import numpy as np
import pdb
import warnings
def ts_wavecal(pixels,tserSim=False,
Simple analytic wavelength calibration for NIRCam grism time series
disp = -0.0010035 ## microns per pixel (toward positive X in raw detector pixels, used in pynrc)
undevWav = 4.0 ## undeviated wavelength
if obsFilter == 'F444W':
undevPx = 1096
elif obsFilter == 'F322W2':
undevPx = 467
raise Exception("Filter {} not available".format(obsFilter))
if tserSim == True:
## fudge factor for wavelength calibration in time series simulation at the shorter wavelengths
## the simulation is slightly off from expectations. In reality we'll want to use wavecal source anyway
undevPx = undevPx + 2.
if grism != 'GRISM0':
raise Exception("Grism {} not available".format(grism))
wavelengths = (pixels - undevPx) * disp + undevWav
return wavelengths
def ts_wavecal_quick_nonlin(pixels,obsFilter='F322W2'):
Simple inefficient polynomial
if obsFilter == 'F322W2':
x = pixels
wavelengths = 2.39610143 + 9.5273e-4 * x + 1.5e-8 * x**2 + -2.89e-12 * x**3
raise Exception("Filter {} not available".format(obsFilter))
return wavelengths
def flight_poly_grismr_nc(pixels,obsFilter='F322W2',detectorPixels=False):
Flight polynomials for NIRCam GRISMR grism time series
obsFilter: str
NIRCam Observation filter: F322W2 or F444W
detectorPixels: bool
Are the pixels in detector pixels from raw fitswriter output?
This should be False for the MAST products in DMS format
if detectorPixels == True:
x = 2048 - pixels - 1
x = pixels
if obsFilter == 'F322W2':
x0 = 1571.
coeff = np.array([ 3.92693691e+00, 9.81165339e-01, 1.66653554e-03, -2.87412352e-03])
xprime = (x - x0)/1000.
elif obsFilter == 'F444W':
## need to update once we know where the new F444W position lands
x0 = 945
xprime = (x - x0)/1000.
coeff = np.array([3.928041104137344 + 0.091033325, 0.979649332832983])
raise Exception("Filter {} not available".format(obsFilter))
poly = np.polynomial.Polynomial(coeff)
return poly(xprime)
def ts_grismc_sim(pixels):
Simple analytic wavelength calibration for Simulated GRISMC data
disp = 0.0010035 ## microns per pixel (toward positive X in raw detector pixels, used in pynrc)
undevWav = 4.0 ## undeviated wavelength
undevPx = 1638.33
wavelengths = (pixels - undevPx) * disp + undevWav
return wavelengths
def quick_nirspec_prism(pixels):
Simple Polynomial fit to the NIRSpec prism
Uses the jwst pipeline evaluated at Y=16 on 2022-07-15
coeff = np.array([ 3.60978606, 2.78951832, -0.68016157, -0.5927275 ,
-4.37635904, 11.12545761, 10.26701809, -30.14512184,
-7.17013382, 29.26314013, 1.44422269, -9.83708912])
domain = np.array([ 13., 511.])
poly_fun = np.polynomial.Polynomial(coeff,domain=domain)
return poly_fun(pixels)
def nirspec_grating(pixels,head):
if (head['GRATING'] == 'G395H') & (head['DETECTOR'] == 'NRS1'):
coeff = np.array([ 3.02973244e+00, 6.94058590e-01, -2.16013049e-03,
domain = np.array([ 0., 2047.])
elif (head['GRATING'] == 'G395H') & (head['DETECTOR'] == 'NRS2'):
coeff = np.array([ 4.50367630e+00, 6.79386101e-01, -4.68405584e-03,
domain = np.array([ 0., 2047.])
elif (head['GRATING'] == 'G395M') & (head['DETECTOR'] == 'NRS1'):
coeff = np.array([ 3.34261555e+00, 1.84168959e+00, -7.24341224e-04,
domain = np.array([ 0., 2047.])
raise NotImplementedError
poly_fun = np.polynomial.Polynomial(coeff,domain=domain)
return poly_fun(pixels)
def miri_lrs(pixels):
Polynomial fit to transformed Y coordinate
## See this file
I ran wcs_step = assign_wcs.AssignWcsStep()
Then calculated wavelengths with:
xcor,ycor,wavearr = wcs_res.meta.wcs(37 * np.ones(NY),y_array)
input_arr = np.array(pixels)
good_pt = input_arr <= 394.
y_transform = np.array((394. - input_arr[good_pt])**0.5)
coeff = np.array([-4.33398729e-08, 2.68709385e-06, -4.92122230e-05, -2.30504962e-04,
1.67742638e-02, 3.77253454e-01, 3.80071027e+00])
poly_fun = np.polyval(coeff,y_transform)
output_arr = np.zeros(input_arr.size) * np.nan
output_arr[good_pt] = poly_fun
if (input_arr.ndim == 0):
output_arr = output_arr[0]
return output_arr