpec,thisSpec,Noffset=Noffset, diagnostics=doDiagnostics,subPixel=True, lowPassFreq=self.param['lowPassFreqCC'], highPassFreq=self.param['hiPassFreqCC']) if doDiagnostics == True: pdb.set_trace() align2D[imgInd,:] = utils.roll_pad(data2D[imgInd,:],offsetInd * self.param['specShiftMultiplier']) offsetIndArr[imgInd] = offsetInd * self.param['specShiftMultiplier'] return align2D, offsetIndArr
[docs] def get_avg_spec(self,src=0,redoDynamic=True,align=False): """ Get the average spectrum across all of the time series Parameters ---------- src: int The index number for the source (0 for the first source's spectrum) redoDynamic: bool Re-run the :any:`plot_dynamic_spec` method to save the average spectrum align: bool Pass this to the :any:`plot_dynamic_spec` method Returns ------- x: numpy array the Wavelength dispersion values (in pixels) y: numpy array The Flux values of the average spectrum yerr: numpy array The error in the average flux """ dyn_specFile = self.dyn_specFile(src=src) if (os.path.exists(dyn_specFile) == False) | (redoDynamic == True): self.plot_dynamic_spec(src=src,saveFits=True,align=align) HDUList = x = HDUList['DISP INDICES'].data y = HDUList['AVG SPEC'].data yerr = HDUList['AVG SPEC ERR'].data HDUList.close() return x, y, yerr
def dyn_specFile(self,src=0): return "{}_src_{}.fits".format(self.dyn_specFile_prefix,src)
[docs] def plot_dynamic_spec(self,src=0,saveFits=True,specAtTop=True,align=False, alignDiagnostics=False,extraFF=False, specType='Optimal',showPlot=False, vmin=None,vmax=None,flipX=False, waveCal=False,topYlabel='', interpolation=None, smooth2D=None): """ Plots a dynamic spectrum of the data Parameters ----------- showPlot: bool, optional Show the plot in addition to saving? saveFits: bool Save a FITS file of the dynamic spectrum? specAtTop: bool Plot the average spectrum at the top of the dynamic spectrum? align: bool Automatically align all the spectra? alignDiagnostics: bool Show diagnostics of the alignment process? extraFF: bool Apply an extra flattening step? specType: str Spectrum type - 'Optimal' or 'Sum' showPlot: bool Show a plot with the spectrum? vmin: float or None Value minimum for dynamic spectrum image vmax: float or None Value maximum for dynamic spectrum image flipX: bool Flip the X axis? interpolation: None or str plot interpolation to use for matplotlib imshow() topYlabel: str The label for the top Y axis waveCal: bool Calibrate the dispersion to wavelength? smooth2D: None or 2 element list If None, no smoothing. If a 2 element list [x_std,y_std], astropy convolve with 2D Gaussian kernel """ if os.path.exists(self.specFile) == False: raise Exception("No spectrum file found. Run extraction first...") HDUList = if specType == 'Optimal': extSpec = HDUList['OPTIMAL SPEC'].data[src] errSpec = HDUList['OPT SPEC ERR'].data[src] elif specType == 'Sum': extSpec = HDUList['SUM SPEC'].data[src] errSpec = HDUList['SUM SPEC ERR'].data[src] elif specType == 'Background': extSpec = HDUList['BACKGROUND SPEC'].data[src] errSpec = HDUList['BACKGROUND SPEC'].data[src] * np.nan else: raise Exception("Unrecognized SpecType {}".format(specType)) nImg = extSpec.shape[0] if extraFF == True: x, y, yerr = self.get_spec(src=src) cleanY = np.zeros_like(y) goodPts = np.isfinite(y) cleanY[goodPts] = y[goodPts] yFlat = utils.flatten(x,cleanY,highPassFreq=0.05) ySmooth = y - yFlat specFF = np.ones_like(y) dispPix = int(self.param['dispPixels'] + self.dispOffsets[src]) disp1, disp2 = dispPix[0] + 10, dispPix[1] - 10 specFF[disp1:disp2] = y[disp1:disp2] / ySmooth[disp1:disp2] badPt = np.isfinite(specFF) == False specFF[badPt] = 1.0 specFF2D = np.tile(specFF,[nImg,1]) extSpec = extSpec / specFF2D if align == True: useSpec, specOffsets = self.align_spec(extSpec,diagnostics=alignDiagnostics, srcInd=src) else: useSpec = extSpec specOffsets = np.zeros(nImg) ## Expecting a RuntimeWarning if all NaN a long a slice with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) avgSpec = np.nanmean(useSpec,0) specCounts = np.ones_like(errSpec) nanPt = (np.isfinite(useSpec) == False) | (np.isfinite(errSpec) == False) specCounts[nanPt] = np.nan ## Expecting a Runtime Warning if all NaN along a slice again with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) avgSpec_err = np.sqrt(np.nansum(errSpec**2,0)) / np.nansum(specCounts,0) waveIndices = HDUList['DISP INDICES'].data normImg = np.tile(avgSpec,[nImg,1]) dynamicSpec = useSpec / normImg dynamicSpec_err = errSpec / normImg if saveFits == True: dynHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(dynamicSpec,HDUList['OPTIMAL SPEC'].header) = 'DYNAMIC SPEC' dynHDU.header['ALIGNED'] = (align, 'Are the spectra shifted to align with each other?') dynHDU.header['SPECTYPE'] = (specType, 'Type of spectrum (sum versus optimal)') dynHDUerr = fits.ImageHDU(dynamicSpec_err,dynHDU.header) = 'DYN SPEC ERR' dispHDU = HDUList['DISP INDICES'] timeHDU = HDUList['TIME'] ## the shift direction is opposite the measured shift, so save this offsetHDU = fits.ImageHDU(-specOffsets) = 'SPEC OFFSETS' offsetHDU.header['BUNIT'] = ('pixels','units of Spectral offsets') avgHDU = fits.ImageHDU(avgSpec) = 'AVG SPEC' avgErrHDU = fits.ImageHDU(avgSpec_err) = 'AVG SPEC ERR' ## Save the wavelength array hduWave = fits.ImageHDU(self.wavecal(waveIndices)) hduWave.header['AXIS1'] = ('wavelength','wavelength (microns)') hduWave.header['BUNIT'] = ('microns','wavelength unit') = 'WAVELENGTH' ## Expect a card-too-long warning with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message= "Card is too long, comment will be truncated") outHDUList = fits.HDUList([dynHDU,dynHDUerr,dispHDU,timeHDU,offsetHDU,avgHDU, avgErrHDU, hduWave]) if align == True: if specType == 'Optimal': alignedHDU = fits.ImageHDU(useSpec,HDUList['OPTIMAL SPEC'].header) else: alignedHDU = fits.ImageHDU(useSpec,HDUList['SUM SPEC'].header) ## Save the aligned spectra outHDUList.append(alignedHDU) if specType != 'Background': outHDUList.writeto(self.dyn_specFile(src),overwrite=True) if specAtTop == True: fig, axArr = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True,gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [1, 3]}) axTop = axArr[0] if waveCal == True: x_spec = self.wavecal(waveIndices) else: x_spec = waveIndices axTop.plot(x_spec,avgSpec) axTop.set_ylabel(topYlabel) ax = axArr[1] else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if vmin is None: vmin=0.95 if vmax is None: vmax=1.05 if waveCal == True: all_waves = self.wavecal(waveIndices) extent = [all_waves[0],all_waves[-1],0,dynamicSpec.shape[0]] else: extent = None if smooth2D is None: zShow = dynamicSpec else: kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(x_stddev=smooth2D[0],y_stddev=smooth2D[1]) if kernel.shape[0] * kernel.shape[1] > 15000: eTxt = "Large kernel sizes will hang. This one is {}x{}".format(kernel.shape[0], kernel.shape[1]) raise Exception(eTxt) zShow = convolve_fft(dynamicSpec,kernel=kernel) imShowData = ax.imshow(zShow,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,origin='lower', extent=extent,interpolation=interpolation, rasterized=True) ax.set_aspect('auto') if waveCal == True: ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength ($\mu$m)') else: ax.set_xlabel('Disp (pixels)') ax.set_ylabel('Time (Image #)') dispPix = np.array(self.param['dispPixels']) + self.dispOffsets[src] if waveCal == True: disp_X = self.wavecal(dispPix) else: disp_X = dispPix if flipX == True: ax.set_xlim(disp_X[1],disp_X[0]) else: ax.set_xlim(disp_X[0],disp_X[1]) fig.colorbar(imShowData,label='Normalized Flux') if specAtTop == True: ## Fix the axes to be the same pos = ax.get_position() pos2 = axTop.get_position() axTop.set_position([pos.x0,pos2.y0,pos.width,pos2.height]) dyn_spec_name = '{}_dyn_spec_{}.pdf'.format(self.param['srcNameShort'],self.param['nightName']) dyn_spec_path = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','spectra','dynamic_spectra',dyn_spec_name) fig.savefig(dyn_spec_path,bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) if showPlot == True: else: plt.close(fig) HDUList.close()
[docs] def plot_noise_spectrum(self,src=0,showPlot=True,yLim=None, startInd=0,endInd=None,waveCal=False, waveBin=False,nbins=10, returnNoiseSpec=False): """ Plot the Noise Spectrum from the Dynamic Spectrum Parameters ---------- src: int Index number for the source showPlot: bool Show a plot in backend? yLim: list or None Specify the y limits startInd: int Starting time index to use endInd: int or None Ending index to use. None will use all waveCal: bool Wavelength calibrate the dispersion pixel waveBin: bool Bin the wavelengths ? nbins: int How many wavelength bins should be used? returnNoiseSpec: bool Return the noise spectrum? If True, an astropy table is returned """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() if waveBin == True: res = self.print_noise_wavebin(nbins=nbins,startInd=startInd,endInd=endInd) if waveCal == True: x_plot = res['Wave (mid)'] else: x_plot = res['Disp Mid'] y = res['Stdev (%)'] / 100. theo_y = res['Theo Err (%)'] / 100. else: HDUList = x = HDUList['DISP INDICES'].data if waveCal == True: x_plot = self.wavecal(x) else: x_plot = x y = np.nanstd(HDUList['DYNAMIC SPEC'].data[startInd:endInd,:],axis=0) theo_y = np.nanmedian(HDUList['DYN SPEC ERR'].data[startInd:endInd,:],axis=0) if waveCal == True: xLabel = 'Wavelength ($\mu$m)' else: xLabel = "Disp Pixel" ax.plot(x_plot,y * 100.,label='Measured noise') ax.plot(x_plot,theo_y * 100.,label='Theoretical noise') ax.set_xlabel(xLabel) ax.set_ylabel("Noise (%)") if yLim is not None: ax.set_ylim(yLim[0],yLim[1]) ax.legend() if showPlot == True: else: outName = 'noise_spec_{}.pdf'.format(self.dataFileDescrip) outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','spectra','noise_spectrum',outName) print("Writing noise spectrum to {}".format(outPath)) fig.savefig(outPath) if waveBin == False: HDUList.close() if returnNoiseSpec == True: t = Table() t['x'] = x_plot t['y'] = y t['theo_y'] = theo_y return t
def plot_spec_offsets(self,src=0): if os.path.exists(self.dyn_specFile(src)) == False: self.plot_dynamic_spec(src=src,saveFits=True) HDUList = time = HDUList['TIME'].data specOffset = HDUList['SPEC OFFSETS'].data fig, ax = plt.subplots() offset_time = self.get_offset_time(time) ax.plot(time - offset_time,specOffset) ax.set_xlabel("JD - {} (days)".format(offset_time)) ax.set_ylabel("Dispersion Offset (px)") outName = 'spec_offsets_{}.pdf'.format(self.dataFileDescrip) outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','spectra','spec_offsets',outName) fig.savefig(outPath) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def wavebin_specFile(self,nbins=10,srcInd=0): """ The name of the wavelength-binned time series file Parameters ----------- nbins: int The number of wavelength bins srcInd: int The index for the source. For a single source the index is 0. """ return "{}_wavebin_{}_src_{}.fits".format(self.wavebin_file_prefix,nbins,srcInd)
[docs] def align_dynamic_spectra(self,alignStars=True,starAlignDiagnostics=False, skipIndividualDynamic=False, **kwargs): """ Align the dynamic spectra for multi-object spectroscopy? This method uses the mosOffsets to get the gross alignments of the dynamic spectra. Parameters ---------- alignStars: bool Cross-correlate to find the individual star's offsets? starAlignDiagnostics: bool Show the diagnostics for aligning average aspectra skipIndividualDynamic: bool Skip the individual dynamic spectra. Use this when trying to run quickly many times and use the saved versions only. """ specHead = fits.getheader(self.specFile) nDispPixels = self.param['dispPixels'][1] - self.param['dispPixels'][0] combined_dyn = np.zeros([self.nsrc,specHead['NIMG'],nDispPixels]) combined_dyn_err = np.zeros_like(combined_dyn) avgSpecs = np.zeros([self.nsrc,nDispPixels]) for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): dispSt, dispEnd = np.array(np.array(self.param['dispPixels']) + self.dispOffsets[oneSrc], dtype=int) if skipIndividualDynamic == False: self.plot_dynamic_spec(src=oneSrc,**kwargs) HDUList = combined_dyn[oneSrc,:,:] = HDUList['DYNAMIC SPEC'].data[:,dispSt:dispEnd] combined_dyn_err[oneSrc,:,:] = HDUList['DYN SPEC ERR'].data[:,dispSt:dispEnd] avgSpecs[oneSrc,:] = HDUList['AVG SPEC'].data[dispSt:dispEnd] #plt.plot(avgSpecs[oneSrc,:]/np.nanmax(avgSpecs[oneSrc,:])) if oneSrc == 0: outHDUList = fits.HDUList(HDUList) #outHDUList['DISP INDICES'].data = HDUList['DISP INDICES'].data[dispSt:dispEnd] if alignStars == True: refSpec = avgSpecs[self.nsrc // 2,:] waveIndices = np.arange(dispEnd - dispSt) Noffset = self.param['nOffsetCC'] starOffsets = np.zeros(self.nsrc) for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): thisSpec = avgSpecs[oneSrc,:] offsetX, offsetInd = utils.crosscor_offset(waveIndices,refSpec,thisSpec,Noffset=Noffset, diagnostics=starAlignDiagnostics, subPixel=True, lowPassFreq=self.param['lowPassFreqCC'], highPassFreq=self.param['hiPassFreqCC']) if starAlignDiagnostics == True: pdb.set_trace() for oneImg in np.arange(specHead['NIMG']): tmp = utils.roll_pad(combined_dyn[oneSrc,oneImg,:], offsetInd * self.param['specShiftMultiplier']) combined_dyn[oneSrc,oneImg,:] = tmp starOffsets[oneSrc] = offsetInd * self.param['specShiftMultiplier'] else: starOffsets = np.zeros_like(self.nsrc) outHDUList['DYNAMIC SPEC'].data = combined_dyn outHDUList['DYN SPEC ERR'].data = combined_dyn_err print("Output written to {}".format(self.dyn_specFile('comb'))) outHDUList.writeto(self.dyn_specFile('comb'),overwrite=True) HDUList.close()
[docs] def refcorrect_dynamic_spectra(self,mainSrcIndex=0): """ Divide the (aligned) dynamic spectra of one source by another for MOS Parameters ---------- mainSrcIndex: int The main source that will be divided by references """ HDUList ='comb')) outHDU = fits.HDUList(HDUList) head = HDUList['DYNAMIC SPEC'].header dyn_specRatio = np.zeros([self.nsrc,head['NIMG'],head['NAXIS1']]) try: mainSrc = HDUList['DYNAMIC SPEC'].data[mainSrcIndex] for srcInd in np.arange(self.nsrc): dyn_specRatio[srcInd] = mainSrc / HDUList['DYNAMIC SPEC'].data[srcInd] except RuntimeWarning: pass outHDU[0].data = dyn_specRatio outHDU[0].name = 'DYNAMIC SPECTRATIO' print("writing output to {}".format(self.dyn_specFile('ratio'))) outHDU.writeto(self.dyn_specFile('ratio'),overwrite=True)
[docs] def make_wavebin_series(self,specType='Optimal',src=0,nbins=10,dispIndices=None, recalculate=False,align=False,refCorrect=False, binStarts=None,binEnds=None): """ Bin wavelengths together and generate a time series from the dynamic spectrum Parameters ---------- specType: str Type of extraction 'Optimal' vs 'Sum' src: int Which source index is this for nbins: int Number of wavelength bins dispIndices: list of ints The detector pixel indices over which to create the wavelength bins recalculate: bool Re-caalculate the dynamic spectrum? align: bool Automatically align all the spectra? This is passed to plot_dynamic_spec refCorrect: bool Use the reference corrected photometry? binStarts: numpy array or None Specify starting points for the bins. If None, binStarts are calculated automatically binEnds: numpy array or None Specify starting points for the bins w/ Python, so the last point is binEnds - 1. If None, binEnds are calculated automatically. """ ## Check if there is a previous dynamic spec file with same parameters if (os.path.exists(self.dyn_specFile(src)) == True): head_dyn = fits.getheader(self.dyn_specFile(src),ext=0) if phot_pipeline.exists_and_equal(head_dyn,'ALIGNED',align): previousFile = False elif phot_pipeline.exists_and_equal(head_dyn,'SPECTYPE',specType): previousFile = False else: previousFile = True else: previousFile = False if (previousFile == False) | (recalculate == True): print('Remaking dynamic spectrum...') self.plot_dynamic_spec(src=src,saveFits=True,align=align,specType=specType) if refCorrect == True: HDUList ='ratio')) dynSpec = HDUList['DYNAMIC SPECTRATIO'].data[src] dynSpec_err = HDUList['DYN SPEC ERR'].data[src] else: HDUList = dynSpec = HDUList['DYNAMIC SPEC'].data dynSpec_err = HDUList['DYN SPEC ERR'].data goodp = np.isfinite(dynSpec_err) & (dynSpec_err != 0) time = HDUList['TIME'].data nTime = len(time) ## Time variable weights weights_tvar = np.zeros_like(dynSpec_err) weights_tvar[goodp] = 1./dynSpec_err[goodp]**2 ## Weights that are time-constant meanWeight = np.nanmean(weights_tvar,0) weights = np.tile(meanWeight,[nTime,1]) disp = HDUList['DISP INDICES'].data if dispIndices == None: dispSt, dispEnd = np.array(np.array(self.param['dispPixels']) + self.dispOffsets[src],dtype=int) else: dispSt, dispEnd = dispIndices binEdges = np.array(np.linspace(dispSt,dispEnd,nbins+1),dtype=int) if binStarts is None: binStarts = binEdges[0:-1] if binEnds is None: binEnds = binEdges[1:] binIndices = np.arange(len(binStarts)) binGrid = np.zeros([nTime,nbins]) binGrid_err = np.zeros_like(binGrid) binned_disp = np.zeros(nbins) for ind, binStart, binEnd in zip(binIndices,binStarts,binEnds): theseWeights = weights[:,binStart:binEnd] binGrid[:,ind] = np.nansum(dynSpec[:,binStart:binEnd] * theseWeights ,1) normFactor = np.nanmedian(binGrid[:,ind]) binGrid[:,ind] = binGrid[:,ind] / normFactor binGrid_err[:,ind] = np.sqrt(np.nansum((dynSpec_err[:,binStart:binEnd] * theseWeights)**2,1)) binGrid_err[:,ind] = binGrid_err[:,ind] / normFactor binned_disp[ind] = np.mean([binStart,binEnd]) #plt.errorbar(time - offset_time,binGrid[:,ind] - 0.005 * ind,fmt='o') #plt.errorbar(time - offset_time,binGrid[:,ind] - 0.005 * ind, # yerr=binGrid_err[:,ind]) outHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(binGrid,HDUList[0].header) = 'BINNED F' errHDU = fits.ImageHDU(binGrid_err,outHDU.header) = 'BINNED ERR' offsetHDU = HDUList['SPEC OFFSETS'] timeHDU = HDUList['TIME'] dispTable = Table() dispTable['Bin Start'] = binStarts dispTable['Bin Middle'] = binned_disp dispTable['Bin End'] = binEnds dispHDU = fits.BinTableHDU(dispTable) = "DISP INDICES" waveTable = Table() for oneColumn in dispTable.colnames: waveTable[oneColumn] = self.wavecal(dispTable[oneColumn]) waveHDU = fits.BinTableHDU(waveTable) = 'WAVELENGTHS' outHDUList = fits.HDUList([outHDU,errHDU,timeHDU,offsetHDU,dispHDU,waveHDU]) outHDUList.writeto(self.wavebin_specFile(nbins,src),overwrite=True) HDUList.close()
def get_offset_time(self,time): return np.floor(np.min(time))
[docs] def plot_wavebin_series(self,nbins=10,offset=0.005,showPlot=False,yLim=None,xLim=None, recalculate=False,dispIndices=None,differential=False, interactive=False,unit='fraction',align=False,specType='Optimal', src=0,refCorrect=False,binStarts=None,binEnds=None, timeBin=False,nTimeBin=150,waveLabels=False): """ Plot a normalized lightcurve for wavelength-binned data one wavelength at a time with an offset between the lightcurves. Parameters ---------- nbins: int The number of wavelength bins to use offset: float The normalized flux offset between wavelengths showPlot: bool Show the plot widget? The result also depends on the interactive keyword. If interactive is True, showPlot is ignored and it saves an html file in plots/spectra/interactive/. If False (and interactive is False), it is saved in plots/spectra/wavebin_tseries/. If True (and interactive is False), no plot is saved and instead the plot is displayed in the matplotlib framework. yLim: list of 2 elements or None If None, it will automatically set the Y axis. If a list [y_min,y_max], it will make the Y axis limits y_min to y_max xLim: list of 2 elements or None If None, it will automatically set the X axis. If a list [x_min,x_max], it will make the X axis limits x_min to x_max recalculate: bool If True, it will calculate the values from the dynamic spectrum. If False, it will used cached results from a previous set of lightcurves. dispIndices: list of 2 elements or None If None, it will use the dispIndices from the parameter file. If a 2 element list of [disp_min,disp_max], it will use those coordinates differential: bool If True, it will first divide each wavelength's lightcurve by the lightcurve average of all wavelengths. This means that it shows the differential time series from average. If False, no division is applied (other than normalization) interactive: bool If True, it will use :code:`bokeh` to create an interactive HTML javascript plot where you can hover over data points to find out the file name for them. It saves the html plot in plots/spectra/interactive/. If False, it will create a regular matplotlib plot. unit: str Flux unit. 'fraction' or 'ppm' specType: str Type of extraction 'Optimal' vs 'Sum' align: bool Automatically align all the spectra? This is passed to plot_dynamic_spec src: int Index number for which spectrum to look at (used for Multi-object spectroscopy) refCorrect: bool Correct by reference stars for MOS? timeBin: bool Bin the points in time? nTimeBin Number of points to bin in time """ if (os.path.exists(self.wavebin_specFile(nbins=nbins,srcInd=src)) == False) | (recalculate == True): self.make_wavebin_series(nbins=nbins,dispIndices=dispIndices,recalculate=recalculate, specType=specType,align=align,src=src,refCorrect=refCorrect, binStarts=binStarts,binEnds=binEnds) HDUList =,srcInd=src)) time = HDUList['TIME'].data offset_time = self.get_offset_time(time) disp = HDUList['DISP INDICES'].data binGrid = HDUList['BINNED F'].data binGrid_err = HDUList['BINNED ERR'].data if waveLabels == True: waves_table = Table(HDUList['WAVELENGTHS'].data) waves = np.array(waves_table['Bin Middle']) if differential == True: weights = 1./(np.nanmean(binGrid_err,0))**2 weights2D = np.tile(weights,[binGrid.shape[0],1]) avgSeries = (np.nansum(binGrid * weights2D,1)) / np.nansum(weights2D,1) avgSeries2D = np.tile(avgSeries,[len(disp),1]).transpose() binGrid = binGrid / avgSeries2D if interactive == True: outFile = "refseries_{}.html".format(self.dataFileDescrip) outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','spectra','interactive',outFile) fileBaseNames = [] fileTable =,hdu='FILENAMES') indexArr = np.arange(len(fileTable)) for oneFile in fileTable['File Path']: fileBaseNames.append(os.path.basename(oneFile)) bokeh.plotting.output_file(outPath) dataDict = {'t': time - offset_time,'name':fileBaseNames,'ind':indexArr} for ind,oneDisp in enumerate(disp): dataDict["y{:02d}".format(ind)] = binGrid[:,ind] - offset * ind source = ColumnDataSource(data=dataDict) p = bokeh.plotting.figure() p.background_fill_color="#f5f5f5" p.grid.grid_line_color="white" p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Time (JD - {})'.format(offset_time) p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Normalized Flux' colors = itertools.cycle(palette) for ind,oneDisp in enumerate(disp):'t',y="y{:02d}".format(ind),source=source,color=next(colors)) p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[('name', '@name'),('index','@ind')])) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() for ind,oneDisp in enumerate(disp): if unit == 'fraction': y_plot_full_tres = binGrid[:,ind] - offset * ind else: y_plot_full_tres = (binGrid[:,ind] - 1.0) * 1e6 - offset * ind * 1e6 if timeBin == True: goodP = np.ones_like(time,dtype=bool) y_plot, xEdges, binNum = binned_statistic(time[goodP],y_plot_full_tres[goodP], bins=nTimeBin) time_plot = (xEdges[:-1] + xEdges[1:])/2. else: y_plot = y_plot_full_tres time_plot = time ax.errorbar(time_plot - offset_time,y_plot,fmt='o') if waveLabels == True: ax.text(time_plot[-1] - offset_time,y_plot[-1],'{:.2f} $\mu$m'.format(waves[ind])) if yLim is not None: ax.set_ylim(yLim[0],yLim[1]) if xLim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xLim[0],xLim[1]) ax.set_xlabel('Time (JD - {})'.format(offset_time)) if unit == 'fraction': ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux') else: ax.set_ylabel('(Normalized Flux - 1.0) (ppm)') if showPlot == True: else: outName = 'wavebin_tser_{}_src_{}.pdf'.format(self.dataFileDescrip,src) outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','spectra','wavebin_tseries',outName) fig.savefig(outPath,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) HDUList.close()
[docs] def get_wavebin_series(self,nbins=10,recalculate=False,specType='Optimal',srcInd=0, binStarts=None,binEnds=None): """ Get a table of the the wavelength-binned time series Parameters ----------- nbins: int The number of wavelength bins recalculate: bool, optional Recalculate the dynamic spectrum? This is good to set as True when there is an update to the parameter file. specType: str, optional The type of spectral extraction routine Eg. "Sum" for sum extraction, "Optimal" for optimal extraction This will be skipped over if recalculate=False and a file already exists srcInd: int, optional The index of the source. For single objects it is 0. binStarts: int, optional or None Pixel starting positions (or None). If None, it will be calculated as a linear spacing binEnds: int, optional Pixel ending positions (or None). If None, it will be calculated as a linear spacing Returns -------- t1: astropy table A table of wavelength-binned flux values t2: astropy table A table of wavelength-binned error values Examples -------- >>> from tshirt.pipeline import spec_pipeline >>> spec = spec_pipeline.spec() >>> t1, t2 = spec.get_wavebin_series() """ sFile = self.wavebin_specFile(nbins=nbins,srcInd=srcInd) if (os.path.exists(sFile) == False) | (recalculate == True): self.plot_wavebin_series(nbins=nbins,recalculate=recalculate,specType=specType, binStarts=binStarts,binEnds=binEnds) HDUList = disp = HDUList['DISP INDICES'].data binGrid = HDUList['BINNED F'].data binGrid_err = HDUList['BINNED ERR'].data time = HDUList['TIME'].data t1, t2 = Table(), Table() t1['Time'] = time t2['Time'] = time for ind,oneBin in enumerate(disp['Bin Middle']): wave = np.round(self.wavecal(oneBin),3) t1['{:.3f}um Flux'.format(wave)] = binGrid[:,ind] t2['{:.3f}um Error'.format(wave)] = binGrid_err[:,ind] HDUList.close() return t1, t2
[docs] def print_noise_wavebin(self,nbins=10,shorten=False,recalculate=False,align=False, specType='Optimal',npoints=15,srcInd=0, startInd=0,endInd=None): """ Get a table of noise measurements for all wavelength bins Parameters ---------- nbins: int The number of wavelength bins shorten: bool Use a short segment of the full time series? This could be useful for avoiding bad data or a deep transit. This overrides startInd and endInd so choose either shorten or specify the start and end indices npoints: int Number of points to include in the calculation (only if shorten is True) This will only use the first npoints. startInd: int Starting time index to use (for specifying a time interval via indices) Shorten will supercede this so keep it False to use startInd. endInd: int Ending time index to use (for specifying a time interval via indices). Shorten will supercede this so keep it False to use endInd. recalculate: bool Recalculate the wavebin series and dynamic spectrum? specType: str Type of extraction 'Optimal' vs 'Sum' align: bool Automatically align all the spectra? This is passed to plot_dynamic_spec srcInd: int Index for the source. For a single object, the index is 0. Returns --------- t: an astropy.table object A table of wavelength bins, with theoretical noise and measured standard deviation across time """ sFile = self.wavebin_specFile(nbins=nbins,srcInd=srcInd) if (os.path.exists(sFile) == False) | (recalculate==True): self.plot_wavebin_series(nbins=nbins,recalculate=recalculate,specType=specType, align=align) HDUList = disp = HDUList['DISP INDICES'].data binGrid = HDUList['BINNED F'].data binGrid_err = HDUList['BINNED ERR'].data t = Table() t['Disp St'] = disp['Bin Start'] t['Disp Mid'] = disp['Bin Middle'] t['Disp End'] = disp['Bin End'] waveStart = self.wavecal(disp['Bin Start']) waveEnd = self.wavecal(disp['Bin End']) t['Wave (st)'] = np.round(waveStart,3) t['Wave (mid px)'] = np.round(self.wavecal(t['Disp Mid']),3) t['Wave (mid)'] = np.round((waveStart + waveEnd)/2.,3) t['Wave (end)'] = np.round(waveEnd,3) if shorten == True: binGrid = binGrid[0:npoints,:] else: binGrid = binGrid[startInd:endInd,:] t['Stdev (%)'] = np.round(np.std(binGrid,axis=0) * 100.,4) t['Theo Err (%)'] = np.round(np.median(binGrid_err,axis=0) * 100.,4) medianV = np.median(binGrid,axis=0) absDeviation = np.abs(binGrid - medianV) t['MAD (%)'] = np.round(np.median(absDeviation,axis=0) * 100.,4) HDUList.close() return t
def get_broadband_series(self,src=0): HDUList = t = Table() t['time'] = HDUList['TIME'].data spec2D = HDUList['OPTIMAL SPEC'].data[src] spec2D_err = HDUList['OPT SPEC ERR'].data[src] t['Flux'] = np.nansum(spec2D,1) t['Flux Err'] = np.sqrt(np.nansum(spec2D_err**2,1)) norm_value = np.nanmedian(t['Flux']) t['Norm Flux'] = t['Flux'] / norm_value t['Norm Flux Err'] = t['Flux Err'] / norm_value HDUList.close() return t def plot_broadband_series(self,src=0,showPlot=True,matchIraf=False): t = self.get_broadband_series(src=src) offset_time = self.get_offset_time(t['time']) err_ppm = np.nanmedian(t['Norm Flux Err']) * 1e6 print('Formal Err = {} ppm '.format(err_ppm)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() if matchIraf == True: marker = '.' x = np.arange(len(t)) ax.set_xlabel("Int Number") else: marker = 'o' x = t['time'] - offset_time ax.set_xlabel("Time - {} (days)".format(offset_time)) ax.plot(x,t['Norm Flux'],marker) ax.set_ylabel("Normalized Flux") if showPlot == True: else: bb_series_name = '{}_bb_series_{}.pdf'.format(self.param['srcNameShort'],self.param['nightName']) outName = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','spectra','broadband_series',bb_series_name) fig.savefig(outName)
[docs] def calculate_apertures(self,src=0): """ Calculate the source aperture (where to start/end) """ startInd, endInd = self.param['dispPixels'] dispersion_px = np.arange(startInd,endInd) spatialMid = self.eval_trace(dispersion_px,src=src) spatialMid_int = np.array(np.round(spatialMid),dtype=int) srcRadius_int = int(np.round(self.param['apWidth'] / 2.)) srcStart = spatialMid_int - srcRadius_int srcEnd = spatialMid_int + srcRadius_int ## check that aperture is not outside boundaries of image img, head = self.get_default_im() if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': maxSpatial = img.shape[0] - 1 else: maxSpatial = img.shape[1] - 1 t = Table() t['dispersion_px'] = dispersion_px t['srcStart'] = np.maximum(srcStart,0) t['srcEnd'] = np.minimum(srcEnd,maxSpatial) t['spatialMid'] = spatialMid t['spatialMid_int'] = spatialMid_int if self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True: if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': bkgRegions = self.param['bkgRegionsY'][0] else: bkgRegions = self.param['bkgRegionsX'][0] bkgStarts0, bkgEnds1 = [], [] t['bkgStart 0'] = int(bkgRegions[0]) backInnerRadius_int = int(np.round(self.param['backgMinRadius'])) t['bkgEnd 0'] = np.maximum(bkgRegions[0],t['spatialMid_int'] - backInnerRadius_int) t['bkgStart 1'] = np.minimum(bkgRegions[1],t['spatialMid_int'] + backInnerRadius_int) t['bkgEnd 1'] = int(bkgRegions[1]) return t
[docs] def showStarChoices(self,img=None,head=None,showBack=True, srcLabel=None,figSize=None,vmin=None,vmax=None, xlim=None,ylim=None,showPlot=False): """ Show the star choices for spectroscopy Parameters ------------------ img: numpy 2D array, optional An image to plot head: astropy FITS header, optional header for image showBack: bool, optional Show the background subtraction regions? srcLabel: str or None, optional What should the source label be? The default is "src" vmin: float, optional Minimum value for imshow vmax: float (optional) Maximum value for imshow figSize: 2 element list (optional) Specify the size of the plot This is useful for looking at high/lower resolution xlim: list or None (optional) Set the x limit of plot ylim: list or None (optional) Set the y limit of plot showPlot: bool Make the plot visible? """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figSize) img, head = self.get_default_im(img=img,head=None) if vmin == None: vmin = np.nanpercentile(img,1) if vmax == None: vmax = np.nanpercentile(img,99) imData = ax.imshow(img,cmap='viridis',vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,interpolation='nearest') ax.invert_yaxis() rad, txtOffset = 50, 20 showApPos = self.param['starPositions'] apWidth = self.param['apWidth'] outName = 'spec_aps_{}.pdf'.format(self.dataFileDescrip) for ind, onePos in enumerate(showApPos): dispPos = np.array(self.param['dispPixels']) + self.dispOffsets[ind] dispLength = dispPos[1] - dispPos[0] if self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True: t = self.calculate_apertures(src=ind) dispersion_px, spatialMid = t['dispersion_px'], t['spatialMid'] srcStart, srcEnd = t['srcStart'], t['srcEnd'] if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': ax.step(dispersion_px,srcStart,color='r') ax.step(dispersion_px,srcEnd,color='r') xPos = dispPos[0] yPos = spatialMid[0] else: ax.step(srcStart,dispersion_px,color='r') ax.step(srcEnd,dispersion_px,color='r') xPos = spatialMid[0] yPos = dispPos[0] else: if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': xPos = dispPos[0] yPos = onePos - apWidth / 2. width = dispLength height = apWidth else: xPos = onePos - apWidth / 2. yPos = dispPos[0] width = apWidth height = dispLength rec = mpl.patches.Rectangle((xPos,yPos),width=width,height=height,fill=False,edgecolor='r') ax.add_patch(rec) if ind == 0: if srcLabel is None: name='src' else: name=srcLabel else: name=str(ind) if xlim is not None: xPos_show = np.max([xlim[0],xPos]) else: xPos_show = xPos if ylim is not None: yPos_show = np.max([ylim[0],yPos]) else: yPos_show = yPos ax.text(xPos_show+txtOffset,yPos_show+txtOffset,name,color='white') if showBack == True: if self.param['traceCurvedSpectrum'] == True: for ind in np.arange(self.nsrc): t = self.calculate_apertures(src=ind) for bkgCounter in ['0','1']: arg1 = t['dispersion_px'] arg2 = t['bkgStart {}'.format(bkgCounter)] arg3 = t['bkgEnd {}'.format(bkgCounter)] bkgColor = 'orange' bkgAlpha= 0.3 step='pre' if self.param['dispDirection'] == 'x': ax.fill_between(arg1,arg2,arg3,color=bkgColor,alpha=bkgAlpha,step=step) else: ax.fill_betweenx(arg1,arg2,arg3,color=bkgColor,alpha=bkgAlpha,step=step) else: for oneDirection in self.param['bkgSubDirections']: if oneDirection == 'X': bkPixels = self.param['bkgRegionsX'] elif oneDirection == 'Y': bkPixels = self.param['bkgRegionsY'] else: raise Exception("No Background subtraction direction {}".format(oneDirection)) for oneReg in bkPixels: if oneDirection == 'X': height = img.shape[0] width = oneReg[1] - oneReg[0] xPos = oneReg[0] yPos = 0 else: height = oneReg[1] - oneReg[0] width = img.shape[1] xPos = 0 yPos = oneReg[0] rec = mpl.patches.Rectangle((xPos,yPos),width=width,height=height,color='orange', alpha=0.3) ax.add_patch(rec) ax.set_xlabel('X (px)') ax.set_ylabel('Y (px)') if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim[0],xlim[1]) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim[0],ylim[1]) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(imData,label='Counts',cax=cax) outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','spectra','star_labels',outName) fig.savefig(outPath, bbox_inches='tight') if showPlot == True: else: plt.close(fig)
[docs] def adjacent_bin_ratio(self,nbins=10,bin1=2,bin2=3,binMin=10,binMax=250,srcInd=0): """ Examine the time series for adjacent bins Parameters ---------- nbins: int Number of bins bin1: int Index of the first bin bin2: int Index of the second bin binMin: int start bin for allan variance binMax: int end bin for allan variance srcInd: int Index for the source. For a single source, the index is 0. """ HDUList =,srcInd=srcInd)) time = HDUList['TIME'].data offset_time = self.get_offset_time(time) dat2D = HDUList['BINNED F'].data dat2Derr = HDUList['BINNED ERR'].data ratioSeries = dat2D[:,bin2] / dat2D[:,bin1] fracErr = np.sqrt((dat2Derr[:,bin2]/dat2D[:,bin2])**2 + (dat2Derr[:,bin1]/dat2D[:,bin1])**2) yerr = ratioSeries * fracErr stdRatio = np.std(ratioSeries) * 1e6 print("stdev = {} ppm".format(stdRatio)) phot_pipeline.allan_variance(time * 24. * 60.,ratioSeries * 1e6,yerr=yerr * 1e6, xUnit='min',yUnit='ppm', binMin=binMin,binMax=binMax) plt.plot(time - offset_time,ratioSeries) HDUList.close()
[docs] def wavecal(self,dispIndicesInput,waveCalMethod=None,head=None, dispShift=None, **kwargs): """ Wavelength calibration to turn the dispersion pixels into wavelengths Parameters ------------- dispIndices: numpy array Dispersion Middle X-axis values waveCalMethod: str, optional Corresponds to instrumentation used. Use 'NIRCamTS' for the NIRCam time series mode (:any:`jwst_inst_funcs.ts_wavecal`). Use 'wfc3Dispersion' for the HST WFC3 grism (:any:`ts_wavecal`). head: astropy FITS header, optional header for image dispShift: None or float Value by which to shift the disp indices before evaluating the wavelengths (for example a star is shifted). If None, it will use the value from the parameter 'waveCalPxOffset' """ if dispShift is None: dispOffsetPx = self.param['waveCalPxOffset'] else: dispOffsetPx = dispShift dispIndices = np.array(dispIndicesInput) - dispOffsetPx if waveCalMethod == None: waveCalMethod = self.param['waveCalMethod'] if waveCalMethod == None: wavelengths = dispIndices elif waveCalMethod == 'NIRCamTS': if head == None: head = fits.getheader(self.specFile,extname='ORIG HEADER') wavelengths = instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.ts_wavecal(dispIndices,obsFilter=head['FILTER'], **kwargs) elif waveCalMethod == 'NIRCamTSquickPoly': if head == None: head = fits.getheader(self.specFile,extname='ORIG HEADER') wavelengths = instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.ts_wavecal_quick_nonlin(dispIndices,obsFilter=head['FILTER'], **kwargs) elif waveCalMethod == 'simGRISMC': wavelengths = instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.ts_grismc_sim(dispIndices,**kwargs) elif waveCalMethod == 'wfc3Dispersion': wavelengths = instrument_specific.hst_inst_funcs.hstwfc3_wavecal(dispIndices,**kwargs) elif waveCalMethod == 'quick_nrs_prism': wavelengths = instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.quick_nirspec_prism(dispIndices) elif waveCalMethod == 'nrs_grating': if head == None: head = fits.getheader(self.specFile,extname='ORIG HEADER') wavelengths = instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.nirspec_grating(dispIndices,head) elif waveCalMethod == 'grismr_poly_dms': if head == None: head = fits.getheader(self.specFile,extname='ORIG HEADER') obsFilter = head['FILTER'] else: if 'FILTER' in head: obsFilter = head['FILTER'] else: warning.warn('No filter specified. Assuming F322W2') obsFilter = 'F322W2' wavelengths = instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.flight_poly_grismr_nc(dispIndices,obsFilter=obsFilter) elif waveCalMethod == 'miri_lrs': wavelengths = instrument_specific.jwst_inst_funcs.miri_lrs(dispIndices) else: raise Exception("Unrecognized wavelength calibration method {}".format(waveCalMethod)) wavelengths = wavelengths - self.param['waveCalOffset'] return wavelengths
[docs] def inverse_wavecal(self,waveArr): """ Calculate the pixel location for a given wavelength Uses 1D interpolation of wavelength vs pixel """ waveArr_use = np.array(waveArr) xArray = np.arange(self.param['dispPixels'][0]-4, self.param['dispPixels'][1]+4,1) interp_fun = interp1d(self.wavecal(xArray),xArray) px_out = interp_fun(waveArr) return px_out
[docs] def find_px_bins_from_waves(self,waveMid,waveWidth): """ Given a set of wavelengths centers and widths, find the pixels that will approximately give you those wavelengths, but with no pixels repeated or skipped. """ waveEdges = np.array(waveMid) - np.array(waveWidth) * 0.5 waveEdges = np.append(waveEdges,waveMid[-1] + waveWidth[-1] * 0.5) ## last edge pxEdges = np.array(np.round(self.inverse_wavecal(waveEdges)),dtype=int) t = Table() t['px start'] = pxEdges[0:-1] t['px end'] = pxEdges[1:] t['wave start'] = self.wavecal(t['px start']) t['wave end'] = self.wavecal(t['px end']) t['px mid'] = (t['px start'] + t['px end'])/2. t['px width'] = t['px end'] - t['px start'] t['wave mid'] = (t['wave start'] + t['wave end'])/2. t['wave width'] = t['wave end'] - t['wave start'] ## Check whether dispersion is negative if np.sum(t['px width'] < 0) == len(t): ## Negative dispersion t['px width'] = np.abs(t['px width']) prevStart = deepcopy(t['px start']) t['px start'] = t['px end'] t['px end'] = prevStart elif np.sum(t['px width'] > 0) == len(t): ## Positive dispersion pass else: raise Exception("Detected zero or flipped dispersion") return t
[docs] def make_native_px_grid(self,dispPixels=None, doublePx=False, halfpx_correction=True): """ Make a wavelength grid at native resolution Parameters ---------- dispPixels: 2 element list or None Start and end pixels. If None, it will use the file from the parameters "dispPixels" doublePx: bool Double up pixels? halfpx_correction: bool Correct for the fact that the wavelengths are mid-px so the wavelength start should be the left pixel edge """ if dispPixels is None: pxStart = self.param['dispPixels'][0] pxEnd = self.param['dispPixels'][1] else: pxStart = dispPixels[0] pxEnd = dispPixels[1] t = Table() if doublePx == True: t['px start'] = np.arange(pxStart,pxEnd,2) t['px end'] = np.arange(pxStart+2,pxEnd+1,2) else: t['px start'] = np.arange(pxStart,pxEnd) t['px end'] = np.arange(pxStart+1,pxEnd+1) if halfpx_correction == True: correction = -0.5 else: correction = 0.0 t['wave start'] = self.wavecal(t['px start'] + correction) t['wave end'] = self.wavecal(t['px end'] + correction) t['px mid'] = (t['px start'] + t['px end'])/2. + correction t['px width'] = t['px end'] - t['px start'] t['wave mid'] = (t['wave start'] + t['wave end'])/2. t['wave width'] = t['wave end'] - t['wave start'] ## Check whether dispersion is negative if np.sum(t['px width'] < 0) == len(t): ## Negative dispersion t['px width'] = np.abs(t['px width']) prevStart = deepcopy(t['px start']) t['px start'] = t['px end'] t['px end'] = prevStart elif np.sum(t['px width'] > 0) == len(t): ## Positive dispersion pass else: raise Exception("Detected zero or flipped dispersion") return t
[docs] def make_constant_Rgrid(self,wStart=None,wEnd=None,Rfixed=100,plotBins=True): """ Make an approximately constant R grid rounded to whole pixels Parameters ---------- wStart: float The wavelength start for bin edges wEnd: float The wavelength end for bin edges Rfixed: float The spectral resolution plotBins: bool Plot the bins over a stellar spectrum? """ if wStart is None: wStart = self.wavecal(self.param['dispPixels'][0]) if wEnd is None: wEnd = self.wavecal(self.param['dispPixels'][1]) wMids, wWidths = make_const_R_grid(wStart=wStart,wEnd=wEnd,Rfixed=Rfixed) t = self.find_px_bins_from_waves(wMids,wWidths) binEdges = np.append(t['wave start'][0], t['wave end']) if plotBins == True: avgX, avgY, avgYerr = self.get_avg_spec() plt.plot(self.wavecal(avgX),avgY) for oneEdge in binEdges: plt.axvline(oneEdge) return t
[docs] class batch_spec(phot_pipeline.batchPhot): def __init__(self,batchFile='parameters/spec_params/example_batch_spec_parameters.yaml'): self.alreadyLists = {'starPositions': 1,'bkgRegionsX': 2, 'bkgRegionsY': 2, 'dispPixels': 1, 'excludeList': 1, 'bkgSubDirections': 1} self.general_init(batchFile=batchFile)
[docs] def make_pipe_obj(self,directParam): """ Make a spectroscopy pipeline object that will be executed in batch """ return spec(directParam=directParam)
def run_all(self,useMultiprocessing=False): self.batch_run('showStarChoices') self.batch_run('do_extraction',useMultiprocessing=useMultiprocessing) self.batch_run('plot_dynamic_spec',saveFits=True) def plot_all(self): self.batch_run('plot_one_spec',showPlot=False) def test_apertures(self): raise NotImplementedError('still working on apertures')
[docs] def return_phot_obj(self,ind=0): print("try return spec obj")
[docs] def return_spec_obj(self,ind=0): """ Return a photometry object so other methods and attributes can be explored """ return spec(directParam=self.paramDicts[ind])
def get_spectrum(specFile,specType='Optimal',ind=None,src=0): HDUList = head = HDUList['OPTIMAL Spec'].header nImg = head['NIMG'] if ind == None: ind = nImg // 2 x = HDUList['DISP INDICES'].data y = HDUList['{} SPEC'.format(specType).upper()].data[src,ind,:] if specType == 'Optimal': fitsExtensionErr = 'OPT SPEC ERR' else: fitsExtensionErr = 'SUM SPEC ERR' yerr = HDUList[fitsExtensionErr].data[src,ind,:] HDUList.close() return x, y, yerr if 'TSHIRT_DATA' in os.environ: baseDir = os.environ['TSHIRT_DATA'] else: baseDir = '.' comparisonFileNames = glob.glob(os.path.join(baseDir,'tser_data','spec','spec_o9*.fits'))
[docs] def compare_spectra(fileNames=comparisonFileNames,specType='Optimal',showPlot=False, normalize=False): """ Compare multiple spectra Parameters ---------- specType: str Which spectrum extension to read? (eg. 'Optimal' vs 'Sum') showPlot: bool Render the matplotlib plot? If True, it is rendered as a matplotlib widget, not saved. If False, the plot is saved to file only normalize: bool Normalize all the spectra by dividing by the median first? """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() for oneFile in fileNames: x, y, yerr = get_spectrum(oneFile,specType=specType) head = fits.getheader(oneFile) if normalize == True: yShow = y / np.nanmedian(y) else: yShow = y ax.plot(x,yShow,label=head['SRCNAME']) ax.legend() if showPlot == True: else: outPath = os.path.join(baseDir,'plots','spectra','comparison_spec','comparison_spec.pdf') fig.savefig(outPath) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def make_const_R_grid(wStart=2.45,wEnd=3.96,Rfixed=100): """ Make a constant-resolution grid for F444W NIRCam at R=100, I used wStart=3.911238, wEnd=5.0,Rfixed=100 Parameters ---------- wStart: float The wavelength start for bin edges wEnd: float The wavelength end for bin edges Rfixed: float The spectral resolution """ wCurrent = wStart binEdges = [] iterNum=0 while (iterNum < 1e6) & (wCurrent < wEnd): binEdges.append(wCurrent) iterNum = iterNum + 1 wCurrent = wCurrent + wCurrent/Rfixed wStarts = np.array(binEdges[0:-1]) wEnds = np.array(binEdges[1:]) wMids = (wStarts + wEnds)/2. wWidths = wEnds - wStarts return wMids, wWidths
def moving_average(x, w): y_out = np.convolve(x, np.ones(w), 'same') / w y_out[0:w] = np.nan y_out[-w:] = np.nan return y_out
[docs] def BB(wave,Temp): """ Evaluate a blackbody Parameters ---------- wave: numpy array Wavelength Temp: quantity Temperature (with units) """ exparg = const.h * const.c / (wave * const.k_B * Temp) return 2. * const.h * const.c**2/wave**5 * 1./(np.exp(exparg) - 1.)
[docs] def TB(wave,intens): """ Calculate the Brightness temperature from intensity Parameters ------------- wave: numpy array Wavelength with units of length intens: numpy array Intensity, must be in itensity units per wavelength """ logarg = 1. + 2. * const.h * const.c**2 / (intens * wave**5) tb = const.h * const.c / (const.k_B * wave * np.log(logarg)) return
[docs] def TB_err(wave,intens,dI): """ Calculate the Brightness temperature error from intensity and intensity error Parameters ------------- wave: numpy array Wavelength with units of length intens: numpy array Intensity, must be in itensity units per wavelength dI: numpy array Intensity erorr, must be in itensity units per wavelength """ logarg = 1. + 2. * const.h * const.c**2 / (intens * wave**5) fac2 = (2. * const.h * const.c**2)/(intens**2 * wave**5) tb_err = TB(wave,intens) / (np.log(logarg) * (logarg)) * fac2 * dI return
[docs] def star_to_planet_units(k): """ Convert observed stellar instensity to planet intensity Parameters ---------- k: float Planet to star radius ratio """ star_to_planet_units = (1./ k**2) #* u.erg / (**2 * u.s * u.AA) return star_to_planet_units
[docs] def bin_spec(xorig,yorig,xout,dxout, yerr=None): """ Bin a spectrum with a for loop (slow) Parameters ---------- xorig: numpy array wavelength of input yorig: numpy array flux/intensity of input xout: numpy array bin centers of output dxout: numpy array bin widths of output yerr: None or numpy array Outputs ------- ybin: numpy array Binned values ybin_err: numpy array Bin error. If yerr is supplied, weighted avg in the mean If no yerr is supplied, it's stdev/sqrt(N) """ if yerr is None: pass else: weights = 1./yerr**2 binspec_list = [] binspec_list_err = [] for ind in np.arange(len(xout)): pts = ((xorig > (xout[ind] - dxout[ind]/2.)) & (xorig <= (xout[ind] + dxout[ind]/2.))) if np.sum(pts) == 0: thisBin = np.nan thisBinerr = np.nan elif yerr is None: thisBin = np.mean(yorig[pts]) thisBinerr = np.std(yorig[pts])/np.sqrt(np.sum(pts)) else: thisBin = np.sum(yorig[pts] * weights[pts])/np.sum(weights[pts]) thisBinerr = 1./np.sqrt(np.sum(weights[pts])) binspec_list.append(thisBin) binspec_list_err.append(thisBinerr) return np.array(binspec_list), np.array(binspec_list_err)
# binEdges = xout - dxout # binEdges = np.append(binEdges,xout[-1]+dxout[-1]) # xbin, ybin, ybinerr = phot_pipeline.do_binning(xorig,y=yorig, # nBin=binEdges) # return xbin,ybin
[docs] def TB_from_fp(wave,fp,istar,k): """ Calculate the Brightness temperature from Fp/F* Parameters ------------- wave: numpy array Wavelength with units of length fp: numpy array Unitless Fp/F* istar: numpy array Stellar intensity, must be in itensity units per wavelength k: float Planet to star radius ratio """ # xbin, star_intens_bin = bin_star_intensity(stmodel['Wavelength']/1e4, # stmodel['SpecificIntensity'], # wave,wave_width) Iplanet = istar * star_to_planet_units(k) * fp return TB(wave,Iplanet)
[docs] def TB_from_fp_err(wave,fp,fp_err,istar,k): """ Calculate the Brightness temperature error from Fp/F* and Fp/F* err Parameters ------------- wave: numpy array Wavelength with units of length fp: numpy array Unitless Fp/F* fp_err: numpy array Unitless Fp/F* error istar: numpy array Stellar intensity, must be in itensity units per wavelength k: float Planet to star radius ratio """ Iplanet = istar * star_to_planet_units(k) * fp Iplanet_err = istar * star_to_planet_units(k) * fp_err return TB_err(wave,Iplanet,Iplanet_err)