Source code for tshirt.pipeline.phot_pipeline

import photutils
from import fits, ascii
import matplotlib as mpl
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import sys
import os
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
if 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches
from matplotlib import gridspec
import glob
from photutils import CircularAperture, CircularAnnulus
from photutils import RectangularAperture
from photutils import aperture_photometry
import photutils
if photutils.__version__ > "1.0":
    from . import fit_2dgauss
    from photutils.centroids import centroid_2dg
    from photutils import centroid_2dg
import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.wcs import WCS, FITSFixedWarning
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import pdb
from copy import deepcopy
import yaml
import warnings
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
from astropy.table import Table
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
import time
import logging
import urllib
import tqdm

maxCPUs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 3
    import bokeh.plotting
    from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool
    from bokeh.models import Range1d
    from bokeh.models import WheelZoomTool
except ImportError as err2:
    print("Could not import bokeh plotting. Interactive plotting may not work")
from .utils import robust_poly, robust_statistics
from .utils import get_baseDir
from .instrument_specific import rowamp_sub

[docs] def run_one_phot_method(allInput): """ Do a photometry/spectroscopy method on one file For example, do aperture photometry on one file This is a slightly awkward workaround because multiprocessing doesn't work on object methods So it's a separate function that takes an object and runs the method Parameters ----------- allInput: 3 part tuple (object, int, string) This contains the object, file index to run (0-based) and name of the method to run """ photObj, ind, method = allInput photMethod = getattr(photObj,method) return photMethod(ind)
[docs] def run_multiprocessing_phot(photObj,fileIndices,method='phot_for_one_file'): """ Run photometry/spectroscopy methods on all files using multiprocessing Awkward workaround because multiprocessing doesn't work on object methods Parameters ---------- photObj: Photometry object A photometry Object instance fileIndices: list List of file indices method: str Method on which to apply multiprocessing """ allInput = [] for oneInd in fileIndices: allInput.append([photObj,oneInd,method]) n_files = len(fileIndices) if n_files < maxCPUs: raise Exception("Fewer files to process than CPUs, this can confuse multiprocessing") p = Pool(maxCPUs) outputDat = list(tqdm.tqdm(p.imap(run_one_phot_method,allInput),total=n_files)) p.close() return outputDat
def read_yaml(filePath): with open(filePath) as yamlFile: yamlStructure = yaml.safe_load(yamlFile) return yamlStructure path_to_example = "parameters/phot_params/example_phot_parameters.yaml" exampleParamPath = resource_filename('tshirt',path_to_example)
[docs] class phot: def __init__(self,paramFile=exampleParamPath, directParam=None): """ Photometry class Parameters ------ paramFile: str Location of the YAML file that contains the photometry parameters as long as directParam is None. Otherwise, it uses directParam directParam: dict Rather than use the paramFile, you can put a dictionary here. This can be useful for running a batch of photometric extractions. Properties ------- paramFile: str Same as paramFile above param: dict The photometry parameters like file names, aperture sizes, guess locations fileL: list The files on which photometry will be performed nImg: int Number of images in the sequence directParam: dict Parameter dictionary rather than YAML file (useful for batch processing) """ self.pipeType = 'photometry' self.get_parameters(paramFile=paramFile,directParam=directParam) defaultParams = {'srcGeometry': 'Circular', 'bkgSub': True, 'isCube': False, 'cubePlane': 0, 'doCentering': True, 'bkgGeometry': 'CircularAnnulus', 'boxFindSize': 18,'backStart': 9, 'backEnd': 12, 'scaleAperture': False, 'apScale': 2.5, 'apRange': [0.01,9999], 'scaleBackground': False, 'nanTreatment': 'zero', 'backOffset': [0.0,0.0], 'srcName': 'WASP 62','srcNameShort': 'wasp62', 'refStarPos': [[50,50]],'procFiles': '*.fits', 'apRadius': 9,'FITSextension': 0, 'jdRef': 2458868, 'nightName': 'UT2020-01-20','srcName' 'FITSextension': 0, 'HEADextension': 0, 'refPhotCentering': None,'isSlope': False, 'itimeKeyword': 'INTTIME','readNoise': None, 'detectorGain': None,'cornerSubarray': False, 'subpixelMethod': 'exact','excludeList': None, 'dateFormat': 'Two Part','copyCentroidFile': None, 'bkgMethod': 'mean','diagnosticMode': False, 'bkgOrderX': 1, 'bkgOrderY': 1,'backsub_directions': ['Y','X'], 'readFromTshirtExamples': False, 'saturationVal': None, 'satNPix': 5, 'nanReplaceValue': 0.0, 'DATE-OBS': None, 'dateKeyword': 'DATE-OBS', 'driftFile': None, 'skyPositions': None, 'downselectImgWithCoord': False, } for oneKey in defaultParams.keys(): if oneKey not in self.param: self.param[oneKey] = defaultParams[oneKey] xCoors, yCoors = [], [] positions = self.param['refStarPos'] self.nsrc = len(positions) ## Set up file names for output self.check_file_structure() self.dataFileDescrip = self.param['srcNameShort'] + '_'+ self.param['nightName'] self.photFile = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'tser_data','phot','phot_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.fits') self.centroidFile = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'centroids','cen_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.fits') self.refCorPhotFile = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'tser_data','refcor_phot','refcor_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.fits') # Get the file list self.fileL = self.get_fileList() self.nImg = len(self.fileL) self.srcNames = np.array(np.arange(self.nsrc),dtype=str) self.srcNames[0] = 'src' self.set_up_apertures(positions) self.check_parameters() self.get_drift_dat() def get_parameters(self,paramFile,directParam=None): if directParam is None: self.paramFile = paramFile self.param = read_yaml(paramFile) else: self.paramFile = 'direct dictionary' self.param = directParam
[docs] def check_file_structure(self): """ Check the file structure for plotting/saving data """ baseDir = get_baseDir() structure_file = resource_filename('tshirt','directory_info/directory_list.yaml') dirList = read_yaml(structure_file) for oneFile in dirList: fullPath = os.path.join(baseDir,oneFile) ensure_directories_are_in_place(fullPath) self.baseDir = baseDir
[docs] def get_source_xy(self,sciHead): """ Get the source X and Y pixel positions from coordinates """ # Convert the coordinates to pixel coordinates in the image with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=FITSFixedWarning) wcs_res = WCS(sciHead) degArr = np.array(self.param['skyPositions']).T coord = SkyCoord(degArr[0] *,degArr[1] * coord_pix = coord.to_pixel(wcs=wcs_res) # Check if the pixel coordinates are inside the image x, y = coord_pix return x,y
[docs] def source_in_img(self,fits_fileName): """ Is the source within an image? Return 'unknown' if no sky positions specified """ if self.param['skyPositions'] is None: return 'unknown' else: # Open the FITS file and extract the image dimensions with as HDUList: image_data = HDUList['SCI'].data image_shape = image_data.shape sciHead = HDUList['SCI'].header x, y = self.get_source_xy(sciHead) src_in_img = (0 <= x < image_shape[1] and 0 <= y < image_shape[0]) if np.any(src_in_img): return True else: return False
def get_fileList(self): if self.param['readFromTshirtExamples'] == True: ## Find the files from the package data examples ## This is only when running example pipeline runs or tests search_path = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'example_tshirt_data',self.param['procFiles']) if len(glob.glob(search_path)) == 0: print("Did not find example tshirt data. Now attempting to download...") get_tshirt_example_data() else: search_path = self.param['procFiles'] origList = np.sort(glob.glob(search_path)) if self.param['excludeList'] is not None: fileList1 = [] for oneFile in origList: if os.path.basename(oneFile) not in self.param['excludeList']: fileList1.append(oneFile) else: fileList1 = origList if self.param['downselectImgWithCoord'] == True: fileList2 = [] for oneFile in origList: if self.source_in_img(oneFile): fileList2.append(oneFile) else: fileList2 = fileList1 if len(fileList2) == 0: print("Note: File Search comes up empty") if os.path.exists(self.photFile): print("Note: Reading file list from previous phot file instead.") t1 =,hdu='FILENAMES') fileList2 = np.array(t1['File Path']) return fileList2 def check_parameters(self): assert type(self.param['backOffset']) == list,"Background offset is not a list" assert len(self.param['backOffset']) == 2,'Background offset must by a 2 element list' def set_up_apertures(self,positions): if self.param['srcGeometry'] == 'Circular': self.srcApertures = CircularAperture(positions,r=self.param['apRadius']) elif self.param['srcGeometry'] == 'CircularAnnulus': self.srcApertures = CircularAnnulus(positions,r_in=self.param['srcStart'], r_out=self.param['srcEnd']) elif self.param['srcGeometry'] == 'Square': self.srcApertures = RectangularAperture(positions,w=self.param['apRadius'], h=self.param['apRadius'],theta=0) elif self.param['srcGeometry'] == 'Rectangular': self.srcApertures = RectangularAperture(positions,w=self.param['apWidth'], h=self.param['apHeight'],theta=0) else: print('Unrecognized aperture') self.xCoors = self.srcApertures.positions[:,0] self.yCoors = self.srcApertures.positions[:,1] if self.param['bkgSub'] == True: bkgPositions = np.array(deepcopy(positions)) bkgPositions[:,0] = bkgPositions[:,0] + self.param['backOffset'][0] bkgPositions[:,1] = bkgPositions[:,1] + self.param['backOffset'][1] if self.param['bkgGeometry'] == 'CircularAnnulus': self.bkgApertures = CircularAnnulus(bkgPositions,r_in=self.param['backStart'], r_out=self.param['backEnd']) elif self.param['bkgGeometry'] == 'Rectangular': self.bkgApertures = RectangularAperture(bkgPositions,w=self.param['backWidth'], h=self.param['backHeight'],theta=0) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized background geometry')
[docs] def get_default_index(self): """ Get the default index from the file list """ return self.nImg // 2
[docs] def get_default_im(self,img=None,head=None): """ Get the default image for postage stamps or star identification maps""" ## Get the data if img is None: img, head = self.getImg(self.fileL[self.get_default_index()]) return img, head
[docs] def get_default_cen(self,custPos=None,ind=0): """ Get the default centroids for postage stamps or star identification maps Parameters ---------- custPos: numpy array Array of custom positions for the apertures. Otherwise it uses the guess position ind: int Image index. This is used to guess the position if a drift file is given """ if custPos is None: initialPos = deepcopy(self.srcApertures.positions) showApPos = np.zeros_like(initialPos) showApPos[:,0] = initialPos[:,0] + float(self.drift_dat['dx'][ind]) showApPos[:,1] = initialPos[:,1] + float(self.drift_dat['dy'][ind]) else: showApPos = custPos return showApPos
def get_drift_dat(self): drift_dat_0 = Table() drift_dat_0['Index'] = np.arange(self.nImg) #drift_dat_0['File'] = self.fileL drift_dat_0['dx'] = np.zeros(self.nImg) drift_dat_0['dy'] = np.zeros(self.nImg) if self.param['driftFile'] == None: self.drift_dat = drift_dat_0 drift_file_found = False else: if self.param['readFromTshirtExamples'] == True: ## Find the files from the package data examples ## This is only when running example pipeline runs or tests drift_file_path = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'example_tshirt_data',self.param['driftFile']) else: drift_file_path = self.param['driftFile'] if os.path.exists(drift_file_path) == False: drift_file_found = False warnings.warn("No Drift file found at {}".format(drift_file_path)) else: drift_file_found = True self.drift_dat = return drift_file_found
[docs] def make_drift_file(self,srcInd=0,refIndex=0): """ Use the centroids in photometry to generate a drift file of X/Y offsets Parameters ---------- srcInd: int The source index used for drifts refIndex: int Which file index corresponds to 0.0 drift """ HDUList = cenData = HDUList['CENTROIDS'].data photHead = HDUList['PHOTOMETRY'].header nImg = photHead['NIMG'] drift_dat = Table() drift_dat['Index'] = np.arange(nImg) x = cenData[:,srcInd,0] drift_dat['dx'] = x - x[refIndex] y = cenData[:,srcInd,1] drift_dat['dy'] = y - y[refIndex] drift_dat['File'] = HDUList['FILENAMES'].data['File Path'] outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'centroids','drift_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.ecsv') drift_dat.meta['Zero Index'] = refIndex drift_dat.meta['Source Used'] = srcInd drift_dat.meta['Zero File'] = str(drift_dat['File'][refIndex]) print("Saving Drift file to {}".format(outPath)) drift_dat.write(outPath,overwrite=True,format='ascii.ecsv')
[docs] def showStarChoices(self,img=None,head=None,custPos=None,showAps=False, srcLabel=None,figSize=None,showPlot=False, allLabels=None, apColor='black',backColor='black', vmin=None,vmax=None,index=None, labelColor='white', xLim=None,yLim=None, txtOffset=20,diffImgIndex=None): """ Show the star choices for photometry Parameters ------------------ img : numpy 2D array, optional An image to plot head : astropy FITS header, optional header for image custPos : numpy 2D array or list of tuple coordinates, optional Custom positions showAps : bool, optional Show apertures rather than circle stars srcLabel : str or None, optional What should the source label be? The default is "src" allLabels : list of str Names for all aperture labels. Must be the same length as the number of sources figSize : list or None, optional Specify the size of the plot. This is useful for looking at high/lower resolution showPlot : bool Show the plot? If True, it will show, otherwise it is saved as a file apColor: str The color for the source apertures backColor: str The color for the background apertures vmin: float or None A value for the :code:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot.imshow` vmin parameter vmax: float or None A value for the :code:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot.imshow` vmax parameter index: int or None The index of the file name. If None, it uses the default labelColor: str Color for the text label for sources xLim: None or two element list Specify the minimum and maximum X for the plot. For example xLim=[40,60] yLim: None or two element list Specify the minimum and maximum Y for the plot. For example yLim=[40,60] txtOffset: float The X and Y offset to place the text label for a source diffImgIndex: int Choose a file index from which to subtract a reference image """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figSize) if index is None: index = self.get_default_index() if img is None: img, head = self.getImg(self.fileL[index]) else: img_other, head = self.get_default_im(img=img,head=None) if diffImgIndex is not None: img2, head2 = self.getImg(self.fileL[diffImgIndex]) img = img - img2 if vmin is None: useVmin = np.nanpercentile(img,1) else: useVmin = vmin if vmax is None: useVmax = np.nanpercentile(img,99) else: useVmax = vmax imData = ax.imshow(img,cmap='viridis',vmin=useVmin,vmax=useVmax,interpolation='nearest') ax.invert_yaxis() rad = 50 ## the radius for the matplotlib scatter to show source centers showApPos = self.get_default_cen(custPos=custPos,ind=index) if showAps == True: apsShow = deepcopy(self.srcApertures) apsShow.positions = showApPos self.adjust_apertures(index) if photutils.__version__ >= "0.7": apsShow.plot(axes=ax,color=apColor) else: apsShow.plot(ax=ax,color=apColor) if self.param['bkgSub'] == True: backApsShow = deepcopy(self.bkgApertures) backApsShow.positions = showApPos backApsShow.positions[:,0] = backApsShow.positions[:,0] + self.param['backOffset'][0] backApsShow.positions[:,1] = backApsShow.positions[:,1] + self.param['backOffset'][1] if photutils.__version__ >= "0.7": backApsShow.plot(axes=ax,color=backColor) else: backApsShow.plot(ax=ax,color=backColor) outName = 'ap_labels_{}.pdf'.format(self.dataFileDescrip) else: ax.scatter(showApPos[:,0],showApPos[:,1], s=rad, facecolors='none', edgecolors='r') outName = 'st_labels_{}.pdf'.format(self.dataFileDescrip) for ind, onePos in enumerate(showApPos): #circ = plt.Circle((onePos[0], onePos[1]), rad, color='r') #ax.add_patch(circ) if allLabels is None: if ind == 0: if srcLabel is None: name='src' else: name=srcLabel else: name=str(ind) else: name=allLabels[ind] ax.text(onePos[0]+txtOffset,onePos[1]+txtOffset,name,color=labelColor) ax.set_xlabel('X (px)') ax.set_ylabel('Y (px)') divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(imData,label='Counts',cax=cax) ax.set_xlim(xLim) ax.set_ylim(yLim) if showPlot == True: else: outF = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','photometry','star_labels',outName) print("Saving plot to {}".format(outF)) fig.savefig(outF, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig)
[docs] def showStamps(self,img=None,head=None,custPos=None,custFWHM=None, vmin=None,vmax=None,showPlot=False,boxsize=None,index=None): """ Shows the fixed apertures on the image with postage stamps surrounding sources Parameters ----------- index: int Index of the file list. This is needed if scaling apertures """ ## Calculate approximately square numbers of X & Y positions in the grid numGridY = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(self.nsrc))) numGridX = int(np.ceil(float(self.nsrc) / float(numGridY))) fig, axArr = plt.subplots(numGridY, numGridX) img, head = self.get_default_im(img=img,head=head) if boxsize == None: boxsize = self.param['boxFindSize'] showApPos = self.get_default_cen(custPos=custPos) if index is None: index = self.get_default_index() self.adjust_apertures(index) for ind, onePos in enumerate(showApPos): if self.nsrc == 1: ax = axArr else: ax = axArr.ravel()[ind] yStamp_proposed = np.array(onePos[1] + np.array([-1,1]) * boxsize,dtype=int) xStamp_proposed = np.array(onePos[0] + np.array([-1,1]) * boxsize,dtype=int) xStamp, yStamp = ensure_coordinates_are_within_bounds(xStamp_proposed,yStamp_proposed,img) stamp = img[yStamp[0]:yStamp[1],xStamp[0]:xStamp[1]] if vmin == None: useVmin = np.nanpercentile(stamp,1) else: useVmin = vmin if vmax == None: useVmax = np.nanpercentile(stamp,99) else: useVmax = vmax imData = ax.imshow(stamp,cmap='viridis',vmin=useVmin,vmax=useVmax,interpolation='nearest') ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_title(self.srcNames[ind]) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) srcX, srcY = onePos[0] - xStamp[0],onePos[1] - yStamp[0] circ = plt.Circle((srcX,srcY), self.srcApertures.r,edgecolor='red',facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(circ) if self.param['bkgSub'] == True: for oneRad in [self.bkgApertures.r_in, self.bkgApertures.r_out]: circ = plt.Circle((srcX + self.param['backOffset'][0],srcY + self.param['backOffset'][1]), oneRad,edgecolor='blue',facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(circ) if custFWHM is not None: circFWHM = plt.Circle((srcX,srcY), custFWHM[ind],edgecolor='orange',facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(circFWHM) fig.colorbar(imData,label='Counts') totStamps = numGridY * numGridX for ind in np.arange(self.nsrc,totStamps): ## Make any extra postage stamps blank ax = axArr.ravel()[ind] ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) #self.srcApertures.plot(indices=ind,color='red') #ax.set_xlim(onePos[0] - boxsize,onePos[0] + boxsize) #ax.set_ylim(onePos[1] - boxsize,onePos[1] + boxsize) if showPlot == True: else: outName = 'stamps_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.pdf' outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','photometry','postage_stamps',outName) fig.savefig(outPath) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def showCustSet(self,index=None,ptype='Stamps',defaultCen=False,vmin=None,vmax=None, boxsize=None,showPlot=False): """ Show a custom stamp or star identification plot for a given image index Parameters -------------- index: int Index of the image/centroid to show ptype: str Plot type - 'Stamps' for postage stamps 'Map' for star identification map defaultCen: bool Use the default centroid? If True, it will use the guess centroids to show the guess before centering. boxsize: int or None The size of the box to cut out for plotting postage stamps. If None, will use defaults. Only use when ptype is 'Stamps' showPlot: bool Show the plot in notebook or iPython session? If True, it will show the plot. If False, it will save the plot in the default directory. """ self.get_allimg_cen() if index == None: index = self.get_default_index() img, head = self.getImg(self.fileL[index]) if defaultCen == True: cen = self.srcApertures.positions else: cen = self.cenArr[index] if ptype == 'Stamps': self.showStamps(custPos=cen,img=img,head=head,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,showPlot=showPlot, boxsize=boxsize,index=index) elif ptype == 'Map': self.showStarChoices(custPos=cen,img=img,head=head,showAps=True,showPlot=showPlot, index=index) else: print('Unrecognized plot type')
[docs] def make_filename_hdu(self,airmass=None): """ Makes a Header data unit (binary FITS table) for filenames """ fileLTable = Table() fileLTable['File Path'] = self.fileL if airmass is not None: fileLTable['Airmass'] = airmass hduFileNames = fits.BinTableHDU(fileLTable) = "FILENAMES" return hduFileNames
[docs] def save_centroids(self,cenArr,fwhmArr,fixesApplied=True,origCen=None,origFWHM=None): """ Saves the image centroid data Parameters ----------- cenArr: numpy array 3d array of centroids (nImg x nsrc x 2 for x/y) fwhmArr: numpy array 3d array of fwhm (nImg x nsrc x 2 for x/y) fixesApplied: bool Are fixes applied to the centroids? origCen: None or numpy array Original array of centroids origFWHM: None or numpy array Original array of FWHMs """ hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(cenArr) hdu.header['NSOURCE'] = (self.nsrc,'Number of sources with centroids') hdu.header['NIMG'] = (self.nImg,'Number of images') hdu.header['AXIS1'] = ('dimension','dimension axis X=0,Y=1') hdu.header['AXIS2'] = ('src','source axis') hdu.header['AXIS3'] = ('image','image axis') hdu.header['BOXSZ'] = (self.param['boxFindSize'],'half-width of the box used for source centroids') hdu.header['REFCENS'] = (self.param['refPhotCentering'],'Reference Photometry file used to shift the centroids (or empty if none)') hdu.header['FIXES'] = (fixesApplied, 'Have centroid fixes been applied from trends in other sources?') = 'Centroids' hdu2 = fits.ImageHDU(fwhmArr) hdu2.header['NSOURCE'] = (self.nsrc,'Number of sources with centroids') hdu2.header['NIMG'] = (self.nImg,'Number of images') hdu2.header['AXIS1'] = ('dimension','dimension axis X=0,Y=1') hdu2.header['AXIS2'] = ('src','source axis') hdu2.header['AXIS3'] = ('image','image axis') hdu2.header['BOXSZ'] = (self.param['boxFindSize'],'half-width of the box used to fit 2D gaussian') = 'FWHM' hduFileNames = self.make_filename_hdu() HDUList = fits.HDUList([hdu,hdu2,hduFileNames]) if fixesApplied == True: if origCen is not None: hduCenOrig = fits.ImageHDU(origCen,hdu.header) hduCenOrig.header['FIXES'] = ('Unknown','Have centroid fixes been applied from trends in other sources?') = 'ORIG CEN' HDUList.append(hduCenOrig) if origFWHM is not None: hduFWHMOrig = fits.ImageHDU(origFWHM,hdu2.header) = 'ORIG FWHM' HDUList.append(hduFWHMOrig) HDUList.writeto(self.centroidFile,overwrite=True) head = hdu.header return head, hdu2.header
[docs] def shift_centroids_from_other_file(self,refPhotFile,SWLW=True): """ Creates a centroid array where shifts are applied from another file. For example, Imaging data from another camera can be used to provide shifts to the apertures for grism data """ if SWLW == True: rotAngle = 0; ## set to zero for now scaling = 0.5 else: raise Exception("Still working on scaling and rotation params") HDUList = if "CENTROIDS" not in HDUList: raise Exception("Could not find CENTROIDS extension in {}".format(refPhotFile)) refCenArr, head = HDUList["CENTROIDS"].data, HDUList["CENTROIDS"].header xRefAbs, yRefAbs = refCenArr[:,0,0], refCenArr[:,0,1] xRef, yRef = xRefAbs - xRefAbs[0], yRefAbs - yRefAbs[0] HDUList.close() ndim=2 ## Number of dimensions in image (assuming 2D) cenArr = np.zeros((self.nImg,self.nsrc,ndim)) pos = self.get_default_cen() for ind, oneFile in enumerate(self.fileL): xVec = (xRef[ind] * np.cos(rotAngle) - yRef[ind] * np.sin(rotAngle)) * scaling yVec = (xRef[ind] * np.sin(rotAngle) + yRef[ind] * np.cos(rotAngle)) * scaling cenArr[ind,:,0] = pos[:,0] + xVec cenArr[ind,:,1] = pos[:,1] + yVec fwhmArr = np.zeros_like(cenArr) return cenArr, fwhmArr
[docs] def fix_centroids(self,diagnostics=False,nsigma=10.): """ Fix the centroids for outlier positions for stars """ HDUList = cenArr, head = HDUList["CENTROIDS"].data, HDUList["CENTROIDS"].header fwhmArr, headFWHM = HDUList["FWHM"].data, HDUList["FWHM"].header fixedCenArr = deepcopy(cenArr) fixedFWHMArr = deepcopy(fwhmArr) medCen = np.nanmedian(cenArr,0) medCen3D = np.tile(medCen,[self.nImg,1,1]) diffCen = cenArr - medCen3D ## differential motion fixedDiffCen = deepcopy(diffCen) if diagnostics == True: fig, axArr = plt.subplots(2,sharex=True) for oneAxis in [0,1]: trend = np.nanmedian(diffCen[:,:,oneAxis],1) ## median trend trend2D = np.tile(trend,[self.nsrc,1]).transpose() diffFromTrend = diffCen[:,:,oneAxis] - trend2D mad = np.nanmedian(np.abs(diffFromTrend)) badPt = np.abs(diffFromTrend) > nsigma * mad fixedDiffFromTrend = deepcopy(diffFromTrend) fixedDiffFromTrend[badPt] = 0 fwhmArr2D = fixedFWHMArr[:,:,oneAxis] fwhmArr2D[badPt] = np.nan ## w/ different position FWHM is no longer relvant fixedFWHMArr[:,:,oneAxis] = fwhmArr2D fixedDiffCen[:,:,oneAxis] = fixedDiffFromTrend + trend2D if diagnostics == True: for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): showData, = axArr[oneAxis].plot(diffCen[:,oneSrc,oneAxis],'o') axArr[oneAxis].plot(fixedDiffCen[:,oneSrc,oneAxis],color=showData.get_color()) fixedCenArr = fixedDiffCen + medCen3D if diagnostics == True: self.save_centroids(fixedCenArr,fixedFWHMArr,fixesApplied=True,origCen=cenArr,origFWHM=fwhmArr) HDUList.close()
def copy_centroids_from_file(self,fileName): HDUList = cenArr, head = HDUList["CENTROIDS"].data, HDUList["CENTROIDS"].header if "FWHM" in HDUList: fwhmArr, headFWHM = HDUList["FWHM"].data, HDUList["FWHM"].header self.keepFWHM = True else: self.keepFWHM = False ## allow for legacy centroid files fwhmArr, headFWHM = None, None HDUList.close() return cenArr, head, fwhmArr, headFWHM
[docs] def get_allimg_cen(self,recenter=False,useMultiprocessing=False): """ Get all image centroids If self.param['doCentering'] is False, it will just use the input aperture positions Parameters ---------- recenter: bool Recenter the apertures again? Especially after changing the sources in photometry parameters useMultiprocessing: bool Use multiprocessing for faster computation?s """ ndim=2 ## Number of dimensions in image (assuming 2D) if os.path.exists(self.centroidFile) and (recenter == False): cenArr, head, fwhmArr, headFWHM = self.copy_centroids_from_file(self.centroidFile) elif (self.param['copyCentroidFile'] is not None) and (recenter == False): cenArr, head, fwhmArr, headFWHM = self.copy_centroids_from_file(self.param['copyCentroidFile']) elif self.param['refPhotCentering'] is not None: cenArr, fwhmArr = self.shift_centroids_from_other_file(self.param['refPhotCentering']) head, headFWHM = self.save_centroids(cenArr,fwhmArr) self.keepFWHM = False elif self.param['doCentering'] == False: img, head = self.get_default_im() cenArr = np.zeros((self.nImg,self.nsrc,ndim)) pos = self.get_default_cen() for ind, oneFile in enumerate(self.fileL): cenArr[ind,:,0] = pos[:,0] cenArr[ind,:,1] = pos[:,1] fwhmArr = np.zeros_like(cenArr) head, headFWHM = self.save_centroids(cenArr,fwhmArr) self.keepFWHM = False else: cenArr = np.zeros((self.nImg,self.nsrc,ndim)) fwhmArr = np.zeros((self.nImg,self.nsrc,ndim)) if useMultiprocessing == True: fileCountArray = np.arange(len(self.fileL)) allOutput = run_multiprocessing_phot(self,fileCountArray,method='get_allcen_img') else: allOutput = [] for ind, oneFile in enumerate(self.fileL): allOutput.append(self.get_allcen_img(ind)) for ind, oneFile in enumerate(self.fileL): allX, allY, allfwhmX, allfwhmY = allOutput[ind] cenArr[ind,:,0] = allX cenArr[ind,:,1] = allY fwhmArr[ind,:,0] = allfwhmX fwhmArr[ind,:,1] = allfwhmY self.keepFWHM = True head, headFWHM = self.save_centroids(cenArr,fwhmArr) self.cenArr = cenArr self.cenHead = head if self.param['bkgSub'] == True: ## Make an array for the background offsets backgOffsetArr = np.zeros((self.nImg,self.nsrc,ndim)) backgOffsetArr[:,:,0] = self.param['backOffset'][0] backgOffsetArr[:,:,1] = self.param['backOffset'][1] self.backgOffsetArr = backgOffsetArr else: self.backgOffsetArr = np.zeros((self.nImg,self.nsrc,ndim)) if self.keepFWHM == True: self.fwhmArr = fwhmArr self.headFWHM = headFWHM
[docs] def get_allcen_img(self,ind,showStamp=False): """ Gets the centroids for all sources in one image """ img, head = self.getImg(self.fileL[ind]) allX, allY = [], [] allfwhmX, allfwhmY = [], [] if self.param['skyPositions'] is None: positions = self.get_default_cen(ind=ind) else: # degArr = np.array(self.param['skyPositions']).T # coord = SkyCoord(degArr[0] *,degArr[1] * sciHeader = fits.getheader(self.fileL[ind],extname='SCI') #wcs_res = WCS(sciHeader) #x,y = coord.to_pixel(wcs=wcs_res) x,y = self.get_source_xy(sciHeader) positions = np.array([x,y]).T for srcInd, onePos in enumerate(positions): xcen, ycen, fwhmX, fwhmY = self.get_centroid(img,onePos[0],onePos[1]) allX.append(xcen) allY.append(ycen) allfwhmX.append(fwhmX) allfwhmY.append(fwhmY) if showStamp == True: posArr = np.vstack((allX,allY)).transpose() #fwhmArr = np.vstack((allfwhmX,allfwhmY)).transpose() quadFWHM = np.sqrt(np.array(allfwhmX)**2 + np.array(allfwhmY)**2) self.showStamps(img=img,custPos=posArr,custFWHM=quadFWHM) return allX, allY, allfwhmX, allfwhmY
[docs] def get_centroid(self,img,xGuess,yGuess): """ Get the centroid of a source given an x and y guess Takes the self.param['boxFindSize'] to define the search box """ boxSize=self.param['boxFindSize'] shape = img.shape minX = int(np.max([xGuess - boxSize,0.])) maxX = int(np.min([xGuess + boxSize,shape[1]-1])) minY = int(np.max([yGuess - boxSize,0.])) maxY = int(np.min([yGuess + boxSize,shape[1]-1])) subimg = img[minY:maxY,minX:maxX] try: xcenSub,ycenSub = centroid_2dg(subimg) except ValueError: warnings.warn("Found value error for centroid. Putting in Guess value") xcenSub,ycenSub = xGuess, yGuess xcen = xcenSub + minX ycen = ycenSub + minY try: fwhmX, fwhmY = self.get_fwhm(subimg,xcenSub,ycenSub) except ValueError: warnings.warn("Found value error for FWHM. Putting in a Nan") fwhmX, fwhmY = np.nan, np.nan return xcen, ycen, fwhmX, fwhmY
[docs] def get_fwhm(self,subimg,xCen,yCen): """ Get the FWHM of the source in a subarray surrounding it """ if photutils.__version__ >= "1.0": GaussFit = fit_2dgauss.centroid_2dg_w_sigmas(subimg) x_stddev = GaussFit[2] y_stddev = GaussFit[3] else: GaussModel = photutils.fit_2dgaussian(subimg) x_stddev = GaussModel.x_stddev.value y_stddev = GaussModel.y_stddev.value fwhmX = x_stddev * 2.35482005 fwhmY = y_stddev * 2.35482005 return fwhmX, fwhmY
[docs] def add_filenames_to_header(self,hdu): """ Uses fits header cards to list the files This clutters up the header, so I have now moved the fileName list to a separate structure """ for ind, oneFile in enumerate(self.fileL): hdu.header['FIL'+str(ind)] = (os.path.basename(oneFile),'file name')
[docs] def reset_phot(self): """ Reset the photometry A reminder to myself to write a script to clear the positions. Sometimes, if you get bad positions from a previous file, they will wind up being used again. Need to reset the srcAperture.positions! """
def get_date(self,head): if self.param['dateKeyword'] in head: useDate = head[self.param['dateKeyword']] elif 'DATE_OBS' in head: useDate = head['DATE_OBS'] elif 'DATE' in head: warnings.warn('{} not found in header. Using DATE instead'.format(self.param['dateKeyword'])) month1, day1, year1 = head['DATE'].split("/") useDate = "-".join([year1,month1,day1]) elif 'DATE-OBS' in self.param: warnings.warn('Using DATE-OBS from parameter file.') useDate = self.param['DATE-OBS'] else: warnings.warn('Date headers not found in header. Making it nan') useDate = np.nan if self.param['dateFormat'] == 'Two Part': t0 = Time(useDate+'T'+head['TIME-OBS']) elif self.param['dateFormat'] == 'One Part': t0 = Time(useDate) elif self.param['dateFormat'] == 'MJD': t0 = Time(useDate,format='mjd') elif self.param['dateFormat'] == 'JD': t0 = Time(useDate,format='jd') else: raise Exception("Date format {} not understdood".format(self.param['dateFormat'])) if 'timingMethod' in self.param: if self.param['timingMethod'] == 'JWSTint': if 'INTTIME' in head: int_time = head['INTTIME'] elif 'EFFINTTM' in head: int_time = head['EFFINTTM'] else: warnings.warn("Couldn't find inttime in header. Setting to 0") int_time = 0 t0 = t0 + (head['TFRAME'] + int_time) * (head['ON_NINT'] - 0.5) * u.second elif self.param['timingMethod'] == 'intCounter': t0 = t0 + (head['ON_NINT']) * 1.0 * u.min ## placeholder to spread out time return t0 def get_read_noise(self,head): if self.param['readNoise'] != None: readNoise = float(self.param['readNoise']) elif 'RDNOISE1' in head: readNoise = float(head['RDNOISE1']) else: readNoise = 1.0 warnings.warn('Warning, no read noise specified') return readNoise
[docs] def adjust_apertures(self,ind): """ Adjust apertures, if scaling by FWHM Parameters ---------- ind: int the index of `self.fileList`. """ if self.param['scaleAperture'] == True: if self.nImg >= maxCPUs: useMultiprocessing = True else: useMultiprocessing = False self.get_allimg_cen(useMultiprocessing=useMultiprocessing) medianFWHM = np.median(self.fwhmArr[ind]) minFWHMallowed, maxFWHMallowed = self.param['apRange'] if medianFWHM < minFWHMallowed: warnings.warn("FWHM found was smaller than apRange ({}) px. Using {} for Image {}".format(minFWHMallowed,minFWHMallowed,self.fileL[ind])) medianFWHM = minFWHMallowed elif medianFWHM > maxFWHMallowed: warnings.warn("FWHM found was larger than apRange ({}) px. Using {} for Image {}".format(maxFWHMallowed,maxFWHMallowed,self.fileL[ind])) medianFWHM = maxFWHMallowed if self.param['bkgGeometry'] == 'CircularAnnulus': self.srcApertures.r = medianFWHM * self.param['apScale'] if self.param['scaleBackground'] == True: self.bkgApertures.r_in = (self.srcApertures.r + self.param['backStart'] - self.param['apRadius']) self.bkgApertures.r_out = (self.bkgApertures.r_in + self.param['backEnd'] - self.param['backStart']) else: warnings.warn('Background Aperture scaling not set up for non-annular geometry')
[docs] def get_ap_area(self,aperture): """ A function go get the area of apertures This accommodates different versions of photutils """ if photutils.__version__ > '0.6': ## photutils changed area from a method to an attribute after this version area = aperture.area else: ## older photutils area = aperture.area() return area
[docs] def phot_for_one_file(self,ind): """ Calculate aperture photometry using `photutils` Parameters ---------- ind: int index of the file list on which to read in and do photometry """ oneImg = self.fileL[ind] img, head = self.getImg(oneImg) t0 = self.get_date(head) self.srcApertures.positions = self.cenArr[ind] if self.param['scaleAperture'] == True: self.adjust_apertures(ind) readNoise = self.get_read_noise(head) err = np.sqrt(np.abs(img) + readNoise**2) ## Should already be gain-corrected rawPhot = aperture_photometry(img,self.srcApertures,error=err,method=self.param['subpixelMethod']) if self.param['saturationVal'] != None: src_masks = self.srcApertures.to_mask(method='center') for srcInd,mask in enumerate(src_masks): src_data = mask.multiply(img) src_data_1d = src_data[ > 0] satPoints = (src_data_1d > self.param['saturationVal']) if np.sum(satPoints) >= self.param['satNPix']: ## set this source as NaN b/c it's saturated rawPhot['aperture_sum'][srcInd] = np.nan if self.param['bkgSub'] == True: self.bkgApertures.positions = self.cenArr[ind] + self.backgOffsetArr[ind] if self.param['bkgMethod'] == 'mean': bkgPhot = aperture_photometry(img,self.bkgApertures,error=err,method=self.param['subpixelMethod']) bkgArea = self.get_ap_area(self.bkgApertures) srcArea = self.get_ap_area(self.srcApertures) bkgVals = bkgPhot['aperture_sum'] / bkgArea * srcArea bkgValsErr = bkgPhot['aperture_sum_err'] / bkgArea * srcArea ## Background subtracted fluxes srcPhot = rawPhot['aperture_sum'] - bkgVals elif self.param['bkgMethod'] in ['median', 'robust mean']: bkgIntensity, bkgIntensityErr = [], [] bkg_masks = self.bkgApertures.to_mask(method='center') for mask in bkg_masks: bkg_data = mask.multiply(img) bkg_data_1d = bkg_data[ > 0] oneIntensity, oneErr = robust_statistics(bkg_data_1d,method=self.param['bkgMethod']) bkgIntensity.append(oneIntensity) bkgIntensityErr.append(oneErr) bkgVals = np.array(bkgIntensity) * self.get_ap_area(self.srcApertures) bkgValsErr = np.array(bkgIntensityErr) * self.get_ap_area(self.srcApertures) srcPhot = rawPhot['aperture_sum'] - bkgVals elif self.param['bkgMethod'] == 'colrow': srcPhot, bkgVals, bkgValsErr = self.poly_sub_phot(img,head,err,ind) elif self.param['bkgMethod'] == 'rowAmp': srcPhot, bkgVals, bkgValsErr = self.rowamp_sub_phot(img,head,err,ind) else: raise Exception("Unrecognized background method {}".format(self.param['bkgMethod'])) else: ## No background subtraction srcPhot = rawPhot['aperture_sum'] bkgVals = np.nan bkgValsErr = 0. srcPhotErr = np.sqrt(rawPhot['aperture_sum_err']**2 + bkgValsErr**2) return [t0.jd,srcPhot,srcPhotErr, bkgVals]
[docs] def show_cutout(self,img,aps=None,name='',percentScaling=False,src=None,ind=None): """ Plot the cutout around the source for diagnostic purposes""" fig, ax = plt.subplots() if percentScaling == True: vmin,vmax = np.nanpercentile(img,[3,97]) else: vmin,vmax = None, None ax.imshow(img,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) if aps is not None: if photutils.__version__ >= "0.7": aps.plot(axes=ax) else: aps.plot(ax=ax) ax.set_title(name) print('Press c and enter to continue') print('or press q and enter to quit') pdb.set_trace() plt.close(fig) primHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(img) primHDU.header['Name'] = name name_for_file = name.replace(" ","_") outName = "{}_{}_src_{}_ind_{}.fits".format(self.dataFileDescrip,name_for_file,src,ind) outPath = os.path.join("diagnostics","phot_poly_backsub",outName) primHDU.writeto(outPath,overwrite=True)
[docs] def poly_sub_phot(self,img,head,err,ind,showEach=False,saveFits=False): """ Do a polynomial background subtraction use robust polynomials This is instead of using the mean or another statistic of the background aperture """ from . import spec_pipeline bkg_masks = self.bkgApertures.to_mask(method='center') spec = spec_pipeline.spec() spec.param['bkgOrderX'] = self.param['bkgOrderX'] spec.param['bkgOrderY'] = self.param['bkgOrderY'] spec.fileL = self.fileL srcPhot, bkgPhot = [], [] for ind,mask in enumerate(bkg_masks): backImg = mask.multiply(img,fill_value=np.nan) ## fill value doesn't appear to work so I manually will make them NaN nonBackPts = == 0 backImg[nonBackPts] = np.nan img_cutout = mask.cutout(img,fill_value=0.0) err_cutout = mask.cutout(err,fill_value=0.0) srcApSub = deepcopy(self.srcApertures) srcApSub.positions[:,0] = srcApSub.positions[:,0] - mask.bbox.ixmin srcApSub.positions[:,1] = srcApSub.positions[:,1] - mask.bbox.iymin spec.param['bkgRegionsX'] = [[0,backImg.shape[1]]] spec.param['bkgRegionsY'] = [[0,backImg.shape[0]]] if self.param['diagnosticMode'] == True: self.show_cutout(img_cutout,aps=srcApSub,name='Img Cutout',src=ind,ind=ind) self.show_cutout(backImg,aps=srcApSub,name='Background Cutout', percentScaling=True,src=ind,ind=ind) backImg_sub, bkgModelTotal, subHead = spec.do_backsub(backImg,head,ind=ind, directions=self.param['backsub_directions']) subImg = img_cutout - bkgModelTotal srcPhot1 = aperture_photometry(subImg,srcApSub,error=err_cutout, method=self.param['subpixelMethod']) srcPhot.append(srcPhot1['aperture_sum'][ind]) bkgPhot1 = aperture_photometry(bkgModelTotal,srcApSub,error=err_cutout, method=self.param['subpixelMethod']) bkgPhot.append(bkgPhot1['aperture_sum'][ind]) if self.param['diagnosticMode'] == True: self.show_cutout(subImg,aps=srcApSub,name='Backsub Img Cutout', percentScaling=True,src=ind,ind=ind) ## use the error in the mean background as an estimate for error bkgPhotTotal = aperture_photometry(img,self.bkgApertures,error=err,method=self.param['subpixelMethod']) bkgValsErr = (bkgPhotTotal['aperture_sum_err'] / self.get_ap_area(self.bkgApertures) * self.get_ap_area(self.srcApertures)) return np.array(srcPhot),np.array(bkgPhot),bkgValsErr
[docs] def rowamp_sub_phot(self,img,head,err,ind): """ Do a row-by-row, amplifier-by-amplifier background subtraction This is instead of using the mean or another statistic of the background aperture """ saveD = self.param['diagnosticMode'] backsub_img, backg_img = rowamp_sub.do_backsub(img,self, saveDiagnostics=saveD) srcPhot_t = aperture_photometry(backsub_img, self.srcApertures,error=err, method=self.param['subpixelMethod']) bkgPhot_t = aperture_photometry(backg_img, self.srcApertures,error=err, method=self.param['subpixelMethod']) srcPhot = srcPhot_t['aperture_sum'] bkgPhot = bkgPhot_t['aperture_sum'] bkgValsErr = bkgPhot_t['aperture_sum_err'] return np.array(srcPhot),np.array(bkgPhot),np.array(bkgValsErr)
def return_self(self): return self
[docs] def do_phot(self,useMultiprocessing=False): """ Does photometry using the centroids found in get_allimg_cen """ self.get_allimg_cen(useMultiprocessing=useMultiprocessing) photArr = np.zeros((self.nImg,self.nsrc)) errArr = np.zeros_like(photArr) backArr = np.zeros_like(photArr) jdArr = [] fileCountArray = np.arange(len(self.fileL)) if useMultiprocessing == True: outputPhot = run_multiprocessing_phot(self,fileCountArray) else: outputPhot = [] for ind in tqdm.tqdm(fileCountArray): outputPhot.append(self.phot_for_one_file(ind)) ## unpack the results for ind,val in enumerate(outputPhot): jdArr.append(val[0]) photArr[ind,:] = val[1] errArr[ind,:] = val[2] backArr[ind,:] = val[3] ## Save the photometry results hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(photArr) hdu.header['NSOURCE'] = (self.nsrc,'Number of sources with photometry') hdu.header['NIMG'] = (self.nImg,'Number of images') hdu.header['AXIS1'] = ('src','source axis') hdu.header['AXIS2'] = ('image','image axis') basicHeader = deepcopy(hdu.header) # hdu.header[''] = ' Source parameters ' hdu.header['SRCNAME'] = (self.param['srcName'], 'Source name') hdu.header['NIGHT'] = (self.param['nightName'], 'Night Name') hdu.header['SRCGEOM'] = (self.param['srcGeometry'], 'Source Aperture Geometry') hdu.header['BKGGEOM'] = (self.param['bkgGeometry'], 'Background Aperture Geometry') if 'apRadius' in self.param: hdu.header['APRADIUS'] = (self.param['apRadius'], 'Aperture radius (px)') elif 'apHeight' in self.param: hdu.header['APRADIUS'] = (self.param['apHeight'], 'Aperture radius (px)') hdu.header['APHEIGHT'] = (self.param['apHeight'], 'Aperture radius (px)') hdu.header['APWIDTH'] = (self.param['apWidth'], 'Aperture radius (px)') else: print("No apHeight or apRadius found in parameters") hdu.header['SCALEDAP'] = (self.param['scaleAperture'], 'Is the aperture scaled by the FWHM?') hdu.header['APSCALE'] = (self.param['apScale'], 'If scaling apertures, which scale factor?') # hdu.header[''] = ' Background Subtraction parameters ' hdu.header['BKGSUB'] = (self.param['bkgSub'], 'Do a background subtraction?') hdu.header['BKGSTART'] = (self.param['backStart'], 'Background Annulus start (px), if used') hdu.header['BKGEND'] = (self.param['backEnd'], 'Background Annulus end (px), if used') if 'backHeight' in self.param: hdu.header['BKHEIGHT'] = (self.param['backHeight'], 'Background Box Height (px)') hdu.header['BKWIDTH'] = (self.param['backWidth'], 'Background Box Width (px)') hdu.header['BKOFFSTX'] = (self.param['backOffset'][0], 'X Offset between background and source (px)') hdu.header['BKOFFSTY'] = (self.param['backOffset'][1], 'Y Offset between background and source (px)') hdu.header['BKGMETH'] = (self.param['bkgMethod'], 'Background subtraction method') if self.param['bkgMethod'] == 'colrow': hdu.header['BKGDIREC'] = (" ".join(self.param['backsub_directions']), 'The directions, in order, for polynomial background sub') hdu.header['BKGORDRX'] = (self.param['bkgOrderX'], 'X Background subtraction polynomial order') hdu.header['BKGORDRY'] = (self.param['bkgOrderY'], 'Y Background subtraction polynomial order') # hdu.header[''] = ' Centroiding Parameters ' hdu.header['BOXSZ'] = (self.param['boxFindSize'], 'half-width of the box used for centroiding') hdu.header['COPYCENT'] = (self.param['copyCentroidFile'], 'Name of the file where centroids are copied (if used)') # hdu.header[''] = ' Timing Parameters ' hdu.header['JDREF'] = (self.param['jdRef'], ' JD reference offset to subtract for plots') # hdu.header[''] = ' Image Parameters ' hdu.header['ISCUBE'] = (self.param['isCube'], 'Is the image data 3D?') hdu.header['CUBPLANE'] = (self.param['cubePlane'], 'Which plane of the cube is used?') hdu.header['DOCEN'] = (self.param['doCentering'], 'Is each aperture centered individually?') hdu.header['EXTNAMEU'] = (self.param['FITSextension'], 'FITS extension used of data') hdu.header['NANTREAT'] = (self.param['nanTreatment'], 'How are NaN pixels treated?') hdu.header['SLOPEIMG'] = (self.param['isSlope'], 'Are original images slopes, then multiplied by int time?') hdu.header['SUBPIXEL'] = (self.param['subpixelMethod'], 'Treatment of apertures at the subpixel level') hduFileNames = self.make_filename_hdu() hduTime = fits.ImageHDU(jdArr) hduTime.header['UNITS'] = ('days','JD time, UT') hduErr = fits.ImageHDU(data=errArr,header=basicHeader) = 'Phot Err' hduBack = fits.ImageHDU(data=backArr,header=basicHeader) = 'Backg Phot' hduCen = fits.ImageHDU(data=self.cenArr,header=self.cenHead) = 'Photometry' = 'Time' = 'Centroids' ## = 'Filenames' # already named by make_filename_hdu ## Get an example original header exImg, exHeader = self.get_default_im() hduOrigHeader = fits.ImageHDU(None,exHeader) = 'Orig Header' HDUList = fits.HDUList([hdu,hduErr,hduBack,hduTime,hduCen,hduFileNames,hduOrigHeader]) if self.keepFWHM == True: hduFWHM = fits.ImageHDU(self.fwhmArr,header=self.headFWHM) HDUList.append(hduFWHM) HDUList.writeto(self.photFile,overwrite=True) warnings.resetwarnings()
[docs] def plot_phot(self,offset=0.,refCorrect=False,ax=None,fig=None,showLegend=True, normReg=None,doBin=None,doNorm=True,yLim=[None,None], excludeSrc=None,errBar=None,showPlot=False): """ Plots previously calculated photometry Parameters --------------------- offset : float y displacement for overlaying time series refCorrect : bool Use reference star-corrected photometry? ax : matplotlib axis object If the axis was created separately, use the input axis object fig : matplotlib figure object If the figure was created separately, use the input axis object showLegend : bool Show a legend? normReg: list with two items or None Relative region over which to fit a baseline and re-normalize. This only works on reference-corrected photometry for now doBin : float or None The bin size if showing binned data. doNorm : bool Normalize the individual time series? yLim: List List of Y limit to show errBar : string or None Describes how error bars will be displayed. None=none, 'all'=every point,'one'=representative excludeSrc : List or None Custom sources to exclude in the averaging (to exclude specific sources in the reference time series). For example, for 5 sources, excludeSrc = [2] will use [1,3,4] for the reference showPlot: bool Show the plot? Otherwise, it saves it to a file """ HDUList = photHDU = HDUList['PHOTOMETRY'] photArr = errArr = HDUList['PHOT ERR'].data head = photHDU.header jdHDU = HDUList['TIME'] jdArr = timeHead = jdHDU.header jdRef = self.param['jdRef'] if ax == None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if refCorrect == True: yCorrected, yCorrected_err = self.refSeries(photArr,errArr,excludeSrc=excludeSrc) x = jdArr - jdRef if normReg == None: yShow = yCorrected else: fitp = (x < normReg[0]) | (x > normReg[1]) polyBase = robust_poly(x[fitp],yCorrected[fitp],2,sigreject=2) yBase = np.polyval(polyBase,x) yShow = yCorrected / yBase if errBar == 'all': ax.errorbar(x,yShow,label='data',marker='o',linestyle='',markersize=3.,yerr=yCorrected_err) else: ax.plot(x,yShow,label='data',marker='o',linestyle='',markersize=3.) madY = np.nanmedian(np.abs(yShow - np.nanmedian(yShow))) if errBar == 'one': ax.errorbar([np.median(x)],[np.median(yShow) - 4. * madY], yerr=np.median(yCorrected_err),fmt='o',mfc='none') #pdb.set_trace() if doBin is not None: minValue, maxValue = 0.95, 1.05 ## clip for cosmic rays goodP = (yShow > minValue) & (yShow < maxValue) nBin = int(np.round((np.max(x[goodP]) - np.min(x[goodP]))/doBin)) if nBin > 1: yBins = Table() for oneStatistic in ['mean','std','count']: if oneStatistic == 'std': statUse = np.std else: statUse = oneStatistic yBin, xEdges, binNum = binned_statistic(x[goodP],yShow[goodP], statistic=statUse,bins=nBin) yBins[oneStatistic] = yBin ## Standard error in the mean stdErrM = yBins['std'] / np.sqrt(yBins['count']) xbin = (xEdges[:-1] + xEdges[1:])/2. ax.errorbar(xbin,yBins['mean'],yerr=stdErrM,marker='s',markersize=3., label='binned') else: for oneSrc in range(self.nsrc): yFlux = photArr[:,oneSrc] normFlux = np.nanmedian(yFlux) yNorm = yFlux / normFlux if oneSrc == 0: pLabel = 'Src' else: pLabel = 'Ref '+str(oneSrc) if doNorm == True: yplot = yNorm - offset * oneSrc else: yplot = yFlux - offset * oneSrc ## To avoid repeat colors, switch to dashed lins if oneSrc >= 10: linestyle='dashed' else: linestyle= 'solid' if doBin is not None: xplot, yplot2, yplot_err2 = do_binning(jdArr - jdRef,yplot,nBin=doBin) else: xplot = jdArr - jdRef yplot2 = yplot yplot_err2 = errArr[:,oneSrc] / normFlux if errBar == 'all': ax.errorbar(xplot,yplot2,label=pLabel,linestyle=linestyle,yerr=yplot_err2) else: ax.plot(xplot,yplot2,label=pLabel,linestyle=linestyle) if head['SRCGEOM'] == 'Circular': ax.set_title('Src Ap='+str(head['APRADIUS'])+',Back=['+str(head['BKGSTART'])+','+ str(head['BKGEND'])+']') ax.set_xlabel('JD - '+str(jdRef)) ax.set_ylim(yLim[0],yLim[1]) if doNorm == True: ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux + Offset') else: ax.set_ylabel('Flux + Offset') #ax.set_ylim(0.94,1.06) if showLegend == True: ax.legend(loc='best',fontsize=10) if showPlot == True: else: if refCorrect == True: outName = 'tser_refcor/refcor_{}.pdf'.format(self.dataFileDescrip) outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','photometry',outName) else: outName = 'raw_tser_{}.pdf'.format(self.dataFileDescrip) outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','photometry','tser_allstar',outName) fig.savefig(outPath,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) HDUList.close()
[docs] def print_phot_statistics(self,refCorrect=True,excludeSrc=None,shorten=False, returnOnly=False,removeLinear=True, startInd=0,endInd=15): """ Print the calculated and theoretical noise as a table Parameters ---------- refCorrect: bool Use reference stars to correct target? If True, there is only one row in the table for the target. If False, there is a row for each star's absolute noise excludeSrc: list, or None A list of sources (or None) to exclude as reference stars Given by index number shorten: bool Shorten the number of points used the time series? Useful if analyzing the baseline befor transit, for example. returnOnly: bool If True, a table is returned. If False, a table is printed and another is returned removeLinear: bool Remove a linear trend from the data first? startInd: int If shorten is True, only uses a subset of the data starting with StartInd endInd: int If shorten is True, only uses a subset of the data ending with endInd """ HDUList = photHDU = HDUList['PHOTOMETRY'] photArr = head = photHDU.header timeArr = HDUList['TIME'].data errArr = HDUList['PHOT ERR'].data t = Table() if (head['NSOURCE'] == 1) & (refCorrect == True): warnings.warn('Only once source, so defaulting to refCorrect=False') refCorrect = False if shorten == True: photArr = photArr[startInd:endInd,:] errArr = errArr[startInd:endInd,:] nImg = endInd - startInd timeArr = timeArr[startInd:endInd] else: nImg = self.nImg if refCorrect == True: yCorrected, yCorrected_err = self.refSeries(photArr,errArr, excludeSrc=excludeSrc) if removeLinear == True: xNorm = (timeArr - np.min(timeArr))/(np.max(timeArr) - np.min(timeArr)) poly_fit = robust_poly(xNorm,yCorrected,1) yCorrected = yCorrected / np.polyval(poly_fit,xNorm) if shorten == True: yCorrected = yCorrected[startInd:endInd] t['Stdev (%)'] = np.round([np.nanstd(yCorrected) * 100.],4) t['Theo Err (%)'] = np.round(np.nanmedian(yCorrected_err) * 100.,4) mad = np.nanmedian(np.abs(yCorrected - np.nanmedian(yCorrected))) t['MAD (%)'] = np.round(mad * 100.,4) else: if removeLinear == True: xNorm = (timeArr - np.min(timeArr))/(np.max(timeArr) - np.min(timeArr)) for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): y1 = photArr[:,oneSrc] poly_fit = robust_poly(xNorm,y1,1) yDetrended= y1 / np.polyval(poly_fit,xNorm) photArr[:,oneSrc] = yDetrended errArr[:,oneSrc] = errArr[:,oneSrc] / np.polyval(poly_fit,xNorm) t['Source #'] = np.arange(self.nsrc) medFlux = np.nanmedian(photArr,axis=0) t['Stdev (%)'] = np.round(np.nanstd(photArr,axis=0) / medFlux * 100.,4) t['Theo Err (%)'] = np.round(np.nanmedian(errArr,axis=0) / medFlux * 100.,4) tiledFlux = np.tile(medFlux,[nImg,1]) mad = np.nanmedian(np.abs(photArr - tiledFlux),axis=0) / medFlux t['MAD (%)'] = np.round(mad * 100.,4) if returnOnly: pass else: print(t) HDUList.close() return t
def plot_state_params(self,excludeSrc=None): HDUList = photHDU = HDUList['PHOTOMETRY'] photArr = head = photHDU.header errArr = HDUList['PHOT ERR'].data jdHDU = HDUList['TIME'] jdArr = t = jdArr - np.round(np.min(jdArr)) timeHead = jdHDU.header cenData = HDUList['CENTROIDS'].data if 'FWHM' in HDUList: fwhmData = HDUList['FWHM'].data else: fwhmData = np.zeros_like(cenData) * np.nan backData = HDUList['BACKG PHOT'].data fig, axArr = plt.subplots(7,sharex=True) yCorr, yCorr_err = self.refSeries(photArr,errArr,excludeSrc=excludeSrc) axArr[0].plot(t,yCorr) axArr[0].set_ylabel('Ref Cor F') for oneSrc in range(self.nsrc): yFlux = photArr[:,oneSrc] axArr[1].plot(t,yFlux / np.median(yFlux)) axArr[1].set_ylabel('Flux') xCen = cenData[:,oneSrc,0] backFlux = backData[:,oneSrc] axArr[2].plot(t,backFlux / np.median(backFlux)) axArr[2].set_ylabel('Back') axArr[3].plot(t,xCen - np.median(xCen)) axArr[3].set_ylabel('X Pos') yCen = cenData[:,oneSrc,1] axArr[4].plot(t,yCen - np.median(yCen)) axArr[4].set_ylabel('Y Pos') fwhm1 = fwhmData[:,oneSrc,0] axArr[5].plot(t,np.abs(fwhm1)) axArr[5].set_ylabel('FWHM 1') fwhm2 = fwhmData[:,oneSrc,1] axArr[6].plot(t,np.abs(fwhm1)) axArr[6].set_ylabel('FWHM 2')
[docs] def plot_flux_vs_pos(self,refCorrect=True): """ Plot flux versus centroid to look for flat fielding effects """ HDUList = if refCorrect == True: yNorm, yErrNorm = self.refSeries(HDUList['PHOTOMETRY'].data,HDUList['PHOT ERR'].data) else: yFlux = HDUList['PHOTOMETRY'].data[:,0] yNorm = yFlux / np.median(yFlux) cenX = HDUList['CENTROIDS'].data[:,0,0] cenY = HDUList['CENTROIDS'].data[:,0,1] fig, axArr = plt.subplots(1,2,sharey=True,figsize=(9,4.5)) for ind,oneDir, coord in zip([0,1],['X','Y'],[cenX,cenY]): axArr[ind].plot(coord,yNorm,'o') axArr[ind].set_xlabel('{} (px)'.format(oneDir)) axArr[ind].set_ylabel('Norm F') #yPoly = HDUList.close()
[docs] def refSeries(self,photArr,errPhot,reNorm=False,excludeSrc=None,sigRej=5.): """ Average together the reference stars Parameters ------------- reNorm: bool Re-normalize all stars before averaging? If set all stars have equal weight. Otherwise, the stars are summed together, which weights by flux excludeSrc: arr Custom sources to use in the averaging (to exclude specific sources in the reference time series. For example, for 5 sources, excludeSrc = [2] will use [1,3,4] for the reference sigRej: int Sigma rejection threshold """ combRef = [] srcArray = np.arange(self.nsrc,dtype=int) if excludeSrc == None: maskOut = (srcArray == 0) else: maskOut = np.zeros(self.nsrc,dtype=bool) maskOut[0] = True for oneSrc in excludeSrc: if (oneSrc < 0) | (oneSrc >= self.nsrc): pdb.set_trace() raise Exception("{} is an invalid source among {}".format(oneSrc,self.nsrc)) else: maskOut[oneSrc] = True refMask2D = np.tile(maskOut,(self.nImg,1)) ## also mask points that are NaN nanPt = (np.isfinite(photArr) == False) refMask2D = refMask2D | nanPt refPhot =,mask=refMask2D) ## Normalize all time series norm1D_divisor = np.nanmedian(photArr,axis=0) norm2D_divisor = np.tile(norm1D_divisor,(self.nImg,1)) normPhot = refPhot / norm2D_divisor normErr = errPhot / norm2D_divisor ## Find outliers # Median time series medTimSeries1D = np.nanmedian(normPhot,axis=1) medTimSeries2D = np.tile(medTimSeries1D,(self.nsrc,1)).transpose() # Absolute deviation absDeviation = np.abs(normPhot - medTimSeries2D) # Median abs deviation of all reference photometry MADphot = np.nanmedian(absDeviation) # Points that deviate above threshold badP = (absDeviation > sigRej * np.ones((self.nImg,self.nsrc),dtype=np.float) * MADphot) normPhot.mask = refMask2D | badP refPhot.mask = refMask2D | badP if reNorm == True: ## Weight all stars equally combRef = np.nanmean(normPhot,axis=1) combErr = np.sqrt(np.nansum(normErr**2,axis=1)) / (self.nsrc - np.sum(maskOut)) else: ## Weight by the flux, but only for the valid points left weights =,mask=normPhot.mask) ## Make sure weights sum to 1.0 for each time point (since some sources are missing) weightSums1D = np.nansum(weights,axis=1) weightSums2D = np.tile(weightSums1D,(self.nsrc,1)).transpose() weights = weights / weightSums2D combRef = np.nansum(normPhot * weights,axis=1) combErr = np.sqrt(np.nansum((normErr * weights)**2,axis=1)) / np.nansum(weights,axis=1) yCorrected = photArr[:,0] / combRef yCorrNorm = yCorrected / np.nanmedian(yCorrected) yErrNorm = np.sqrt(normErr[:,0]**2 + (combErr/ combRef)**2) return yCorrNorm, yErrNorm
[docs] def get_tSeries(self): """ Get a simple table of the photometry after extraction Returns -------- t1: astropy.table object A table of fluxes and time t2: astropy.table object A table of flux errors and time """ HDUList = photHDU = HDUList['PHOTOMETRY'] photArr = errArr = HDUList['PHOT ERR'].data jdHDU = HDUList['TIME'] jdArr = t1, t2 = Table(), Table() t1['Time (JD)'] = jdArr t2['Time (JD)'] = jdArr for oneSrc in np.arange(self.nsrc): t1['Flux {}'.format(oneSrc)] = photArr[:,oneSrc] t2['Error {}'.format(oneSrc)] = errArr[:,oneSrc] HDUList.close() return t1, t2
[docs] def get_refSeries(self,excludeSrc=None): """ Get the reference-corrected time series Parameters ----------- excludeSrc: list or None Numbers of the reference stars to exclude Returns -------- t: numpy array time (JD - reference) yCorr: numpy array Reference-corrected time series yCorr_err: numpy array Reference-corrected time series error """ HDUList = photHDU = HDUList['PHOTOMETRY'] photArr = errArr = HDUList['PHOT ERR'].data yCorr, yCorr_err = self.refSeries(photArr,errArr,excludeSrc=excludeSrc) jdHDU = HDUList['TIME'] jdArr = t = jdArr - np.round(np.min(jdArr)) HDUList.close() return t, yCorr, yCorr_err
[docs] def interactive_refSeries(self,excludeSrc=None, refCorrect=True,srcInd=0): """ Plot a bokeh interactive plot of the photometry This lets you see which images are outliers Parameters ---------- refCorrect: bool Reference correct the time series? excludeSrc: list or None Which sources to exclude from reference series srcInd: int Which source index to plot if refCorrect is False """ if refCorrect == True: t, yCorr, yCorr_err = self.get_refSeries(excludeSrc=excludeSrc) outName = "refseries_{}.html".format(self.dataFileDescrip) else: t1, t2 = self.get_tSeries() t = t1['Time (JD)'] yCorr = t1['Flux {}'.format(srcInd)] yCorr_err = t2['Error {}'.format(srcInd)] outName = "abseries_{}.html".format(self.dataFileDescrip) outFile = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','photometry','interactive',outName) fileBaseNames = [] fileTable =,hdu='FILENAMES') indexArr = np.arange(len(fileTable)) for oneFile in fileTable['File Path']: fileBaseNames.append(os.path.basename(oneFile)) bokeh.plotting.output_file(outFile) dataDict = {'t': t,'y':yCorr,'name':fileBaseNames,'ind':indexArr} source = ColumnDataSource(data=dataDict) p = bokeh.plotting.figure() p.background_fill_color="#f5f5f5" p.grid.grid_line_color="white"'t',y='y',source=source) p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[('name', '@name'),('index','@ind')]))
[docs] def getImg(self,path): """ Load an image from a given path and extensions""" ext = self.param['FITSextension'] headExtension = self.param['HEADextension'] HDUList = data = HDUList[ext].data if self.param['isCube'] == True: img = data[self.param['cubePlane'],:,:] else: img = data if self.param['nanTreatment'] == 'zero': nanPt = (np.isfinite(img) == False) img[nanPt] = 0.0 elif self.param['nanTreatment'] == 'leave': pass elif self.param['nanTreatment'] == 'value': nanPt = (np.isfinite(img) == False) img[nanPt] = self.param['nanReplaceValue'] else: raise NotImplementedError head = HDUList[headExtension].header if self.param['isSlope'] == True: itimeKey = self.param['itimeKeyword'] if itimeKey in head: intTime = head[itimeKey] elif 'EFFINTTM' in head: intTime = head['EFFINTTM'] else: warnings.warn("Couldn't find {} in header. Trying EXPTIME".format(itimeKey)) intTime = head['EXPTIME'] ## If it's a slope image, multiply rate time intTime to get counts img = img * intTime if self.param['detectorGain'] != None: img = img * self.param['detectorGain'] HDUList.close() return img, head
[docs] def save_phot(self): """ Save a reference-corrected time series """ t = Table() HDUList = ## Grab the metadata from the header photHDU = HDUList['PHOTOMETRY'] photArr = errArr = HDUList['PHOT ERR'].data head = photHDU.header head.pop('NAXIS') head.pop('NAXIS1') head.pop('NAXIS2') head.pop('SIMPLE') head.pop('BITPIX') t.meta = head jdHDU = HDUList['TIME'] jdArr = t['Time'] = jdArr t['Y Corrected'], yCorrErr = self.refSeries(photArr,errArr) if 'PHOT ERR' in HDUList: ## Error from the photometry point hduErr = HDUList['PHOT ERR'] t['Y Corr Err'] =[:,0] / photArr[:,0] else: print("Warning, No Error recorded for {}".format(self.photFile)) ## FOr now this ignores errors in the reference stars ## To Do: add in error from reference stars t.write(self.refCorPhotFile,overwrite=True)
[docs] class batchPhot: """ Create several photometry objects and run phot over all of them """ def __init__(self,batchFile='parameters/phot_params/example_batch_phot.yaml'): self.alreadyLists = {'refStarPos': 2,'backOffset': 1,'apRange': 1,'excludeList': 1, 'backsub_directions': 1, 'skyPositions': 2} self.general_init(batchFile=batchFile) def general_init(self,batchFile='parameters/phot_params/example_batch_phot.yaml'): self.batchFile = batchFile self.batchParam = read_yaml(batchFile) ## Find keys that are lists. These are ones that are being run in batches ## However, a few keywords are already lists (like [x,y] coordinates)) # and we are looking to see if those are lists of lists ## the self.alreadyLists dictionary specifies the depth of the list ## it could be a list of a list of list self.paramLists = [] self.counts = [] for oneKey in self.batchParam.keys(): if oneKey in self.alreadyLists: depth = self.alreadyLists[oneKey] value = deepcopy(self.batchParam[oneKey]) ## Make sure the parameter is not None, so we won't be digging if value != None: ## dig as far as the depth number to check for a list for oneDepth in np.arange(depth): value = value[0] if type(value) == list: self.paramLists.append(oneKey) self.counts.append(len(self.batchParam[oneKey])) else: if type(self.batchParam[oneKey]) == list: self.paramLists.append(oneKey) self.counts.append(len(self.batchParam[oneKey])) if len(self.counts) == 0: raise Exception("No lists found to iterate over") self.NDictionaries = self.counts[0] ## Make sure there are a consistent number of parameters in each list if np.all(np.array(self.counts) == self.NDictionaries) == False: descrip1 = "Inconsistent parameter counts in {}.".format(self.batchFile) descrip2 = "Parameters {} have counts {}".format(self.paramLists,self.counts) raise Exception(descrip1+descrip2) self.paramDicts = [] for ind in np.arange(self.NDictionaries): thisDict = {} for oneKey in self.batchParam.keys(): if oneKey in self.paramLists: thisDict[oneKey] = self.batchParam[oneKey][ind] else: thisDict[oneKey] = self.batchParam[oneKey] self.paramDicts.append(thisDict) def print_all_dicts(self): print(yaml.dump(self.paramDicts,default_flow_style=False))
[docs] def make_pipe_obj(self,directParam): """ Make a photometry pipeline object that will be executed in batch """ return phot(directParam=directParam)
[docs] def batch_run(self,method,**kwargs): """ Run any method of the photometry class by name. This will cycle through all parameter lists and run the method Parameters ----------- method: str Photometry method to run in batch mode **kwargs: keywords or dict Arguments to be passed to this method Returns ------- batch_result: list or None A list of results from the photometry method. If all results are None, then batch_run returns None """ batch_result = [] for oneDict in self.paramDicts: thisPhot = self.make_pipe_obj(oneDict) print("Working on {} for batch {} {} ".format(method, thisPhot.param['srcName'], thisPhot.dataFileDescrip)) photMethod = getattr(thisPhot,method) result = photMethod(**kwargs) batch_result.append(result) if all(v is None for v in batch_result): batch_result = None return batch_result
def run_all(self,useMultiprocessing=False): self.batch_run('showStarChoices',showAps=True,srcLabel='0') self.batch_run('do_phot',useMultiprocessing=useMultiprocessing) def plot_all(self): self.batch_run('plot_phot') def test_apertures(self): self.batch_run('showStarChoices',showAps=True,srcLabel='0')
[docs] def return_phot_obj(self,ind=0): """ Return a photometry object so other methods and attributes can be explored """ return phot(directParam=self.paramDicts[ind])
[docs] def ensure_directories_are_in_place(filePath): """ Takes a name of a file and makes sure the directories are there to save the file """ dirPath = os.path.split(filePath)[0] if dirPath != "": if os.path.exists(dirPath) == False: print("Creating {} for file output".format(dirPath)) os.makedirs(dirPath)
[docs] def get_tshirt_example_data(): """ Download all example tshirt data. This is needed to run tests and the default parameter files """ baseDir = get_baseDir() data_list_file = resource_filename('tshirt','directory_info/example_data_list.txt') with open(data_list_file) as dlf: fileList = onlineDir = '' example_tshirt_dir = os.path.join(baseDir,'example_tshirt_data','example_data') for oneFile in fileList: onlinePath = onlineDir + str(oneFile) + '?raw=true' #print('Online Path: {}'.format(onlinePath)) outPath = os.path.join(example_tshirt_dir,oneFile) ensure_directories_are_in_place(outPath) if os.path.exists(outPath) == False:"Attempting to download {}".format(onlinePath)) if sys.version > '3': f = urllib.request.urlopen(onlinePath) else: f = urllib.urlopen(onlinePath) with open(outPath,'wb') as f_out: f_out.write(
[docs] class prevPhot(phot): """ Loads in previous photometry from FITS data. Inherits functions from the phot class Parameters --------------- photFile: str Directory of the photometry file """ def __init__(self,photFile='tser_data/phot/phot_kic1255_UT2016_06_12.fits'): self.photFile = photFile HDUList = photHead = HDUList[0].header self.fileL = 'origProcFiles' self.nImg = photHead['NIMG'] #xCoors, yCoors = [], [] #positions = self.param['refStarPos'] self.nsrc = photHead['NSOURCE'] #self.srcApertures = CircularAperture(positions,r=self.param['apRadius']) #self.xCoors = self.srcApertures.positions[:,0] #self.yCoors = self.srcApertures.positions[:,1] #self.bkgApertures = CircularAnnulus(positions,r_in=self.param['backStart'],r_out=self.param['backEnd']) self.srcNames = np.array(np.arange(self.nsrc),dtype=str) self.srcNames[0] = 'src' self.dataFileDescrip = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.photFile))[0] self.photHead = photHead self.param = {} keywordPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'parameters','phot_params', 'keywords_for_phot_pipeline.csv') photKeywords = for ind,oneKeyword in enumerate(photKeywords['FITS Keyword']): if oneKeyword in self.photHead: self.param[photKeywords[ind]['Parameter Name']] = self.photHead[oneKeyword] else: self.param[photKeywords[ind]['Parameter Name']] = photKeywords[ind]['Default Value'] ## Some parameters are more complicated if 'BKOFFSTX' in self.photHead and 'BKOFFSTY' in self.photHead: self.param['backOffset'] = [self.photHead['BKOFFSTX'],self.photHead['BKOFFSTY']] self.centroidFile = self.photFile positions = HDUList['CENTROIDS'].data[self.nImg // 2] self.set_up_apertures(positions) self.yCoors = self.srcApertures.positions[:,1] HDUList.close() self.refCorPhotFile = 'tser_data/refcor_phot/refcor_'+self.dataFileDescrip+'.fits'
[docs] def saveRefSeries(): """ Saves the reference-corrected time series for all nights""" fileL = glob.glob('tser_data/phot/phot_kic1255_UT????_??_??.fits') for oneFile in fileL: phot = prevPhot(photFile=oneFile) phot.save_phot()
[docs] def allTser(refCorrect=False,showBestFit=False): """ Plot all time series for KIC 1255 Parameters ----------- refCorrect: bool Do the reference correction? showBestFit: bool Show the best fit? If true, shows the best fit. If false, it shows the average Kepler light curve. This only works after the best fits have been previously calculated. """ allFits = glob.glob('tser_data/phot/phot_kic1255_UT????_??_??.fits') epochs = [2457551.8250368, 2457553.785697 , 2457581.8884932, 2457583.8491534, 2457585.8098136] periodP = 0.6535534 nNights = len(allFits) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) nY, nX = (3,2) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nY,nX,wspace=0.0,hspace=0.7) yArr, xArr = np.mgrid[0:nY,0:nX] yRavel = yArr.ravel() xRavel = xArr.ravel() kepHDUList ='tser_data/reference_dat/avg_bin_kep.fits') kepLC = kepHDUList[1].data tKepler = kepLC['BINMID'] * kepHDUList[1].header['PERIOD'] ## time in days fKepler = kepLC['YBIN'] bestFitDir = 'tser_data/best_fit_models/kic1255/' for ind, oneFits in enumerate(allFits): phot = prevPhot(photFile=oneFits) thisAx = plt.subplot(gs[ind]) normCen = epochs[ind] - phot.param['jdRef'] if showBestFit == True: ## If showing the best fit, do not detredn to illustrtate the ## baseline fit & everything normReg = None else: ## Remove the baseline normReg = [normCen - 0.04,normCen+0.04] phot.plot_phot(ax=thisAx,fig=fig,showLegend=False,refCorrect=refCorrect, normReg=normReg,doBin=20./(60. * 24)) if refCorrect == True: if showBestFit == True: ## leave enough room to show baseline fit thisAx.set_ylim(0.99,1.015) else: thisAx.set_ylim(0.99,1.01) else: thisAx.set_ylim(0.9,1.1) thisAx.set_xlim(0.65,0.99) fitsStyleTitle = phot.param['nightName'].replace('_','-') aasStyleTitle = phot.param['nightName'].replace('_',' ') aasStyleTitle = aasStyleTitle.replace('07','Jul') aasStyleTitle = aasStyleTitle.replace('06','Jun') thisAx.set_title(aasStyleTitle) ## Hide the y labels for stars not on the left. Also shorten title if xRavel[ind] == 0: thisAx.set_ylabel('Norm Fl') else: thisAx.yaxis.set_visible(False) ## Show transits for reference corrected photometry if refCorrect == True: thisAx.axvline(x=epochs[ind] - phot.param['jdRef'],linewidth=2,color='red',alpha=0.5) if showBestFit == True: dat ='{}kic1255_best_fit_{}.csv'.format(bestFitDir,phot.param['nightName'])) xReference = dat['Phase'] * periodP + epochs[ind] - phot.param['jdRef'] yReference = dat['Best Fit Y'] referenceName = 'Best Fit' else: ## Over-plot Kepler Avg SC Light curves xReference = tKepler + epochs[ind] - phot.param['jdRef'] yReference = fKepler referenceName = 'Kepler SC Avg' thisAx.plot(xReference,yReference,color='green',linewidth=2, alpha=0.5,label=referenceName) ## Show a legend with the last one if ind == len(allFits) - 1: thisAx.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.,ncol=2) if refCorrect == True: outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','photometry','tser_refcor','all_kic1255.pdf') else: outPath = os.path.join(self.baseDir,'plots','photometry','tser_allstar','all_kic1255.pdf') fig.savefig(outPath)
[docs] def ensure_coordinates_are_within_bounds(xCoord,yCoord,img): """ Check if x and y coordinates are inside an image If they are are, spit them back. Otherwise, give the coordinates at the closest x/y edge Parameters ---------- """ assert len(img.shape) == 2, "Should have a 2D image" xmin, ymin = 0, 0 xmax = img.shape[1] - 1 ymax = img.shape[0] - 1 out_x = np.minimum(np.maximum(xCoord,0),xmax) out_y = np.minimum(np.maximum(yCoord,0),ymax) return out_x,out_y
[docs] def do_binning(x,y,nBin=20,yerr=None,returnXwidth=False): """ A function that uses scipy binned_statistic to bin data It also calculates the standard error in each bin, which can be used as an error estimate Parameters -------------- x: numpy array Independent variable for use in assigning data to bins y: numpy array Dependent variable to be binned yerr: numpy array (optional) The error on the y points nBin: int or numpy array The number of bins or else the bin array returnXwidth: bool Return the X widths? Returns ------------- 3 item tuple: xBin, yBin, yStd xBin: numpy array Middles of the bins yBin: numpy array mean value in bin yStd: numpy array If yerr supplied,standard error of each bin If yerr not supplied, the standard deviation of each bin xWidth: numpy array The x widths? If returnXwidth is True """ yBins = Table() for oneStatistic in ['mean','std','count']: yBin, xEdges, binNum = binned_statistic(x,y, statistic=oneStatistic,bins=nBin) yBins[oneStatistic] = yBin if yerr is not None: weights = 1./yerr**2 wSum, xEdges, binNum = binned_statistic(x,weights * y, statistic='sum',bins=nBin) sumW, xEdges, binNum = binned_statistic(x,weights, statistic='sum',bins=nBin) yWAvg = wSum/sumW yWAvg_err = 1./np.sqrt(sumW) xShow = (xEdges[:-1] + xEdges[1:])/2. xWidth = xEdges[1:] - xEdges[:-1] if yerr is None: stdErrM = yBins['std'] / np.sqrt(yBins['count']) ## Standard error in the mean yErrShow = stdErrM yShow = yBins['mean'] else: yShow = yWAvg yErrShow = yWAvg_err if returnXwidth == True: return xShow, yShow, yErrShow, xWidth else: return xShow, yShow, yErrShow
[docs] def allan_variance(x,y,yerr=None,removeLinear=False,yLim=[None,None], binMin=50,binMax=2000,customShortName=None, logPlot=True,clip=False,xUnit='min', yUnit='ppm',showPlot=False,custTitle=None, nBinSequence=20,sequenceLabels=None, skipLegend=False): """ Make an Allan Variance plot for a time series to see if it bins as sqrt(N) statistics Parameters ------------ x: numpy array Independent variable y: numpy array or list of numpy arrays. Dependent variable like flux. If y is a list, loop through the y for comparison (optional keywords) yerr: numpy array or list of numpy arrays Theoretical error customShortName: str Name for file yLim: 2 element list Specify custom Y values for the plot binMin: int Bin size for the smallest # of bins binMax: int Bin size for the largest # of bins nBinSequence: int Number of bins to cycle through in sequence removeLinear: bool Remove a linear trend from the time series first? clip: bool Clip the first few points? xUnit: str Name of units for X axis of input series yUnit: str Name of units for Y axis to be binned custTitle: str or None Custom title name. If None, will generate one automatically showPlot: bool Render the plot with matplotlib? If False, it is saved instead. sequenceLabels: list of strings If y is a list of different data sets, they can be labeled with sequenceLabels skipLegend: bool Skip the Legend? """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,4)) if type(y) == list: n_data = len(y) if type(yerr) == list: assert n_data == len(yerr) if type(x) == list: assert n_data == len(x) if sequenceLabels is not None: assert n_data == len(sequenceLabels) else: n_data = 1 for data_index in range(n_data): if type(x) == list: x_use = deepcopy(x[data_index]) else: x_use = deepcopy(x) if type(y) == list: y_use = deepcopy(y[data_index]) else: y_use = deepcopy(y) if type(yerr) == list: yerr_use = deepcopy(yerr[data_index]) else: yerr_use = deepcopy(yerr) if clip == True: x_use = x_use[2:] y_use = y_use[2:] if yerr is not None: yerr_use = yerr_use[2:] print("clipping to {} points".format(len(x_use))) if removeLinear == True: yPoly = robust_poly(x_use,y_use,1) ymod = np.polyval(yPoly,x_use) y_use = y_use / ymod if yUnit == 'ppm': y_use = y_use * 1e6 if yerr is not None: yerr_use = yerr_use * 1e6 nPt = len(y_use) maxAllowedBinNumber = len(x_use) // 2 if (binMax > maxAllowedBinNumber): warnings.warn("Maximum number of bins is greater than the number of points. Setting binMax to {}".format(maxAllowedBinNumber)) binMax = maxAllowedBinNumber logBinNums = np.linspace(np.log10(binMin),np.log10(binMax),nBinSequence) binNums = np.array(10**logBinNums,dtype=int) binSizes, stds, theoNoise, wNoise = [], [], [], [] if yerr_use is not None: theoNoiseNoBin = np.median(yerr_use) else: theoNoiseNoBin = np.nan cadence = np.median(np.diff(x_use)) whiteNoiseStart = np.std(y_use) for oneBin in binNums: xBin,yBin,yBinErr = do_binning(x_use,y_use,nBin=oneBin) binSize = np.median(np.diff(xBin)) nAvg = binSize/cadence stds.append(np.std(yBin)) binSizes.append(binSize) theoNoise.append(theoNoiseNoBin / np.sqrt(nAvg)) wNoise.append(whiteNoiseStart / np.sqrt(nAvg)) ## do the unbinned Allan variance stds.append(whiteNoiseStart) binSizes.append(cadence) theoNoise.append(theoNoiseNoBin) wNoise.append(whiteNoiseStart) ## only Use finite values (ignore NaNs where binning isn't possible) usePts = np.isfinite(stds) #pdb.set_trace() if sequenceLabels is None: extraInfo = "" else: extraInfo = " {}".format(sequenceLabels[data_index]) measuredLabel = 'Measured{}'.format(extraInfo) if logPlot == True: ax.loglog(np.array(binSizes)[usePts],np.array(stds)[usePts], label=measuredLabel) else: ax.semilogx(np.array(binSizes)[usePts],np.array(stds)[usePts], label='Measured') if np.sum(np.isfinite(theoNoise)) >= 1: ax.plot(binSizes,theoNoise,label='Read + Photon Noise{}'.format(extraInfo)) ax.plot(binSizes,wNoise,label='White noise scaling{}'.format(extraInfo)) ax.set_xlabel('Bin Size ({})'.format(xUnit)) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma$ ({})'.format(yUnit)) ax.set_ylim(yLim) if skipLegend == True: pass else: ax.legend() if custTitle is None: thisTitle = "Allan Variance (Linear De-trend = {})".format(removeLinear) else: thisTitle = custTitle ax.set_title(thisTitle) outName = 'all_var_{}_removelinear_{}.pdf'.format(customShortName,removeLinear) baseDir = get_baseDir() outPath = os.path.join(baseDir,'plots','allan_variance',outName) if showPlot == True: else: fig.savefig(outPath, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig)
[docs] def exists_and_equal(dict1,key1,val1): """ Simple test to see if """ if key1 in dict1: if dict1[key1] == val1: return True else: return False else: return False
def test_centroiding(useMultiprocessing=True): photObj = phot() photObj.fileL = photObj.fileL[0:30]; photObj.nImg = 30; photObj.param['doCentering'] = True photObj.get_allimg_cen(recenter=True,useMultiprocessing=useMultiprocessing)
[docs] def seeing_summary(): """ Makes a summary of the seeing for a given night """ cenList = glob.glob('centroids/*.fits') fileArr,medFWHMArr = [], [] for oneFile in cenList: HDUList = if 'FWHM' in HDUList: fwhmData = np.abs(HDUList['FWHM'].data) low, med, high = np.nanpercentile(fwhmData,[0.32,0.5, 0.68]) baseName = os.path.basename(oneFile) print("{}: {} {} {}".format(baseName,low,med,high)) fileArr.append(baseName) medFWHMArr.append(med) HDUList.close() t = Table() t['File'] = fileArr t['FWHM'] = medFWHMArr return t